7 Post – 80 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


A backend developer mainly using Rust, though I've been messing around with JVM languages as of late. I play lots of video games too :)

Mastodon: Matrix:

Although I use Tailscale, the control servers are closed source. For those of you who like self hosting though, there is a project called Headscale that implements them anyways

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I found this from ~9 years ago on imgur, “A Python programmer attempting Java”

Not Gitea, they got bought by a for-profit company or something

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Who’s this article about?

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nothing actually happened, it was like fake news/misinterpretation or something, since if the earths core stopped/reversed we’d be dying of UV radiation rn

you’re a terrorist :’|

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I know this doesn’t answer your question, but using a 3rd party client or modifying the discord client is technically against the discord TOS. They don’t really enforce it unless you’re selfbotting or whatever, but there have been cases where people got banned from 3rd party clients because of a bug within the client that caused apparently bot-like behavior.

Sugar can disinfect wounds? I thought bacteria process glucose/sucrose as food? TMYK i guess lol

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mine is rat-mimosa sparkle emoji

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You can move the ebook file to where qbittorrent is trying to download it to, and then recheck. It’ll then recognize that the file is there, and should work as a seed.

What else should I try if I’m already doing this?

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windows -> LMDE -> Fedora KDE -> Arch Linux -> Gentoo

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Question: Firefox renders certain DRM content in containers. Would that be applicable here? (Run unmodified site in container in background, load site content from that to user, and direct the attestor to the container so that the user can modify the site on the front end)?

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It’s a good idea to start with MAM since they have interviews twice a week, and you can access invites for other trackers in the forums once you get to vip (which requires 4 weeks of membership, and a ratio above 2.0)

One of the nicer things about it is that you can gain bonus points (which is how you buy extra upload credit and VIP) just by being an available seed. Due to the shear number of books on the site, you won’t be seeding often, but they make it desirable to keep it available in case someone needs it by giving you a certain number of bonus points per hour depending on various factors.

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Sell the servers on eBay to the homelabbers lmao

You might consider using something like Archiso ( On an arch-based distribution, you can try “mkarchiso -h” to get the options, and from there determine what you want.

is this better?

I’ve been learning rust for the sole purpose of implementing a Minecraft server from (nearly) scratch; I don’t want to use existing frameworks because I feel that building it from the ground up will provide more opportunities for optimization, maybe compatibility with existing Java-based plugins (maybe possible via JNI or J4RS?), and also as a learning experience for project management :)

Is this question assuming air pressure and gravity loss at higher altitudes, or is it assuming that the full structure would have a consistent air pressure and gravity? If so, would it be from sea level?

A standard party balloon is around 3 grams if I had to guesstimate, so you could probably figure out how much weight it would take to burst a single balloon, and divide that by 3 grams to get the number of balloons. The main problem with that is the varying amounts that buoyancy and gravity would provide the upward or downward forces.

Front ends might not be classified as approved environments, though..

The brown recreation road signs (USA) which have extremely vibrant logos for random water/amusement parks on them.

ya same… maybe headscale could do that but then you’d have to have a VPS pretty much

You could try Asahi Linux, they’ve been doing lots of work getting Fedora working nicely on the new ARM macbooks :)

yikes, I’m so sorry. all I can say is “BEGIN TRANSACTION”…

I’m not sure how to describe it, so I’ll just give an example. There’s a completely free online game called, where all music is available to listen to on soundcloud, where the only support the devs have is to support on patreon/kofi/i don’t remember, or to buy the music on bandcamp.

I love the game, i love the music, and so I supported the game by buying the music.

bro wtf

point of order!

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The free web will never escape trackers…

There are NTFS drivers for Linux, it can read and write it fine, no wine needed :)

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Oh wow, this looks great! Thank you very much :D

This is true! And you also don’t have to worry about the proprietary-ness of MacOS, and there are also (certain ways)[] to get photoshop on Linux too.

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This is a very dangerous, and unfortunately widespread, generalization. The shitty ones are the loudest ones, and I’m sorry that most of your experience with linux users has been with them. I promise, much of the community are kindhearted individuals who simply use linux because of its ideals, or because they’re developers, or privacy enthusiasts, or those who bought a steam deck and think the lack of windows is pretty neat.

Gentoo -> Linux From Scratch -> Kernel From Scratch

this is why i love (/p) the gay people in my phone

In my experience, most package managers should set up dependencies by themselves! Though, I do agree with the lack of explanation of documentation.

I use arch by the way, but what’s your opinion of other “user-friendly” distros like Manjaro or Garuda?

As hiajen said, most IDE’s simply aren’t as useful for lower-level languages like C++. And while communist suggested vim, I would say that something along the lines of helix-editor would be a bit more user-friendly, and just as extensible :)

Beware large prime numbers!! NP-complete problems are banned!!! No more math! Lattices are outlawed! You wouldn’t download a public key!!!

It may be worth investing in ubiquiti WISP equipment if your friend is fine with it! Then again, yall’d share bandwidth caps and such.

google has “fuck you” amounts of money, the minority of users using firefox mean nothing to them.

If google was having problems funding youtube, believe me, they’d stop paying creators before that would happen, and then the creators would tell us about it.

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