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Joined 2 months ago

We're nowhere closer to frictionless, costless money transfer than we were 13 years ago, are we?

Googling this... At the moment, the only source online is a single local newspaper, which omits numerous key details. Might turn out to be nothing.

Keep going. Only 39 998 more to go!

There is literally nothing literal about that

There'll be nothing to get adjusted to if they continue to insist on Denuvo

19 more...

Did the Doctor’s entire financial life get upended until the doctor personally corrected the error with all the appropriate government bureaucracy?

From the article:

Kipf also ... stole identities of real people to open two credit accounts.

they’re going to add whatever settings are still stranded on it to the new settings app,

Oh, sweet summer child.

35 year old? The pdf could be released last week and most tasks would still require the control panel.

Politicians and brains are usually mutually exclusive

That was an amazing read.

Slightly different, but same concept:

Amazon may have more power than some tiny countries, but not the US govt as your comment would imply

The only people willing to put up with EGS' crappy performance are (a subset of) windows users

Yeah, this is a riff off how of all the answers in that thread, none of them seemed to worry in the least about personal survival. All the answers about reforming Russia when they probably would have been couped in a day.

And yes, you presumably would have access to his bankers.

Just Do It ✅

Only in the States.

This is one of those rare cases where the ends might actually justify the means

2 more...

That mindset covers most Asian countries. Conservatism is conservatism regardless of religion.

In the context of Asian work environments, it's par for the course and much higher paid than the alternatives. Since the workers don't consider it abuse, it gets accepted.

It used to take professionals or serious hobbyists to make something fake look believable.

Freezers average -15 to -20C. Saying that your freezer temp is below 0 is like saying your fridge is above 0 - there's a wide range there, and doesn't give us much info to work with.

Yeah, imagine if steam could implement a setting so that you could only see these games if you enabled said setting. Oh, wait...

Turns out the year of the Linux desktop will not be heralded by making Linux better, but by making Windows worse.

You might find a better environment at Beehaw? Not my cup of tea, but each to their own.

The problem being, there aren't many alternatives around for discord. And even the ones that exist have issues of their own. Mostly relating to use base and entry barrier, in the case of the open source alternatives.

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This isn't about permission, he's talking about targets within Ukraine and lack of supplies

They summarised the history of Tumblr, but failed to mention how they lost 3 quarters of their users by banning porn?

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Eh, if she's old that's excusable. Expectations were different back then

they also have a very real problem of foreigners coming there and destroying apartments or racking up debt and just leaving.

How's that different from any other country, though?

I'm pretty sure the cats think they're the overlords.

It's not a bureaucratic problem, but a cultural one. The culture as a whole is pretty xenophobic

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