
6 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I am be honest and say i am having a hard time keeping up with the content on Lemmy now haha which is a king of cool issue to have.

I am busy with life so that's doesn't help but like I wake up now and there is a lot going on Lemmy.

Still thanks for being vocal about your concern for the community and its activity.

Maybe I should post and then lurk later? Probably 😅 There is a lot of habits and adjustments after Reddit.

One thing is definitely tru tho. I go back to Reddit and oh boi do I feel bored and just think "I wonder what are the Lemmings ups to", you all are doing fantastic here.

Aunt (?) And cousin. Apparently Aunt has being drinking since the 23 by the 24 at night she was drunk out of her mind; insulted and scolded my cousin and his girlfriend in front of everyone in the family dinner at grandma's because the girlfriend was wearing a croptop. I frankly though it would've being about the fact that she is 14 and he is 20. ( But apparently not. I personally left when they arrived. I got told about the fight later) Everybody left or kept on arguing after that. Hopefully your holiday's dinners are better .

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Midnight Gospel

Bahaha yes! Everytime I feel like things are just not there quick enough , I look at my profile and then i calm down and remember shit just don't happen and i chill out.

Yup. When I mention it , I was screamed at and told "I should mind my own business" , "He is an adult he knows what he is doing" and "who am I do judge other people" I am not proud of THAT situation. My family is fucked but we are ALL welcome at Christmas dinner, I go for the free meal and to hug my grandma and leave right after. Apparently the girlfriend's family is very close to my cousin's mother , I don't know them . Is all messed up (¯―¯٥)

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I mentioned the law first time I heard of it , one of the uncle's said "who's is going to tell? Will you?" And oh boy did that freak me out. This year before leaving my grandma asked me "why are you going against family?" All I said is that I wasn't trying to have a go at nobody that I was sorry. I hugged her and left. It is all very bitter and sad. I can't watch.

With some luck I am hopefully leaving town sometime next year. I don't want to be around if this goes bad and the police is involve, they will probably think it was me if I am around for that. I don't understand what they are all thinking , and I frankly don't want to.

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You did IT! Amazing!

Is newpipe a hidden gem? It was to me until 6 months ago.

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You're the worst

If the goal is to keep me alive , away from harm, then yes. Uhm , in other terms it was unclear for me. My mental health work hasn't stop since being allowed to go. Keep in mind that my instutionalistion was forced. Hope this info helps somehow.

The shade of trees looks lovely!

Thank you!

Is the best and healthiest relationship I got in my family , I can't imagine my life without her being a part of it which is funny because I really didn't like her as a kid and use to be really mean to her ; I am the older one. I guess shares trauma and me realizing I was an ass wipe then asking for forgiveness goes a long way. She tells me that she remembers well the first time I hugged her , apparently I was about 7 or 8 and she picked up my toys for me and I was grateful so I hugged her ( I don't remember this)

Currently we live half the world away from each other , and with some luck maybe not for much longer. She has completely aliened herself from the family including my parent I guess my mom is an expection because she occasionally calls her. I didn't at least I haven't completely not like her and we respect and love each other enough to still agree to disagree in a lot of things and still love and support each other to the best of our abilities. I hope you all got a person around like that , I got really flipping lucky it is my sister.


Sold a Story


Oh that look totally metal and gorgeous. There are so many hibiscus around me and I have never seen one like that or a hibicus bush with dark leaves!

I want to believe. I don't know what to expect but I am try and hopes other too. I believe we all want to be happy , I hope we all figure out. Either way we die at the end.

Caving as in getting inside of caves and exploring them as stuff? That kind of caving?

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Oh gorgeous! Such a good boi for letting the picture even happen. My dogs would never

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My Condolences.

When I turned 24 and started to make friends outside the circle of friends that I grew up with I realized I had so many pictures of everything but of me in them to show , to remember those times by. It was kind of awful , and now I make an effort to be a part of the memories i am making if only to one day look back at what i looked liked then. Social media ruin being part of pictures for me but trying to connect to other people in real life and being kinder to myself made me realise why is actually very important to me. There are memories I have zero pictures of just because "I don't want to make this moment about pictures and social media" as if there is no other purpose to pictures but social media , i was a dummy.

