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This line of thought always amuses me. “It’s democrats faults for not stopping republicans from being horrible people”

Oooooorrrrr maybe it’s republicans fault… for being horrible people?

“It’s the fire departments fault my house burned down, not the guy who lit it on fire.”

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I have a lot of trouble considering anything from polls/surveys being accurate, considering in my 30 years, I’ve never been asked for my input on one.

Who are they asking? (No way it’s a curated group who’s likely to answer in a specific way to create drama in the media right?)

“You can go ad free with YouTube premium!”

Buys premium

youtube shows ad for paramount plus under my video

Cancels YouTube premium.

So anywho there’s a thing called freetube. Just saying. Idk that it’s a perfect alternative, but it’s at least one step further from googles prying eyes and grubby hands.

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And don’t forget the ridiculously good sound design and animation to build it in. Happily burnt into the depths of my brain.

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For me there are two interesting bits that make the Vision Pro worth watching.

  1. When Apple gets into a new market, others follow. Whether you like apple or not, you have to admit they have sway in the industry. Remember how much wireless earbuds blew up after AirPods came out? At the very least, a big competitor has entered the VR space, which will pressure others to do even better.

  2. More on the apple fan side, it’s rare apple releases an entirely new line of products. And even more rare they take risks. This is risky, and therefore interesting!

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I paid for paid for premium for a while. Then it showed me an ad for paramount + anyways. So I said fuck you google and installed an ad blocker.

Point being I was willing and did pay for the premium service. But even “ad free with premium” still wasn’t ad free. It was “ad reduced”

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I think you have to be watching a video that it connects to.

So for example I was watching the Game Grumps play Peppa pig (lol I know but it was hilarious) so it put an ad saying “try paramount plus to watch peppa pig” under it.

I’ve seen it on a few other vids that have movies associated, like sonic for example. Seems to be a semi recent thing though

(Is this how I post a pic on Lemmy? lol)

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Is… is she wielding an axe in the bottom left?

I see these articles all the time and they drive me insane. Yeah I could buy an air tag and modify it myself to remove the speaker and then use it for an illegal action. That’s not apples fault.

I can also go buy a coffee, modify it by taking the lid off, and use it to assault a stranger by burning their face off. Is that Starbucks fault?

This is on the individual deciding to commit a crime. Not on the tool used. We don’t sue the crowbar company when someone uses one to break into a home.

IMO, apple has money, so people are just trying to see what they can grab.

I don't like it, but in reality I have 2 choices.

  1. Someone who is supporting awful things around the world, but will (at least temporarily) protect myself and my community. or
  2. Someone who will continue supporting awful things around the world, and will without a doubt persecute and hunt me and my community.

It's a shit choice. But its an easy choice. One candidate is a very real threat to not just myself, but my friends, family, and community. The other is not.

I'd love our magic 3rd option to show up and be viable, but they won't. We all know this.

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I was someone who always knew about ad blockers, but just wasn’t bothered enough to use them.

I used YouTube SO much that it was worth it to me to have premium.

After all the bitching and moaning from YouTube last year, I un subbed, downloaded free tube instead, and also finally added an ad blocker to both my mobile and desktop browser.

I imagine I’m not the only one with that story haha.

This 100%. There is no shortage of physical houses. There is a shortage of AFFORDABLE houses.

I just went through the buying process. I don't make any crazy money, but a totally fine amount, more then a lot of people (65k/year)

That meant even with a sizable down payment that I was rather lucky to have, my MAX was 200k. That meant I could afford like.... 1/10 of the places for sale where I live.

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I mean, in the image above it specifically says “You can go ad-free with YouTube premium.”

They don’t say “get rid of pre roll ads” or “remove banner ads” they just say “ad-free” which it specifically is not. They still show me an ad, so it’s not ad-free. That’s just a lie.

I def do not believe they are within their rights to add ads whenever they want, when I specifically bought “ad free”

I know I can’t trust google to stand by their word, I’m just saying that this is what finally broke the ol camels back and pushed me away from giving them anything, even my eyes on their “free” platform.

Even more, people should be ENCOURAGED to change. One thing that most politicians lack is the ability to reassess a position, and come to the conclusion that they were wrong.

If you blame someone for changing their mind on a position, you just encourage them to dig their heels in deeper and not be open to new information and ideas.

Who’s working “maybe” 3 hrs a day… all the programmers I work with every day are on 10 hr days right now…..

But I’ve seen enough of your comments in this thread, so I’m super sure you “know a guy” who will prove little ol me wrong.

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As someone who worked for Activision, in QA, on major CoD titles, I guarantee you that wasn’t QAs fault.

I can’t even count the amount of bugs my team found, documented, and raised a hell of a stink about, that still went live.

Major bugs like that in live are not due to QA missing them. It’s due to the rediculous pace ATVI makes the team put out content. Doesn’t matter if QA reports something, if the devs are not given the time needed to fix it.


Hold on. CASH PRIZES? why wasn’t I told!

I’ve been using free tube for about a month now and been really happy.

My only downsides are that I use it on multiple comps, and like to watch YouTube on my tv as well, and by freetubes very nature, those don’t sync subs/history etc. which is expected of course.

The other bummer for me personally is I did really like the YouTube algorithms suggestions for me, so it’s a little harder for me to find new creators now.

But all in all, minor issues for some completely free software that works well and does what it says it’ll do! Would absolutely suggest people at least give it a try!

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I had it for a long time too and never did until maybe… idk 2 months ago? And they only show up on specific videos that have shows/movies associated with it.

So in this case, I was watching game grumps play peppa pig (would recommend lol) and it showed me this right under the vid.

Gosh. Wouldn't it just be horrible if it was easier for people to participate in a democracy? Thank goodness for them stronk republicans! /s

Don’t know that I’d call it a hobby exactly, but a habit at least. Finally working out.

