1 Post – 72 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I remember a time when I thought Captain Planet villains were hyperbole.

I expected nothing and I was still disappointed.

Same *from Missouri.

Turbotax, H&R Block, and the other tax companies are massively wealthy companies that actively lobby to push laws to keep them from being simple. There are states that they have managed to bar the same thing from happening in.

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Can't be added on with multiple "Once in a generation" natural disasters happening on a yearly basis with temp records breaking yearly, nations with the power to demolish the world rattling sabers over a fight that's been going before we were born, zero chance of moving upwards in the crushing capitalism, all the while the leadership is fighting over identity politics instead of acknowledging any of the problems. Surely none of those are add on factors.

Friend of mine just had to shell out $3000 for prescription drugs just for survival. Yes he's on insurance.

I mean, public trust is dropping. Which meant it went from "Ugh, this will be useless" to "Fuck, this will break everything!"

Immigration? Come on in, we’ll worry about it later!

So many takes but the legislative branch built together an immigration plan, one that involved quite a lot of money to the border to help enforce it and crack down. Both Dems and GOP worked together on that one. Then Trump said to bail on it, that immigration was a winning ticket for Presidency and congress Republicans sank the bill.

So.... legit the thing you're bitching about is a political tool by the Republicans.

Kidney stones, gallstones, whatever the fuck the body does of "Lets build a rock inside the body that can fuck us up" needs to stop.

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My mechanic buddies all swear by Toyota, the Prius is rated the kind of car least likely to seen in a shop and pretty much any other Toyota is bullet proof.

Flipside, I will never own a Nissan. Worked at an auto auction for 6 months as an inspector. One thing that was hammered on us is check engine oil even before it went to the auctions mechanic for sludge. The reason it was hammered so hard is because it was a problem. Only with Nissans. In 6 months, hundreds of cars a day, Nissans were the only ones with the engine sludge issue.

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I remember a time when Captain Planet villains seemed ridiculous.

Bentonville AR is being turned into a bicyclists haven. To the tune of Arkansas laws are making it that bicyclists don't have to pay attention to traffic laws. That's neat, wonder why... Ah. And while bicycling is one of the better things I guess billionaires can do, in the region buying bicycles are far beyond affordable anymore to a walmart wage because it's gotten so over the top fancy, and the Waltons literally have a helicopter with a bike rack to fly out to the trails. My dad is irritated because of how often it shakes his house as it goes over.

Same city, Alice Walton had a really nice museum built in the area that was surely out of the good of her heart... Ah. Unless really local, one might not know of her nickname "Drunken Alice" where she has a history of dwi's and wrecks, including one where someone was killed, yet somehow nothing seems to stick.

Yea... I've got a bit of an axe to grind with the Waltons having grown up in their personal playground, I agree with you to think this is a problem with just Amazon is ludicrous, and despite only living a state away it's amazing to hear how people bitch about Amazon, it's chokeholds, it's problems, its wrecking of the country, and gives a full pass to Walmart. We live in an oligarchy.

Completely unrelated to my bitching about Walmart, but a perfect example of execs doing this nonsense and how I got in trouble because I can't stop snarking: Worked for a medical testing facility, ran by a doctor. Said doctor buys himself a brand new shiny Lamborghini, then through the whole email has an announcement that for one day for 4 hours where any of the staff can get a picture with the Lambo and share on the company page. Now I met said doc once during training, but otherwise worked 3rd shift with two other people, he certainly never showed up when we had issues.

So when the day happened, it was one of those I commented it's the first time I think I'm glad that 3rd shift gets ignored on any staff events. Think about it for a second, then ask the others "Who has the newest car?", turns out was a Nissan Juke. So each of us go out and get a picture with the Juke, then sent the pictures in to where people were supposed to send in the pics with the Lambo. Turns out they got 4 pictures, the 3 with the Juke, and 1 with the Lambo. Got told by our manager said doc was pissed and to keep our heads down.

Please drink verification can to continue

Matthew 23 is Jesus absolutely bitching out the religious leaders "Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, “The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat, so do and observe whatever they tell you, but not the works they do. For they preach, but do not practice. They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger."

As you say, the so-called 'Christians' really act like the Pharisees in the Bible that is called out against. If the bible they claim to believe in is true, then a loooooooooooooooooot are probably going to be in for a rude awakening because they were warned in the same book, Chapter 7 verse 23 when the person they claim to follow says "I never knew you."

There's a quote attributed to Ghandi but it's not verified to actually be by him. But is a very appropriate one in my day to day "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

Parents told me if I could get salt on a birds tail I'd be able to catch it.

Pretty sure they told me that shit to at least increase the challenge of actually catching birds so I didn't try to bring one in.

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It's funny the irony of I Am Legend, it is an allegory to an older society having to make way to a newer one, and somehow every time that's the story they can't do.

I use the shockz (another open ear headset) daily with my job. Work on equipment, a lot of tedious opening up a machine and fixing it. I don't have a singular place but move around a lot. Going from earbuds that I have to take out just to have a conversation if someone comes up and asks questions vs the open ear allows me to be able to know what's happening around me, keeps from annoying those around me with whatever I'm listening to, and I've chewed through so many audiobooks which has kept me from losing my mind.

