1 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

If a valid browser token gets stolen like in this case, then MFA won't do much good because the stolen token will already have been authenticated. Linus Tech Tips experienced the same thing recently, you can check out their channel.

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That's frankly idiotic, since lobbyists, corporate donors and pressure groups have far, far, far more power to affect policy than voters.

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I don't think the bible says "don't be gay", I think it says something like "thou shalt not lay with a man as with a woman - that is an abomination".

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Please don't invent strawman arguments. I haven't compared collective influence to individual influence, and I haven't mentioned any hidden cabal or fairytale story. Everything is out in the open and I'm happy to provide my source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0261379421001256

Fallout 2

That's ridiculous, secular people do lots of good all the time. In fact, religious people have a far greater chance of doing harm, because they sometimes believe in things like homophobia, misogynism, genital mutilation etc. If people didn't have religion to back up these evil ideas then we'd see less of them.

I'll probably stick with Lemmy until another solution comes around that makes federation easier.

I could never get my bluetooth microphone to work under Linux, and I was having to input my password many times every day just to accomplish simple tasks. Couldn't even make the password into a PIN, that wasn't allowed for some reason.

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I'd say the science is clear: humans don't understand what makes them sick and they don't understand why they get better. We value our own anectdotal evidence over actual research almost every time, and we keep making the wrong conclusions. I'd go so far as to say that you can't be "on board" with both science and with your own conclusions based on anectdotal evidence. It's one or the other.

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I guess that would depend on the specific case. If you physically went on my computer to steal my token or infected my computer with a virus to do it then we can assume that no other tokens have been compromised. But if the malicious actor has managed to steal tokens from the actual server (which seems to be the case here) and not the client then yes, as the admin I would certainly require that everyone log in again as a safety measure.

It's coming up as empty for me too, how can that be if others from this instance have already subscribed? Does my subscription need to be approved or something?

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According to Steam I've spent 5121 hours on Fallout 4.

Surely you can see that your theory is extremely unlikely to be true.

Or just select local domain login.

It was the same for us lutherans here in northern europe, it was the act itself that used to be disallowed. They've since allowed practicing gay and lesbian priests though.

I'm seeing lots of posts in German and lots of posts that just contain pictures of gigantic breasts. I don't speak German and I haven't been interested in breasts since I was an infant. Is there any way to filter out the languages that I don't speak as well as NSFW posts?

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I think I managed to remove NSFW content, but I have no idea if I managed to fix the language issue, that menu needs a lot of work. Thanks Ruud!

Well I'm on lemmy.world, which I understand to be the largest instance, so I assumed someone would probably have subscribed before me.

https://lemmy.world/c/trendingcommunities@feddit.nl still comes up empty for me, but on https://feddit.nl/c/trendingcommunities I can see three posts.

I'm also struggling to load some of the comments on this thread, they just keep loading endlessly. If lemmy.world needs to run some sort of process to fetch posts from federated instances then maybe these two issues indicate that the server is overloaded at the moment? Sorry for my cluelessness, I'm new to the fediverse.

Not for me, I see no posts on that link.

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Samsung phones let you restrict the battery percentage to 85 percent. I think Apple does the same now.

Refreshing the browser does nothing, is there something else that I need to refresh?

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Still nothing.

My mom's not a narcissist, but she grew up with an abusive father and an enabling mother, and she continues a lot of the toxic practices she learned growing up. She turns the smallest disagreements into full-on fights, and she constantly bickers and complains about everything the rest of the family does or doesn't do.

The rest of the family still struggles a lot with her behaviour, but I've found a few things that help me deal with her:

  • If mom comes at me with her complaining then I don't let the discussion grow into a fight gradually, I go nuclear straight away, calling her a fucking hell-bitch so loud that the neighbors and anyone walking past the house can definitely hear it - and then I walk away. Somehow this gets the point through to her that I'm not playing her game, possibly because I don't give her the time to work up her anger to the point where she finally goes nuclear herself and forgets everything around her.
  • I never visit mom and dad's house, but I sometimes allow them to visit my house. That way I can always just throw the both of them out if she starts to go toxic.
  • I try to remind dad and my sister that we've already tried to get through to mom a thousand times before, and if she still doesn't want to change her behaviour then we can't force her. The only thing we can really control is our presence.

I wish I could see the comments on this thread I made. Not sure what's wrong with lemmy, it's been like this since I started the thread two days ago. When I click the thread I just see my original post, no comments. Same result if I open the thread from the Selfhosted channel. If I view my own profile history and click the context button, the site just loads forever and never shows anything.

Wallet in the left, phone in the right, keys in the back right (chained to my belt).

There's lots of focus on performance from vendors like Apple, Samsung and others operating in the same space. Cat phones, however, are known for having crappy perfomance due to the cheap CPUs they use.

Set up a domain with a main site that has links to your different services, then set up reverse proxies so you can put certificates on them and serve them all on port 443. If your WAN IP is relatively static then you can forward ports 80 and 443 to your server and use your own domain, if not you can use something like FreeDNS. Or skip the last bit if you don't need WAN access.

That's true for white bread, not the other kinds. Whole-grain bread is both delicious and healthy. I remember visiting the UK for the first time and being amazed that all the natives were eating white bread for breakfast and lunch. Here in Northern Europe, white bread is more on par with a dessert item.

Read your own post, mate, it's clear as day.

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I'm sorry, friend, but it seems you've missed the point, which is that something like "tea" can mean wildly different things - as evidenced by the contents of this thread. That's why you specify whether you're asking for a teabag, a cup of tea, iced tea, green tea, chai tea, a box of tea or whatever. Tuna, however, is always a fish. The concept is simple and so is the difference between the two.

Do you get it now? It's really not that hard.

You're saying there are tuna that isn't fish?

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Some people just put their laptop on a table and use the bed when giving oral, but sure, you do you!

You're missing my point entirely. If you want to criticize someone then you need to be better than them. More accurate, more truthful and more levelheaded. If you just go down on their level and fling the same dirt around as them - like you're doing - then you've accomplished nothing and you'll convince no one.

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If you want a cup of tea then you'll ask for a cup of tea. You don't ask for just paper either, you ask for a sheet of paper. Be specific.

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Good luck with that.

So not a single person in that rally was just a white nationalist, every participant must have been a national socialist? If so, prove it. If not then you were the liar in this instance, not Trump.

Trump is clearly a moron, a narcisist, he's probably a sociopath and he's definitely a curse on the globe and on US politics specifically. Still, for some reason, people keep dragging up misleading and false quotes to try to condemn him, instead of just pointing to his actual words and actions, which are just as bad as the imagined ones.

And then they wonder why the left is failing and Trump remains popular, as if the answer wasn't staring back at them from the mirror...

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