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Doubtful that the military would actually do that. Trump while President was reportedly annoyed at basically being told 'no' that General Kelly said that:

The President’s loud complaint to [then-White House chief of staff] John Kelly one day was typical: “You [f------] generals, why can’t you be like the German generals?”

“Which generals?” Kelly asked.

“The German generals in World War II,” Trump responded.

“You do know that they tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off?” Kelly said.

But, of course, Trump did not know that. “No, no, no, they were totally loyal to him,” the President replied.

The President may be Commander-in-Chief but the oath is to the Constitution. Obeying the President and officers are also a part of the oath but with the caveat that it is according to the regulations and UCMJ. You not only don't have to but you're taught to explicitly not follow an illegal order in the US military.

Not that US military members have given illegal orders that were followed but it is a little different to basically order the military to essentially start enforcing essentially a government coup for a politician against the US' own citizens.

Maybe...Congress has impeached one Supreme Court Justice in history, Constitution Article 2, Section 4..

The Article itself stays within the scope of the Executive Branch but the Section itself just says:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Likely, if Congress tried, it would be argued that the scope is only the Executive Branch.

Article 3's scope is the Judicial branch but says in Section 1:

The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.

However, Samuel Chase who was appointed as a Supreme Court Justice by George Washington and confirmed by the Senate was impeached by Congress in 1804, and other federal judges (some having life-time appointments apparently) were dissolved.

Samuel Chase ultimately was acquitted by the Senate in 1805 however.

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Congress impeaches, so Congress would decide. In the case of Justice Chase, he also argued against being able to be impeached but was anyway.

On the one hand LA county has a massive crime issue and the masks aren't helping. On the other hand, even without masks they still had a crime problem anyway because LASD (almost $4bn budget) sucks at their jobs and there isn't a lot of support of the current Sherrif from deputies that has been trying to fix them. LAPD ($2bn budget) basically only takes care of the main part of LA city proper itself.

Where I live break-in response times are around 4 hours and anything under that is measured in days, if they show up at all.

That's for RustDesk Pro not RustDesk OSS.

We also have statements from the IDF that this actually happened. It's in the linked article. In the first sentence.

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I just wanted to say that Palestinians and their Canaanite ancestors are Semites as well. So, if we take the phrase antisemitic literally, then the current Israeli government is also antisemitic.

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It is also DRM free on Steam. You can copy the rimworld folder to a PC that's never had Steam on it and play it as an example.

You can also do that to sort of save a snapshot in time of Rimworld when they are releasing a new version that will likely break mods for a long time/sometimes forever.

For those that don't know, they are going to release something called FreeLlama which might be FOSS (no public info as to what the license actually will be).

Winamp says that they still want to control 'what features' go into winamp and it'll remain proprietary. I assume they really just want people to contribute interesting things to FreeLlama and then put the contribution into Winamp.

The license probably won't be FOSS because they probably aren't going to want anyone contributing to own copyright to the code that they are committing.

It is odd because FOSS contributors aren't really known for being OK with this sort of thing in the past, so I doubt they're going to get much out of it. Maybe it's a Hail Mary and they'll end up blaming people for not freely giving up their devtime and creativity to a company that wants to make money on it.

PlayOnLinux? When was this, 15 years ago?

Probably going to Joe Rogan's "over $200" million deal with Spotify instead.

It really depends on what model you want to run and how much training is bundled with it. You can pretty much run any model if you have enough disk space but of course GPU + VRAM is preferred for a ChatGPT like fast response. Otherwise, running on an older CPU and RAM is going to be noticeably slower, especially with complex models with a lot of training data to trawl through.

There are some pretty lite models out there but the responses will be more barebones and probably seem 'less informed'.

Give GPT4All a try for your first time. It makes install, configuration and usage point-and-click while being fairly straight forward. For the presented/featured models, it presents a small summary and VRAM recommended, though there are many, many other models available from inside the UI.

You set up Fedora desktop distros with a GUI installer.

On the flip side, you don't have people spending close to a decade in prison awaiting trial, where the prosecution is hoping they are so tired of it, they will offer a crappy plea deal for time served, even if they have no case.

It’s also difficult for developers to publish to Linux because of the wide variety of different Linux systems.

I disagree there. The issue is that in Windows people bring over their own version of libraries they compiled on (the millions of .dll files) and you can even look in your Uninstall Apps settings where there's a bunch of MS specific runtime bundles to see that's even an issue in the MS ecosystem.

In Linux, developers have relied on the library versions just being there. It is, I'd argue, the most compelling reason package managers basically had to come into existence. On the flip-side this can cause issues where there is some version on the system by the package manager that replaces another version. And something not a part of that package management system isn't a part of those dependency checks and if they don't put the libraries with the binaries...well it is just luck if you have them all or if other versions can support those library calls in the same way still.

In Linux that is all those .so's in /var/lib and stuff.

You don't really see many proprietary things using package managers and those that do are packaged by someone else and are in some sort of repo that isn't part of the vanilla install because of legal caution.

Companies that made their money on porting games to Linux prior to Proton basically causing them to shutter Linux porting would put their .so's in with the game bundle themselves, just like you see happening in Windows when .dll's are inside the actual program's folders.

