Awoo [she/her]

@Awoo [she/her]
0 Post – 79 Comments
Joined 3 years ago


If you need me try matrix but be patient as I don't check it daily.

Holy fucking shit they're blocking piracy? What a bunch of losers. Get off the anti-corporate platform built on copyleft principles if you have a problem with piracy.

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The arguments being made here are the same ones that were used for f*ggot, tr*p, nword, g*psy, r*dskins, etc etc etc.

It's the same damn thing every single time, a bunch of reactionaries will piss and whine and piss and whine and piss and whine because they have to make the most minimal amount of effort to adopt a new word in their vocabulary instead of the problem one. They will piss and whine forever until eventually accepting it, like all the others historically.

They join a long long line of pissy whiney losers for making the same tired old arguments we've seen for so many things before.

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I mean. It definitely carries the implication that Obama has done very little wrong whether or not you intended it that way. Natalie's inability to own up to mistakes is either a serious character flaw or she thinks that the murderous actions he took were justified.

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Ahhh yes the problem is that Hexbear came in and agreed it is racist, and then the racists threw a fit.

Lmao give it a rest. Calling you a racist isn't abuse, you just don't like being called on it and now you're pissing and whining about it.

Hexbear is a plague on lemmy, I can’t wait for the day of instance-level blocking

It'll be great, you lot will opt out of seeing us, and opt out of cultural opposition to us. Meanwhile the vast majority will not, and without the far right as a constant source of distraction, concern trolling and sealioning the leftist influence will be even higher.

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minor issue

Casual racism != minor issue

Denial of racism != minor issue

Unless you're a racist

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When reddit shut down their api every single subreddit on the site went down in comment activity by 75% or more. Comment activity has only been decreasing in the month since then. Post activity has been in decline as well.

Whether this means people stopped using the site entirely or not is up for debate. But in terms of damage to the community on the site it is the single biggest social media failure I have seen on the web since Digg. Even Musk hasn't damaged Twitter as much as the api change has damaged reddit.

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There isn't any fucking nuance.

There is us pointing out something is racist.

There are racists claiming it is not.

There are racists claiming that the people calling you racist are being abusive for doing so.

That's it. That's the discussion. And you look pathetic for it. You were on the side of every other word I mentioned earlier too.

There is nothing illegal about talking about piracy. Get a grip. This is entirely about taking a moral position, because the server is run by liberals with a clear and obvious political position, as demonstrated by their mass banning of socialists.

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  1. Can we get the show context bug fixed? Pretty please? :3 Possibly the most frustrating bug we've ever had.

  2. Also, on crossposted threads can we get the first thread marked as "original post" so it's clear what the originating community is for people that might want to subscribe to it for similar content. The indication of the originating community is a considerable source of subscriptions over on reddit and one of the primary methods that crossposting functions as a growth tool for new communities.

  3. When you started this project did you think it would get where it is now? Was it a sort of daydream thing or a serious belief that it would get this far?

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Yes there is. And yes you can. The only people that say this absurd fucking bullshit are literally nazis who don't want to be targeted.

"Hurr hurr you have to block lgbt with the fascists or you have to accept them both" is a fucking stupid thing to say and you should be ashamed of yourself and the general state of your life leading you to say this stupid shit.

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Good news for Lemmy. Pirate the fuck out of everything and never ever feel any guilt about it comrades.

🏴‍☠️ ☠️ 🏴‍☠️ ☠️ 🏴‍☠️ ☠️ 🏴‍☠️

"f*ggot doesn't mean gay people"

"tr*p doesn't mean trans people"

"why can't I nword if it's in a hip-hop song, they use it"

"g*psy doesn't refer to Romani, it's just what you say"

"r*dskins is a traditional name for my football team it's not racist!"

You get to join this long line of people talking absolute crap, desperately trying to avoid change because you're incapable of self-reflection and admitting you've been blind to this mistake for so long. You will piss and whine and piss and whine about it until eventually accepting it, like all the others historically.

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There are no legal issues. You can fucking talk about piracy completely legally. This is a moral position being taken under the excuse of legality by liberals who run their server with a strict political leaning, as demonstrated by their mass banning of socialists and defederation from every left wing space.

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A bill like this has merit if it's targeted at real problems, like the sources of fascist growth and propaganda that have existed on the internet for decades.

