0 Post – 378 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You already announced you use Arch... So you're doing good

They did a great job replacing a highly marketable icon with character, with something that feels like cliche 80's dial-up geocities days that doesn't make sense at all, given the terminology of everything...

In other news, you need to log in to use twitter now? lol. Wow, genius

Honestly, the only thing keeping X relevant, is news articles at this time.

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We're literally watching a civil war / military takeover in realtime getting set.

The plan is to make it a week from today, so he can't be jailed before then for violating his court duties without Republican's claiming it's proof Biden is using the court system to silence him.

Then after he announces rubbish on Monday, he'll instead claim he's being silenced for revealing "the truth".

The only move that can be taken to counter this would be to move to trial sooner / almost immediately or for the normal republican's to make a signed letter acknowledging that trump is a psychopath

I'm an Aussie, but I wish you guys all the best dealing with this dictator-wannabee (and ya'll welcome here in Australia to counter the growing nonsense we're seeing Trump spread here too).

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Question is, given the way spaz acts.. Is anyone legitimately surprised? I feel like Ellen Pao would have been good to work with though

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It takes true talent to make Zuckerberg look like a saint.

Calling the cave diver a pedo wasn't cringe enough, he seems to be trying hard to legit impress his high school mates.

Even as a bloke, this is embarrassing, and I hope woman don't use Musk as an example which represents the rest of us. We want him to shut up too

Lemmy has gotten to the point everything is getting classed as enshittification or whatever

It's actually getting crappy being here

Like the whole section about macos. Apple constantly screws developers, and somehow, the author has seemed to blame Valve lol. There's a lot of reason lots of people don't develop for Mac, and they're mostly valid rather than political

Or GitHub. In the real world, developers don't have any issues. Only in Lemmy, where people are even focusing on stupid things, so a barely visible unobtrusive sentence on a table mentions copilot lol

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I feel like a few of the worst Reddit people are starting to migrate to lemmy slowly

I've also noticed a minor trend away from fact based, to popularism

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Here in Australia, you can literally file your tax now for free in a few clicks using the government website. If you wait a few weeks, everything for most people is prefilled except deductions

It's absolutely awesome

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Im starting to notice a pattern of stuff you're posting.

I literally just replied back to one of your posts which was a pro gun advert pretending to be feel good news

Are all of your posts going to be pro GOP posts masquerading as something else

Let's talk about how Trump is the primary nominee, and he raped a woman and threatens everyone.

There's literally no reason that Biden can't be a good leader. He's demonstrated it over the past few years. And it's normal for the current president to be given a second shot.

Fairly sure It's not normal for a president who lost his second term votes to try a 3rd time

The only real objection most people could arguably make for Biden is regarding Israel

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Every time I hear someone say AI, I know for sure they have no idea what they're talking about and are about to grift people

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The only policy anyone will remember Trump has, is that he's racist.

He made sure everyone knew that and kept emphasizing it. And it was the only one that wasn't made up on the spot. He seemed to have lots of ways to blame foreigners for everything

And he wanted everyone to know he's better at golf. That I believe, considering he spent his 4 years in office playing it (the only thing he seemingly did was steal some paperwork and blame others).

Also, why didn't CNN bring up stuff like the fact Trump told people to shove a lightbulb up their ass to cure covid? Or follow up on the lies. They should have had a ticker at the bottom with a fact check

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As an Aussie, I'd never go there..I don't want to get shot and then someone claim they were standing their ground or whatever. As I have no problem with foreigners, lgbt people and I hate guns, why would I go?

As far as we know, it feels like I'd be stepping into kkk/nazi territory. I can go Europe instead where people are super chill

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At this time, many businesses are indeed probably replacing their twitter logo, with either Mastodon, threads, or nothing as a replacement

Can we simply stop talking about Twitter? At this time, we're just drawing traffic to articles about it, encouraging more free advertising for Twitter to be made

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Yeah. No shit. He's been suggesting for a while he wants a permanent term

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I hope you need a 500mb driver to use it too with an installer that pops up every reboot, even if you press cancel.

Otherwise, it's clear that it fails at being a mouse

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Rather than admit his crappy submarine wouldn't work after an expert diver told him, he called them a pedophile.

You'd be insane to listen to a guy who publicly refuses to listen to advice

Egh, looks like the facebook crowd has come to Lemmy.