Lets be honest, my retirement plan is my corpse getting tossed in a dumpster.


Tomatoes are in so many recipes, they're healthy, supposedly can even make good snacks.

ABSOLUTELY disgusting. Flavor, texture, smell, all of the above are just repugnant. I hate that's the case.

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Motivate myself.

It's weird. I go to work, I'll get the job done. Something comes in my inbox that shit is covered.

I've been home for 3 hours now, and this is the most I've done tonight since I got home. Not even video games. Fuck haven't gotten chores done. What the hell is that skill that I have at work that I don't have at home?

And my axe!

I'll say it once, I'll say it again, Hamas played the whole damn world like fucking puppets with one attack.

I'd be absolutely shocked if the actual leaders that planned the attack are in the strip. Now any Palestenians that might have been against Hamas in the strip are stuck fighting a nuclear power in full "us vs them" mentality, Israel reacted exactly how Israel does any time it has been attacked, which is with overwhelming and vicious force now putting the country doing monstrous actions against civilians going for what looks like a full genocide, your exact point on a rival religion suddenly now giving a lot of voice to the conspiracy theories, it has created an even bigger divide in the US (but then again what doesn't anymore) and Saudi Arabia who was working on deals with Israel has backed all the fucking way off and NATO is sitting there awkwardly trying to decide exactly where on the line it wants to walk seeing as the US can't bring itself to go against Israel while Russia is rather uppity at the moment.

Taking away any conversation on ethics, which is nearly impossible... I just can't believe these leaders are this fucking short sighted.

I agree with above on underestimating what is effectively an economy car that can decide to hate you and is far better at being able to parallel park on top of your body if you're going in without a weapon.

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Well sure. Only an optimist goes "Wow, this is as bad as it can get."

The pessimistic crowd is of the opinion it can ALWAYS get worse. We may not know how, but it can get worse.

I think it is obvious where I am on the spectrum when I say I don't think we've begun to see how bad it can get.

Holy shit yes, this whole thing right here.

The trade fields are absolutely insanely full of men telling each other how manly they are and how not gay they are with the "notice me" mode that it's kinda 'dude... if you want guys to hit on you... you're going about it all wrong.'

and because it keeps bugs and birds from hitting the aforementioned rugged bearded handsomeness at high speeds

I wear a full face helmet because holy shit I know one saved my face. But even if the helmet wasn't a separator from potential meat crayon situation, I'd still wear it for this reason right here. Seriously, I've had some beetles hit my helmet so hard it made me recoil, I can't imagine taking one straight to face like that.

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I miss seeing large amounts of fireflies.


I figure it's a combination of problems. I come home from work exhausted and don't want to go out. So I'm at home alone. On the bad side, the work, the stress, the balance of keeping everything because the way the modern world has gone to make it difficult to look for new jobs especially if you lost yours just makes going out difficult.

But that's because to "go out" I'd have to drive half an hour or more away to maybe a bar. And the bar is filled with people who are going to visit said bar.

We're at a point where it's easier to communicate with people hundreds of miles away instead of someone in our neighborhood, and comfortable enough to do it, while stressed enough to not make the attempts. Stack on those that are married, there's the problem of just having enough time of day from both people having to work overtime.

Panama Papers 2 Electric Boogaloo

I watched an extremely drunk dude kick his own ass at the nightclub

Greatest thing I've read all night.

Another +1 for PodcastAddict

Gee... wonder if this ever could have been predicted when Patriot Act was brought out.

Honest answer, should've been investing in canned food yesterday. Today is the next best day to start.


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There was a lot of build up before, depression got bad. Honestly can't go through absolutely everything that was going on. The final straw was locking myself out of my house and car in a town where everyone I knew was about 100 miles away, and I had a box cutter on me. I had the medical knowledge of how to cut to make sure it'd work. However I knew my dad, a paramedic who would walk away from horrible fatalities without a reaction was deeply bothered when a kid committed suicide, and I am an only child. Called the police on myself, took me to the hospital where the stress literally made it where any light whatsoever was a painful headache. Still comes back on high stress times.

Dad made me promise I wouldn't take my life. The depression hasn't left, it's not as desperately bad as it was then but it's still there. But been alive for about 15 years since.

Username checks out.


The trouble with every "vote" argument on the left is always about the POTUS. The Republicans had a mission for decades that not a single non-Republican would run unopposed across the entire damn country no matter how small the vote was. Is it a sheriff for some backwater town? Yup, better make sure a Republican is there. How about a superintendent?

From the ground they have worked absolutely hard to make sure they had control of as much of the government to control every vote.

To use your analogy of fighting a war. As you said they're celebrating taking a hill in an attempt in every four years. But that's because one group is only doing the charge every four years and wondering "Why are we losing?" when the other side is digging the trenches advancing every year. Yes, this is the Democrats fuckup because they certainly aren't investing in them like the Republicans but then among a supply of left wing friends I'm the one informing "Here's the important fucking local vote about abortion/taxes/who's running for x seat" and finding out often that I'm the only one who was faffed to vote.

There's in the part in the middle, but I swear when programming stuff comes up it's always like reading fucking madlibs done by dice roll.