As per usual the US isn't interested in going after the fascists though. This will absolutely be used against already marginalised people and the left, by which I mean socialists. There's a reason it has bipartisan support.

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Trading goods isn't capitalism. Trading goods has existed for thousands upon thousands of years. Capitalism has only existed for a few hundred years.

I know you mean well, but this speaks to a deep educational misunderstanding about what capitalism is. If you are interested in learning about what it is, how it functions and how it relates to and differs from previous systems I am up for helping out with a short 101 and making recommendations for further reading.

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"Trans friendly" is a weird way to say creepy chasers, the amount of overt sexualisation and objectification of trans people from non-trans people there is horrendous.

You're reading too hard into the reddit=stormfront thing. It's just a common leftist refrain off-reddit because 90% of the site is pro-nato white supremacy and nationalism even if a handful of communities might be slightly less bad.

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Linking to pirate sites is also not illegal. woooooooOOooOOooooo scary! I just broke the lawwwww according to you, get a grip.

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Go to literally any subreddit, scroll to the comments per day graph and check out the drop on July 11th. The official date of the change was July 1st but they delayed it or something with a grace period. That drop on July 11th is the api drop.

Some examples in order - /r/mildlyinfuriating /r/whitepeopletwitter /r/gaming /r/Askreddit

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We love our devs folks


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Rebranded Cortana?

Destined to fail.

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Literally every single door on this street. Can't go anywhere without bezos and the cops with backdoors knowing.

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What is happening over there is one of the biggest disasters I've ever seen online and the fact that it's going unreported on while Twitter and Musk continue to get all the attention is absolutely ridiculous. Reddit is collapsing and unless they do something enormous it is currently in a death spiral.

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That one was asking for it though!


I'm trans. No it isn't.

Claiming that China is actively repressing this while literally employing and front-facing transgender people is absurd. Where are the famous transgender TV personalities employed by the BBC? Britain's state owned media.

China is visibly trying to improve things for trans people compared to the country I'm currently in (the UK) and your absurdness about it is obviously built on racism because you don't behave this way about white countries. You only behave this way about non-white countries. Where is your equal criticism? Where is this behaviour when it's all the white countries that behave this way? You're american right? Where is it for YOUR country which is currently illegalising trans people, undergoing state sanctioned murder against trans people and having an internal refugee crisis because of it. Where the fuck are the federal protections to prevent this genocide being perpetrated by red states? Non existent. Because democrat support for trans people is performative.

So excuse me but fuck off about criticising China on trans people. You're a shit.

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The point isn't about censorship which for the record here was performed by Disney for the sake of more profit. Not by the state.

their internet

Nothing about this comment string was about the internet. This is a non-sequitur.

you're a trans person who lives in the UK, BBC doesn't have trans personalities, and certain US politicians are attacking trans rights? Wow, what an argument.

The point here is that it is demonstrably obvious to trans people living in the US and UK that China is better to us than the US and the UK, one of which is currently performing a genocide against us and the other of which is transphobic on a near daily basis and is expected by the community here to follow in the US' footsteps if it gets the chance.

Also I'm racist for pointing out authoritarianism from an authoritarian government?

You didn't say a damn thing about that. You dismissed an argument about China being better about trans people than multiple major western governments. I gave concrete examples of why that is, and only now are you bringing out "muh authoritarianism", which frankly I don't give a shit about compared to the ongoing real genocide of trans people the US is doing.

It is painful talking to you morons when you can't even remember what you fucking said, or be bothered to go back and check it. But yes I am calling you a racist because you clearly have different standards for white countries than you do for non-white ones.

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I met a nazi sharing links to blahaj content on telegram the other day, was a real "oops caught you in the wild" moment.

Khrushchev did literally nothing wrong


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The idea that corporations will come after federated instances that aren't even creating the posts instead of the source is nonsensical. Until the source is attacked there is literally no reason anyone should be concerned, and if the source is taken down then it won't be on other instances anymore anyway.

how is that not colonization?

I'm going to assume good faith here and that you've just never actually bothered to read a book but it's really really hard not to insult you for this shit. Colonisation is what happened to Palestine. Colonisation is settling a land, often owned by someone else, and stealing it from them, usually while engaging in ethnic cleansing.

