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Joined 12 months ago

When you are living paycheck to paycheck, that number is probably the same.

They'll probably pin it on the actors and writers when we all know it's because they lost subscribers to their no password sharing policy.

22 more...

Yup, I'd prefer a fingerprint sensor on the back of the phone than what we have today

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Unless they are getting paid over the summer, it's not time off.

18 more...

We no longer talk to each other, he refused to test for covid and wear a mask to come see my newborn at the peak of covid infections, after receiving multiple audio messages of just verbal abuse I cut ties. I lost a lot of friends we had in common but I'm good now.

Beer not found

Can't blame them, my generation popularized social networks even after finding out what they were for.

13 more...

That's how you trick the gullible, start with a bit of truth they can understand and then jump off the deep end into lunacy.

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It wouldn't even be the first time for them.

If they are not disabled before, they will soon.

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I also base my opinion 215 million people on the perception of one person.

Oh no

The one on the pixel phones suck, constantly have issues with mine

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This is how I didn't get scholarships, got the paperwork, filled it out and never submitted.

The reason corporation are like that is because the responsibility is with the employee the decided to use the open source tool, when there is another company backing a product, there is someone to hold accountable. Also, there is a support number if shit hits the fan, and guarantee of support long term if the supplier is financial healthy.

I invested all my xp into sneak and went from medium to easy.

This craziness has been around since I started paying attention back in 2008 with the tea party idiots.

And that's the only reason why it's being done.

That's a large group though.

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I had covid and dengue back to back, fucking sucked. The worst part is that dengue is more dangerous after you've had it once before. US doesn't offer vaccines unless you are in impacted areas which I'm not but travel to often.

I honestly thought he'd chill after being embarrassed on the national stage.

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They were in power until 86ish, so the old fucks that were part the government then are probably still around salivating for another chance.

Half of my house was 8k, the other side I'm planning to install myself because I don't have that kind of money just waiting to be spent anymore.

So, when I had google fi, the phones I got from them would already arrive signed into my account, I always wondered how it was done.

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The baseball team? Idk man, I'd get it if it were the redsox but the Yankees have their stadium in the Bronx, are you sure that guy is a Yankee? Doesn't look like a baseball player at all.

I won't accept the job if lotus notes is required.

My 401k provider keeps telling me I should have more saved for retirement but it's literally illegal for me to contribute more

I grew out my hair instead, looked like shit but now I know.

Two years ago I got covid and dengue two weeks apart, dengue felt worse but that's not the thing that worries me, its the fact that if I get a different strain, it can kill me.

The nic on TVs tend to be awful. I can barely break 100mbps on my lg wired or wireless.

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Yeah, it just sounds off and someone might correct you but it isn't a big deal.

I'm dropping them, it was too unreliable for work from home. I pay twice as much now for fios

You just said there is a train that takes you from China to North Korea??

Memtest on a floppy and superpi or prime95, atitool on the drive, maybe a few games to benchmark? Can't forget a soldering iron and defroster repair kit. 12 hours is not going to be enough.

Same, and I was on windows. Constant disconnects or trouble connecting to monitors

I'd google it but most of my outages were related to the god awful modem my service provider included in the plan, I bought my own and issues have reduced drastically.

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Is that even possible, the movie was fucking awful and I never read the book.

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I'm assuming you started looking for a new doctor who is not a complete idiot.

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Where I'm at, the teacher can opt in to take some of thwir salary and put it aside automatically to continue to receive a salary during the summer, most of my teachers growing up had another job during that time.

Asbestos didn't give me cancer but this joke might do the trick