Wrong tires.. It's that simple..

I hate Elon as much as the rest of us, but this reads like it's written by the Anti-EV crowd. All it needs is an ad for a Dodge RAM at the bottom.. And, I don't particularly find the cybertruck (or any large truck), appealing at all tbh

I can put the wrong tires on my jeep too, and skid off the road when its wet.. Not everywhere needs snow tyres (here in Australia, they would be useless), and I'd be guessing they're less efficient too?

Also, I'm not really sure how it works with deep snow (since I'm here in Australia), but wouldn't snowchains help as an alternative? Or can you not use them on EV's?.. Or do they not work with deep snow?

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It's scary how he isn't even subtle about it either. Even less subtle than his previous plans to overthrow the government (and I'm in Australia, and it wasn't even subtle with the limited US political media here)

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Exactly this. All the f*** spez comments and complaints still generate discussions. Same as John Oliver photos. It needs to be meaningless noise

That being said, last I looked, the quality of discussions is now totally downhill there and as you mentioned, a lot of us have moved (and it seems to be mainly people you'd want to move too).

I'm happy that the psychopath crowd on Reddit didn't join us during the move

Here in Australia, honestly, it's disappointing that we're still treating refugees as criminals and turning them back. Who cares if people visit the country. It shouldn't be too much work to identify them

I'd have to disagree with that. It wasn't perfect and there were issues for many people at the beginning, but it united everything properly.

Before then (in xmms days), don't forget that audio in apps constantly didn't work, and the sound servers often conflicted. It was far from a seamless experience.

But, pipewire I agree doesn't seem to have any downsides and finally fixes from what I felt was the last major issue (low latency)

Your governer (combined with Trump) is already following many of the tactics the Nazi's used (banning books, using dangerous language like "woke", etc).. This time though, its not against the Jews, it's against Trans people. Our government warns against it: and I literally watched on Sky news, as Trump was setting things up for violence (it was SO obvious to anyone months in advance, and I literally worked it out within 5 mins of watching Sky news where it was headed.. I am not a smart guy...)

And a lot of this nonsense is spilling over to Australia.

I have no interest in going somewhere like that.. I can go elsewhere in the US, or Europe. I've got a trans friend and plenty of gay friends (but I'm totally straight myself). I probably have even more I'm not even aware of. Desantis isn't getting a dollar from me.

What benefits does Florida have over other places? Why would I visit? I can go elsewhere without the bigotry, people carrying guns everywhere, etc.

It's true not everyone in Florida is racist, but, if I'm on holiday, why go somewhere I'm dealing with all of that? Why go somewhere where school kids get shot? Why not go somewhere more positive

In fact ironically, I didn't think much of Disney, until they fought back against Desantis. Now I'm happy they exist..

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I used to sell apple gear at a reseller. They literally used to send messages to our customers for applecare.

The difference is that Apple simply uses the data for it's own benefit and competes against everyone (including people developing for their system)

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I disagree with a lot of coverage. Public talking is hard and everyone has had a brainfart before.

Trump wanted everyone to know he was racist.. It was his only clear policy

If you listen to the actual words, Biden had answers. He might not have been as vocal (which could have been fixed with a mic adjustment).

But it's easy to win a debate if you constantly lie. You can't get onto the offensive, because Trump has the advantage that he can make up bullshit, and claim bullshit. He doesn't even need to think about policies.

It's like arguing on Facebook. Talking on behalf of everyone and claiming that "nobody agrees" can only be disputed with facts.

As others have said, the format was an issue that benefits Trump. CNN should have fact checked on the spot

Why is anyone still using Spotify?

They have money to pay Joe Rogan an absolutely obscene amount of money which could have made hundreds of artists life awesome apparently (which feels more like a bribe). So it is clear, they have the cash to pay others too. They just choose not to

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At the point if time, we're just generating free traffic for him by continuously reminding they exist.

Just let Twitter die.

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Yes Please. Twitter is dead, and we're just reminding people to go take a look at it constantly. Just let the internet forget about him.

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Not only the US.. Internationally, the bigotry and BS is spilling over. Here in Australia, we're still highly divided because of absolute BS like his COVID nonsense. I'm coming across people talking about "wokeness" even here in Australia now (wankers of course).

This needs to end..