If this is not what you mean then you need to stop calling it this because it's complete and utter bullshit.

Cool. After some testing Hexbear should run it. Not that the problem has ever been serious for Hex but still worthwhile and work that should absolutely be supported.

I worked at the server company that previously hosted discord servers (no longer exists) and let me tell you right now that all your conversations were accessible on the server to anyone in the company and completely and totally insecure. Overall security was pretty meh and it wouldn't be very difficult for anyone who really wanted the information to gain access to anything on your server.

It is not a valid place to store or discuss anything that requires operational security. It is also not a place where customer data should be stored or discussed, in fact you're also probably breaking gdpr by accident if you ever do so.

Drop the ad hominem attacks and argue the point smuglord

Just say "insult" ffs. Speak like a normal human being. This isn't a debate and you win absolutely nothing by using debatebro reddit language.

Nobody has to argue with your stupid ass making absurd demands on an account with 10 whole comments in its entire history. It's incredibly obvious wrecker behaviour.

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Hrm... haven't thought about that. Could you open up an issue in lemmy-ui . I think the cross_posts field is sorted by published, but I'm not totally positive. In that case it'd just be marking it in the UI in some way.

I can, will do it this evening. I don't think it does sort like that I'm pretty sure I noticed it just being in any old order, maybe alphabetical? Either way a clearly indicated Original post: separate to the Cross posted to: would strongly incentivise community owners to crosspost their content for the community promotion it provides, and reward them with subscribers for doing it. It generates a little bit of "hey stop advertising in our subreddit" from some modteams but it's worth far more than it takes away, and this is an extremely specific little detail of the system that I think only people that have tried to start many different new subreddits will understand.

I def didn't anticipate it would get this far this fast... we've become the 2nd most popular fediverse software recently. I'm super-excited about the impact we can have on global media, and getting ppl to break their dependency/addiction to US-tech dominated spaces.

Back in the Digg days Reddit just quietly sat in Digg's shadow as a sort of "dual power" if you will. Its community did its own thing, creating a culturally-unique space with its own community that liked it for its own sake. They just had to exist and Digg would eventually shit the bed. I think one of the major things that community owners here ought to be doing, which sadly the largest - lemmyworld - is not, is to create a space that is not just "we're reddit but without Spez". Better reasons for being here other than just spite are essential for longevity. Hexbear does a good job of this, Lemmy seems to be building that up too, I've recently become fond of the direction appears to be headed but we'll see.

Ironically lemmyworld won't see this criticism because of their defederation, so their users are missing out on several ama responses.


It runs like absolute crap. I have a 2070 with i9-12900k and 64gb ram and get 30fps on the LOWEST settings. That's it.

I run Elden Ring at 120fps and just got done with Armored Core that ran at 144fps rock solid medium settings all the way through without a single blip.

The performance is unbelievably atrocious.

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For abuse detection, you need to use a service that has been vetted by an actual lawyer.

Lmao because every tech company out there is toooootallly doing that lmao. Come onnnnn give me a break, you're on the instance and you're saying this shit? Have you ever shipped anything ever? You're calling for something above and beyond anything that actually happens in reality.

The weirdest part of what you're demanding is that your demand makes fediverse LESS protected. Imperfectly implemented protection is better than NO protection and yet you think people are safer legally by implementing nothing at all? You're out of your fucking mind.

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Reading hundreds of communist theory books and joining a democratic centralist party just to fool the libs.

Not sure exactly what we're supposed to be achieving by doing Hexbear and so perfectly engaging in communist discourse and advocating for literally every single downtrodden and oppressed group on the planet if it's all fake? For what purpose? Surely doing that all so perfectly is just.... Advocacy. Digital activism. It's not a game if you do it so hard it just becomes exactly what you're doing.

Karl Barx karl-barx

Chatgpt is just Cortana with better marketing. AI isn't smart, it's just algorithms producing a facsimile of language via pattern heatmaps. What was Cortana if not just an earlier version of the same thing?

""AI"" is all a techbro marketing bubble. Will burst and move on eventually.

Like holy shit we had the autofill feature in Photoshop ages and ages ago and that's just doing what the "intelligent" image generators do. We didn't call it AI back then. All marketing for what amounts to just some interesting algorithms.

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