1 Post – 32 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Oh Christ, really? That's just sickening. I often sort by new, sounds like I've been very lucky to miss it entirely...

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Yes, generally seen as a last resort to provide access past a squeeze but I know of several caves that have had Kilometers of passageway added to their surveys through the enlargement of a single point.


I'd argue that guitars haven't been the priority in a very long time. Profits, shareholder value and leveraging the brand, though any means possible. Last few strats I've picked up have been pretty poorly finished for the price - and definitely not what I'd expect from a company that does "see the guitar as their priority"

Pretty sure they're asking for software FOR Windows, rather than Windows itself.

To be fair, this has been pretty standard corporate-speak in most industries for a long time. It's (typically) referring to giving people a reason to stay with your product - we used to use this exact phrase in reference to our complementary training programmes that were included with the product.

But, this is HP, so locked in means LOCKED IN. So, fuck HP 😂

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Fascinating read - interesting that the origin of the hack is not yet known (or at least, released). I wonder what the stats are on these sorts of exploits in OSS - the concept relies so much on trust and individuals.

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I really, really want to like Darktable, mostly because of the name lol. I must've tried it 8 or 10 times over the years, but I just can't get my head around it. Something about the design language or the UI or something just doesn't click for me and I can't get decent images out of it. So I keep going back to Rawtherapee, even though I'd rather not...

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Fascinating read, cheers.

I love the mis-fretted note in Stairway to Heaven at 3:30. Can't unhear it and love that it's never been dubbed out in all the various remasters etc.

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Not always. I run a commercial tour (approx 5k visitors per annum, so fairly small in the great scheme of things) - one of the things we pride ourselves on is keeping the cave in its largely unmodified state. It's really special to be able to share that with people.

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I'm a fan of DADGAD - has been well used, so easy to find reference chord shapes

It's on the 2-and of the bar (the ascending arpeggio). Think the note is an E

Edit - on the 1-and. The lead in is beat 4 of the previous bar. So it's the 4th note of the arpeggio

There's really nothing other than Bitwig and Ableton that deals well with loops/clips, or has that clip-based workflow.

Great album. The Warmth remains one of my top 10 songs of all time - just love the shifting harmonies and unusual phrasing of the bass.

Guess I'd never really listened properly to those lyrics. Makes sense it's about homelessness... To be fair, it's pretty bloody hard to understand what EV's singing at the best of times.

I often wonder what changed about Pearl Jam's songwriting - they never managed to recapture that same intensity that Ten had. Incredible debut, not a bad song on that album. Then Vs, a couple, maybe three dud songs. Vitalogy, maybe 50/50. Stopped listening pretty much after that. Certainly never bought another of their albums.

Like Vedder's solo stuff tho.

There are stairs to the cave itself, but inside is a completely natural pathway. Nothing between you and the speleothems except a rope on the ground. Lights are an LED system worn on each individual's helmet. And about a bazillion glowworms down in the lower levels over a lake.

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I like the comparisons with synthesizers, digital cameras, Photoshop etc. Not an aspect I'd considered before, so it will be interesting if we do in fact see a "creativity boom" as a result of these new techs...

Personally, I've found the text based LLMs to be invaluable in parts of my professional life - for example, churning out boilerplate type text for procedural documents. It's a tool to be used when appropriate, but currently it's new and shiny...

The *arr suite all have web front ends - so you open the page from your phone or laptop etc, add the show you want and off they go with the download, rename, cataloging etc. It it is generally quite elegant in the way it works.

Pearl Jam. For me, Ten was the perfect album - riffs, hooks, emotive lyrics, powerful music, no filler. I stuck with them grudgingly until about the fourth album (Yield?) but haven't listened to a thing they've put out since. It seemed they just got more and more generic with every album, and had less and less of that spark that made Ten so special. I've often wondered why - was it a conscious decision to move from that heavily riff-based music, or did they just run out of original ideas?

Doesn't get much better than this. Heart-rending, in the best possible way

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I'm like that with Green Day's "Good Riddance" - the two attempts followed by a muffled "f$#k" are brilliant

I always thought it was a deliberate part of the track, but the internet insists it was a genuine double mistake and f-bomb from Billie Joe. Nice!

What a wall of sound. I've never heard guitars quite like this album before or since.

I got to play with a Hololens a bit when my brother brought one home from work. Astonishing tech.

Yes, and I understand the process pretty well I think, as well as what I'm striving to output (long time Lightroom user). But the DT just doesn't respond how I expect it to, with unexpected results. Frustrating.

Wasn't aware of the pixls site though; I like that idea!

Not an album I know well. For some reason I always gravitate to Love Over Gold and Making Movies - I know those albums like the back of my hand. Masterpieces, both of them. I must give this another listen

Ravel's orchestration of Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition is sublime.

Thanks for that - wasn't aware of this and looks good

West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand.

Just FYI, I've not had much luck with cracked Bitwig - its clever enough to detect the protection is bypassed and blasts static for a few seconds every few minutes. Not usable. Granted this was a year or three back, so things may have changed.

Nice one - whole family enjoyed that! Two of us found glitches that got us through at least 3 levels in a row. Level 7 was tough tho!