2 Post – 17 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Subscribe to both, whenever a post in one is made, copy it to the other to receive that sweet sweet karma

Ah yes, /r/technology, the only technology subreddit on reddit. There certainly has never existed a, or / or a bunch of more technology subreddits. No. Of course there ever only was /r/technology. No fragmentation whatsoever on reddit.

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This is not a proper talk by meta that you could just "hear them out". They explicitly said off the record and confidential, there's no reason for that if it's something innocuous. There 100% would be an NDA involved.

The fediverse is all about being open, starting with an NDA is definitely not "zero risk", you can not slip up ever, or you're going to be destroyed by lawyers, this is the exact opposite of "zero risk".

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Stop using "All" "Hot/Active/Top" feeds and go search for actual content communities you want, by browsing the community lists, searching for your interests, or looking at new. Then just go to "Subscribed".

It's not really about the confusion, it's just unnecessary complexity. Magazines and communities for example are completely equal concepts, the only difference is the name for some reason, probably marketing or some such.

There should be no vote, it should just be decided between the lead devs. Users will follow and largely not care.

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Yeah honestly I've seen so many posts with multiple paragraphs explaining federation, while I've just been telling my friends two sentences like "it's just like reddit but instead of one website there's multiple independent ones (called instances) that all see each other's content. All content on all those instances can and should only be accessed through the website you signed up on, and when you do that it works basically completely like reddit"

This leaves out a bunch of information of course, but if they want more, they can always be confused and ask or look it up themselves.

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I don't think it's even close to the same. It's more like forum software everywhere calls a post a "post" and a reply a "reply" and not something else.

Both sites are link aggregators, both sites have sub groups that are meant for a specific topic that links can be posted to, this concept should have a name.

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To be precise, they were talking about monthly active users in the post, not total user accounts, which you are talking about. Might be that their stats only count people who actually voted/commented/posted something.


I don't think your assumption on how well I understand how the professional world works is correct.

I understand very well that signing any NDA is by no means "zero risk", it has a definite risk attached to it. Declining it is costly in some way, but also has definite advantages.

I also understand that very rarely is the phrasing ever "this conversation will be off the record", but rather some phrasing including the specific topics that may not be shared, like you say for example, product details. Blanket phrasings like this are always very sketchy.

Of course there are, there's lots of cool people in the world. However, it's still disheartening to see that the vast majority is not.

When you go around anywhere, you've got to expect that 95% are just ignorant or don't care. But 5% of people that do care is still a lot and for me enough to not be completely discouraged.

I would specify a bit, "stupid" is so broad and not really easy to see what's actually going wrong.

People are biased and irrational by default. Beliefs do not require evidence, they are mostly formed just by hearing about things from an authorative voice, e.g. your parents, friends, or the media.

People also are by default all in on a belief, or all out. In their minds, admitting even one good thing about the opposite side is unforgivable treason, admitting just one bad thing about your own beliefs is admitting total defeat.

So if you don't grow up in an environment where rationality is being taught, you're simply not rational and thus fall victim to all these biases.

The same is by the way true also for democrats or whoever is not voting for the fascists. Just their beliefs were filled by other authorative voices around them. True rationalists knowing about their biases and actively trying to work against them and trying to get to the truth are very rare.

And it will work, since many people can't distinguish decent behavior and trying to completely selfishly signal decent behavior without actually wanting to do anything.

Yep, clients/UIs need to detect links to other instances and automatically reformat them to instance-local links. Configurable and indicated cleary that this happened, with a clickable icon next to it and resulting popup or some such.

To expand, every user has their custom set of content that they want to see, which needs to be queried from the database. Mainly their subscriptions, those will rarely be the same between any two users, and they need to be aggregated according to the sorting method the user wants. Or other personal things, like every user's messages/replies/notifications/settings.

You could just make a simple duplicate email check with special special handling of gmails + and . behavior, and notify the user if they try to create an account for an already registered email.