The worse part is there is a lot of pictures i am in that i don't remember the context of until other people bring up the story of it. I guess the whole “We didn't know we were making memories, we just. knew we were having fun." - Winnie the Pooh. Is legitness. So be part of the picture people even if just to remember youself by.


I haven't tried searching for post on lemmy so i don't know the answer to this and am curious to know how does one search for post on sublemmies and if there is a way how findable are the post. I wonder

Very well written.

And absolutely , yes to everything.

I am probably going to use both for different reasons until June 30 and then just be here full time. Like you wrote , i have being having so much fun here like I have never had before with internet people. Since reddit was the only place I social networked , i am glad Lemmy is the way it currently is and I am excited to what's to come.

Nothing happens , if it wasn't for the internet I wouldn't know if anything of consequence is happening at all. Is small you can walk the whole thing in about 3 hours or so, theres's either rain or sunshine no more.

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Uhm if I do a lot I feel tired , wake up groggy. Is fun in general. My nightmares are super manageable but I still like to sit back and let my brain do its thing is less taxing for me and more fun and unexpected. I haven't manage not dreaming on purpose, I wonder if that's possible.

Edit: just realised that you ask about tales and reading. I can't read very well in my dreams , when I read is all weird and even numbers look kind of off, so I haven't being able to do that not that I have tried very hard. Lmao uhm I guess I am able to consistently do magic in my dreams and dream different scenario in fantasy worlds like harry potter , lord of the ring or song of ice and fire. If I am reading something IRL I can go through it again in my head and watch it like a movie if I really want to. I don't like flying and wet dreams are extra fun too (ノ´∀`*)

Dumb. Can see but I am not really able to process it or it takes me a real long time. That's the simplest way I can put it.

I really miss them personal websites ... I kind of really want to like learn to make my own little space and stuff. The HTML coding for them was so much fun.

2022 sometime in may. Probably.

Oh yeah maybe so. I have only lived in cities before, so this is small because is the smallest place I have lived in, but maybe is a medium size town? I don't have any other personal references so idk what's the right label 😅

PS Not North America.

Pocophone f1 and I have a xiaomi note 8 as a backup ; because I tend to drop my phone due to carelessness (¯ ¯٥) i have had my screens change twice this year.

I see. Imma go and try liftoff and thunder then , thanks you very much.

Yup. That's the plan , for now.

There is a sponsor block version O.O dope. Thanks

Yeah that makes sense , if lemmy and the fediverse were a for-profit / corporation managed then I would say yes the gmail analogy would be the most probable way things would work here but I am hoping that isn't the case since there is no profit to be making here , at least that's not the state of things yet.

Obsessed! When we get the feature to sort comments and we can sort them by new ah~ that would be awesome ,i hope, for actively participating on ongoing post , which fantastic for the "Lemmy post" habit also is just more fun imo.

I respect that. But i you see love rodents from cabiras to the dwarf jerboas , i am all about it so it all works out great. Good luck.

(⁀ᗢ⁀) aaah~ thats just brilliant.

Hi! In the same situation.

What helps me is taking baby steps (i share as much as im comfortable and nothing more) and very low expecation, oh and is a huge benefit that the standards in Lemmy don't really exist so that's nice. I also sort by New, which helps me find new post with little to no comments where you can easily interact.

The scariness hasn't gone away for me but I think that's good , getting to comfy on the internet can be a bit dangerous and i mean we are all strangers here so you know , i jusr act accordingly to that.

Right now is encouraged to post , comment and participate as much as you can. A community and network is nothing without engagement from the participants , so i just feel like i am doing my part the best i can even if it isn't the best , at least is something.

As opposed to "read it on reddit" here is more "lemmy post" kind of attitude at the moment. Good luck :)

Oh god no. Let us know how much you need so we can as communities figure out together but let ads be the last resource. I know the ads always win but man would it be nice if that wasn't always the case. I never saw the reddit ads and am spoiled (reason #1 why i am here now) i have hope and i will try to always give money and time to the one social media network i actually use and enjoy.