I needed something since I was always home and just felt weak. Got a set of adjustable dumbbells and a small lifting bench.

3 years later and they are still by my desk, used 3 times a week!

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Im pretty close to this as well. I think if they did a 180, and like, showed an ACTUAL attempt to right the ship, I would consider going back via Apollo.

But that said, I've been using Lemmy this week, and out of curiosity I've been comparing it with my reddit feed at the end of the day, and yeah. I really haven't missed out on anything important.

I mostly used Reddit as a way to waste time, or get info on the latest big things, like all the Trump stuff for example, and Lemmy is doing just fine getting me that kind of info.

It's because of those 4 years that we can't let it happen again.... He showed us exactly what he would like to do. But now he's had a practice round and can make "better" plans for next time.

My exact feels. I had never heard of the fediverse or whatever, and still don’t even know if I spelled it right lol.

But I just picked the first server that had a good amount of people on it, off a recommended list, and it’s been fine.

To sign up I had to answer 3 super simple subjective questions. Took 2 mins. Had to wait to get approved, but in the meantime I could still browse so it really didn’t matter.

To me, the hard part was learning lemmy/kbin/beehaw etc existed.

It amazing me that this stuff is happening. For as long as I can remember, child labor has always been one of the things that ”THEY” do and it’s “just so horrible” aka “it’s my boogeyman to hate china.”

Now suddenly here it is right in front of us and the same people suddenly don’t give a shit.

I know there’s no logic to be found with many of those people, but it still just boggles my mind.

Yeah it sure does. Probably just because trans people specifically have been having a shit time lately with all the assholes.

So it’s nice to call them out specifically in a positive way. That’s my assumption at least.

It’s nearly impossible to follow the rules when they are specifically being hidden. No one can keep track of every single rule off the top of their head. That’s why we have things like speed limit signs or no parking signs. Hours of operation for a business clearly posted. Etc.

This law is the equivalent of a road going from 55mph to 35mph, but never telling you with a speed limit sign. Then you get pulled over for speeding because the cop knows it’s 35, but fuck you, go to jail, because you expected there to be a speed limit sign when the speed changed, you know. Like on every other road ever.

The fact that there are 33 pages of outlined rules for this when applying says they intentionally put those rules together so people would follow them. It’s not fair for me to know some obscure rule is missing from the 33 pages of rules specifically supplied for me to follow. That is called deception.

They set an expectation by supplying 33 pages of rules. “Here are all the rules” by leaving one out, you’re intentionally trying to fuck people up with it.

Then there being no place to even put a previous name on the form is just fuckery on top.

“Sorry you wrote you previous name on a part of the paper that wasn’t designated for that, so now we have to disqualify you for following the law. Sorry, it’s just the law /shrug”

If there was another candidate who held the same values, but was of a younger age. I’d go for the younger one for sure.

It’s not Bernie because he’s amazing. It’s because he’s the best we got.

Same how I vote for x party, not because they are good. But because they are less bad.

I don't play Splatoon, so I have no context. But objectively, Mint Chip is the correct answer here.

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Threw in a response on the thread above, don’t wanna just copy past spam haha.

Oh. They can afford to keep them.

I’m not smart enough to know. If the gov shuts down, would that stall his trials as well? Or is that a separate entity?

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I know the hitler quote is there and all, but I also can’t not laugh at “we will not be be intimidated by the groups” lol

Can’t proofread their own flyer for hitler quotes or grammar errors.

I couldn't figure out which brand of crackers was so invested in Reddit to demand ransom lol. Ritz means business apparently.

Teams actively makes my job harder. The one thing it’s supposed to do for me is help me communicate with my team.

the whole “conversations” instead of threads sucks. The fact that it brings a convo to the bottom if someone reply’s to it causes people to constantly miss messages in other convos.

I have to actively wiggle my mouse and click on stuff to get it to update and show me new messages. And even that doesn’t always do it. So I can’t just leave my laptop open and monitor it, I have to actively go click around every 10 mins to see if there’s a message.

it fails to send me notifications for meetings, and sometimes sends them to me like a hr after the meeting happened.

sometimes I’ll see a message on my phone (I have teams there only because the notifications are more reliable) and then I’ll go to the computer to respond and it’s just gone. Never showed up. I KNOW THE MESSAGE IS THERE TEAMS YOU SENT IT TO MY PHONE WHY ISNT IT ON THE FUCKING PC

The list goes on.

Very good news.

My dads iPhone 8 is finally starting to lose some of its battery life. But it’s overall performance is totally fine.

I think a lot of people forget that most humans doesn’t need 100000000000gb of ram and 20trillion gbs of storage.

I’m using 65gb of storage, including the os… on my baseline 128gb model.

Most people aren’t editing 8k videos on their iPhones lol. They’re sending a text message.

It’s called having a conversation….. someone says something. Someone else asks a question to stoke the conversation….

And like. Context as well. yes it is a diff conversation if they worked 45 years min wage vs 45 years as a mega corp ceo lol. It def is a valid question for someone to understand the conversation that’s happening.

No ones being hostile by trying to get context to continue the conversation that was totally friendly until they got butthurt for some weird reason.

I worked for two triple A studios and we have had both our dev kits and high end PCs at home. There are so many tools to encrypt, secure, remote access, manage, etc, that it’s no problem at all. And most are tools these companies are using anyways, in office.

Both companies actually got MORE productive with work from home. My old company is forcing people back to office, but my new one isn’t. I wonder if it has anything to do with that big office building they just bought…

Thank you for mentioning hots, because that’s like the ONE steam game I couldn’t live without. Good to know it’s possible, even if I have to play true full screen vs windowed.

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