
0 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

High kids' dumb shit will always pale in comparison to drunk kids' dumb shit and it's not even close.

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Merely more genocide

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I think that's because it's glorified autocorrect

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Thank you so much for these running summaries, they genuinely make the whole situation actually followable for a non-American <3

You are so incredibly misinformed and your worldview is tragically narrow.

This is a really interesting article on lightbulbs, which have a pretty conspiratorial past: https://interestingengineering.com/science/everlasting-lightbulbs-exist-ed

Did you know that a secret meeting was held in Geneva in 1924 between lightbulb manufacturers that lead to the formation of the 'Pheobus Cartel'?

"The main objective of this cartel was to agree to control the supply of light bulbs. Each understood that if any one of them managed to develop a long-lasting light bulb, the need for replacement bulbs would likely dry up.

Bulbs were lasting too long. Not ideal from their point of view.

So, to combat this, all members of the cartel agreed to reduce the lifespan of bulbs on purpose. Initially, this was set to no more than 1,000 hours!"

The longest-lasting lightbulb was first turned on it 1901 and is still shining.

EDIT: Seems this is a myth, see replies for more information!

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"gives the human shields a chance to escape from the death cult" is a WILD way to describe how millions of civilians suddenly have less than 24 hours to move south (where? Who cares?) lest they get absolutely bombed to fuck.

Is there not enough about Israel in the current news cycle that you'll completely disregard what's actually happening here for a throwaway, utterly irrelevant comment?

Yeah man, they're totally identical. No difference between them at all. Nope.

Let's just send him here to South Africa to really sell the experience. Drop him off somewhere, it'll be great!

He was there for an hour and a half. Absolutely shameful.

All you need is a computer science degree and a dream, little buddy.

"If I haven't already come across it, it doesn't exist, because I am aware of everything that is reported on" right?

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Prisoners, soldiers... The options are endless!

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Perhaps reframe it as pride in still living, surviving, sometimes even flourishing in the face of a society that will not accommodate you. It's also a really direct counter to the shame that is so prevalent amongst disabled people. I have an invisible disability and it's taken many years for me to even accept that I am disabled, nevermind be happy with it, you know?

And regardless of age! Their games never go on sale. And they don't use local pricing (the actual term escapes me rn), so us poors in the 3rd world are stuck paying half a months salary for 7 year old games ðŸĪŠ

I strongly suggest you don't treat a language learning model as a search engine or any kind of artificial intelligence. It is not.

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It's as deliberate as calling people who criticize the actions of the Israeli government anti-semites. It's disingenuous and completely intentional. That way, you can erase Palestinian civilians from the conversation altogether.

This is why it's so hard to have these conversations with neurotypicals in particular. A majority of the time, NDs don't even know what they're struggling with because it's so automatic at this stage. And when things get boiled down to "nobody just runs a marathon automatically without deciding to lol silly!" it gets even more challenging.

Feels important to say that statutory rape cannot be consensual

Heh. Teeth.

"In this specific case, the cause is backward."

You have absolutely no way of knowing this, and it's an incredibly irresponsible claim to throw out there.

In women especially, ADHD will overwhelmingly be misdiagnosed as depression and anxiety. Treating the ADHD removes the need for antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds.

Aw honey.

Abandoned by the world?! Are you completely removed from reality?

He was trained to do that. It's his job. Your sympathy is severely misplaced.

I'm glad you're still with us, friend.

Thank you for the correction!

Yeah, there's so much space for them to work with, right?

Thank you both for the interesting discussion!

"limited amounts of force" 😭😭😭

Incredible composition!

How about not conflating "Jews" with Israel?

Embrace, extend, extinguish in action all over again.

Thank you for the correction

Legit question from a non-American - are Repubs really likely to vote for a woman for president?

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That wasn't even remotely similar in multiple categories.

Keep an eye on congress 👀

I mean, facial hair growth is literally a sign of sexual maturity in men, but you'd be hard-pressed to convince anyone that beards are sexual.

The purpose of breasts is to feed babies; they're not inherently sexual in that way. That society has labelled them as such is different and very real, but it's harmful to declare breasts as inherently sexual just because of that.

To be clear this is just semantics; Bobo is clearly in the wrong here.