In fact, the fact he stepped into a public meeting the day after he lost the case against Jean Carroll and basically called her a slut (apparently after not knowing who she was), after not attending the trial, should be more than enough evidence that he's a bad person. In fact a few youtubers even called him out prematurely that he'd claim the judge was corrupt and blocked him from attending the trial, etc (and he did exactly that, which is why the Judge had obviously offered to give him a short delay to attend).

And I literally saw 5 mins of Fox news months before the insurrection, and it was obvious to me when he started saying the election is rigged that he was already setting things up to overthrow it.

To be clear, I'm a straight white male. So absolutely nobody could claim I'm sexist against him. He's just a manipulative S.O.B. He should go to prison, and take the rest of his toxic alpha wannabees with him. I'm so sick of them causing problems even here

That's the thing

If he has total immunity, doesn't it mean he can just sign into law to remove the dodgy Trump justices?

The really sad part is that people on the fox news youtube are calling this a win for America.

Their rights are being eroded, and they're still brown nosing the guy.

In what possible scenario could the sex of the driver matter on a drivers license anyway? Do the driving rules suddenly change based on gender?

These guys are clearly dealing with all the important problems

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At least with Steve I get the general impression he genuinely cares about people and what he does. He also seems like a genuinely nice person

Whereas for Linus, it has felt for a while that he is basically just a business person who does this because it's profitable (I think he used to care though).

If this is real, this is actually a good idea. Even things like multi monitor management work a lot better on KDE imho

Can we stop posting about every crap decision X makes? We're just generating free publicity for it at the moment

It died months ago, and at this point, news outlets are the ones keeping it relevant.

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Unfortunately, Trumpers will claim this is political prosecution or whatever though, or as per normal, find some made-up reason why the opposing side should have been disqualified (which will silently be forgotten as they find a new one).

I'm not in the US, but we also have a lot of dodgy rich people who need to get busted here in Australia too, so it needs to be normalised. I used to do installs in high end homes, and there are a lot of rich people who everyone in the industry recognises as dodgy, but simply haven't been prosecuted.

Unrelated, all of their anti-trans BS and such is spilling over here in Australia, so we REALLY need to stop normalizing nonsense like that. It's crazy how the US Republican party has managed to revitalize the anti-vax movement (leading to lots of deaths) and bigotry again.

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A lot of these points seem a bit wrong, and are simply talking points

  • Viruses.. Windows has UAC, its the same as Sudo. In fact, Xorg has some serious unfixable security issues apparently (Wayland fixes them). Malware like is the future.. Most users get malware because they install it..
  • Safer files? Tell that to the BTRFS RAID guys.. MacOS actually handles this the best these days imho due to time machine (which does incremental backups). A lot of Linux Distro's don't even ship with an easy to use backup system, or anything as nice as Time Machine. Microsoft is literally at the point it is auto-recovering the OS when a fault happens.
  • Fast and smooth? Apple beat Linux and Microsoft with accelerated desktop stuff by ages. Also, on my NUC 11 Enthusiast, I couldn't even get the ARC working.. Accellerated video is still somewhat iffy in some scenarios on Linux it seems.
  • Flexability? Yeah.. Too much flexibility. We've got so many distro's which are basically just copies of other ones. And I'm still looking for an easy, low risk alternative to Magnet in MacOS (which kills PowerToys FancyZones or the KDE Tiling stuff)

That being said, if there was GOOD android integration baked in, and Android App store baked in, it would actually make a huge difference I think. Because thats the competition..

Waydroid still has some major issues unfortunately.

This would bring in lots of high quality apps (including ones missing like Whatsapp or Messenger), and ultimately do what Steam for Linux did for Linux Gaming.

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I've noticed some of lemmy in general is turning super toxic. At the beginning it was so positive, but it now feels like the wrong people have been attracted in some servers

Not sure which servers, but the reality is, if something isn't done, there is no point of me being here (it literally feels like the fatpeoplehate/thedonald crowd has started moving here)

In fact, the positive environment was one reason I donated to beeshaw originally. We need more places like this. Everyone does

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No really?

Some of our customers were boasting how awesome AI is a year or so ago.

Turns out, the only thing it's changed is writing error handling for errors it's introducing

Thank god

Meidastouch made a few arguments why it would have been stupid if he was immune a while back

I'm not even American, but looking forward to him going to prison because all of his nonsense is spilling over here too