However, the more that this sort of dependency management has become abstracted by development suites that take care of this for the developers, the less they understand about it.

Flatpaks actually take care of this and it is one reason they are so popular. They figure out (well that's a simplification) those library dependencies, sandbox the apps with those dependencies so the library paths don't interfere with other flatpaks or the base system itself. People complain about this as a con because "the download is BIGGER" even though flatpak doesn't install the same runtimes over and over again, so once they are there, the download may still be bigger but the installed storage isn't.

Anyway, yes Linus Torvalds complained about the "Linux fragmentation" issue but it was about DE's not the state of the development ecosystem itself as I recall, though the rant is very old, so maybe I don't remember all of it.

Wider application support would be a start.

Sure, but that's not a Linux problem, that's a developer problem. Linux supports application development just fine. It is a kernel and the surrounding ecosystem is the operating system after all. It is developers that don't support it. That isn't really something Linux in and of itself can effectively solve. Users have to increase and developers supporting applications for Linux will also increase. The classic Linux Chicken and the Egg problem but it is capitalism and that's just going to be how it has to work.

You'd better hope that you can NAT ipv6 because if you aren't behind a CGNAT and then your LAN is completely exposed without a NAT you're very likely going to have devices exploited.

NATs on people's boundary has been doing pretty much all of the heavy lifting for everyone's security at home.

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If she knew what "banana republic" meant, she'd know how stupid she sounds.

She's basically a parrot that got voted into Congress.

Ironically, those that proudly fly a traitor's flag due to their proud heritage generally also think of themselves as patriots. Just like, ironically, those that fly the Gasden flag tend to be bootlickers and also tend to be the same people.

NC is so weird. Many whites there will tell you other than 'reverse racism' that racism doesn't really exist anymore all while being explicitly racist in the next sentence.

Not that I'm defending it but the data and the model itself on Recall stays all local and encrypted, according to Microsoft. It also says it won't use it for ad targeting or will sell the data. Of course, the caveat is that is what they are saying right now and may not be saying in the future. We've obviously seen strategies where gradually things move down the spectrum as it continuously normalizes.

With MS we've seen the "Start" menu advertise Candy Crush forever and then "recommended apps" and it isn't a far step to show "sponsored recommended apps" and then just "sponsored content" as things continue to become more normal for everyone, especially if its for the "Home" version or whatever. People will just argue to pay whatever for a Pro license.

Going to full blown ads now though? It'll piss the consumer off. Do it gradually over a decade? There will be some rumblings, sure, but it probably won't matter. By then they might be able to give you a "free" cloud VDI (with lots ads from the OS) with less ads and CPU/GPU power based on subscription tiers and you just need to buy a cheap $30 thin client and everyone will just be OK with that.

Because, as I said:

layer 7 firewalls for the network which are going to be where most the majority of attacks are concentrated.

The NAT doesn't have to operate at layer 7 to be effective for this because

coincidentally it is doing the heavy lifting for home network security because it is dropping packets from connections originating from outside the network, barring of course, forwarded ports and DMZ hosts because the router has no idea where to route them.

The point is that the SPI firewalls are not protecting against the majority of the attacks we've seen for decades now from botnets and other arbitrary sources of attacks, except, perhaps targeted DDoSing which isn't the big problems for most home networks. They must worry about having their OS' and software exploited and owned in the background, which doesn't get much of an assist from a router's firewall.

Obviously, this is however true for the NAT since the NAT are going to drop connections originating from outside the network attempting to communicate with that software to exploit it

barring of course, forwarded ports and DMZ hosts because the router has no idea where to route them.

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So, really, you were "correcting" me for you and your specific setup at the very beginning because your router's firewall has a deny rule for all inbound connections because I must have been confusing what a NAT and what a firewall is because I must have been talking about your specific configuration on your specific devices.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

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Are you saying that everyone's router's firewall drops all packets from connections that originate from outside of their network?

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Having a NAT on a consumer router is indeed the norm. I don't even see how you could say it is not.

I never said NAT = security. As a matter of fact, I even said

It was not designed for security but coincidentally blah blah

But hey, strawmanning didn't stop your original comment to me either, so why stop there?

Let me tell you: All. Modern. Routers. include a stateful firewall.

I never even implied the opposite.

To Linux at least, NAT is just a special kind of firewall rule called masquerade.

Right, because masquerade is NAT....specifically Source NAT.

I'm just going to go ahead an unsubscribe from this conversation.

They are not layer 7 firewalls for the network which are going to be where most the majority of attacks are concentrated. No citation needed unless you believe they are layer 7 firewalls or using something like Snort.

Added some clarification in my first sentence so it makes a bit of sense.

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If he didn't have an unfiltered public forum, people would probably still think that he is some eccentric genius.

The word you are looking for is firewall not NAT.

No the word I'm looking for is the NAT. It was not designed for security but coincidentally it is doing the heavy lifting for home network security because it is dropping packets from connections originating from outside the network, barring of course, forwarded ports and DMZ hosts because the router has no idea where to route them.

Consumer router firewalls are generally trash, certainly aren't layer 7 firewalls protecting from all the SMB, printer, AD, etc etc vulnerabilities and definitely are not doing the heavy lifting.

By and large automated attacks are not thwarted by the firewall but by the one-way NAT.

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