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Joined 3 weeks ago

Libertarian ideology at work. "Fuck you, I have money" or "I dont want poor gay or black people dying in the streets cause they are black or gay. I want them dying in the streets cause they're poor."

Virtue signaling. Its easy to look good running a nonprofit.

Read depot as despot and was like "now that's an escalation!"

Oof you're a tool. Here's some.context:

That's 8 months old and everyone alreadt knew the hostages were just a political token benji was using to genocide the local ethnic minority.

Go ahead and your head out of your ass and play catch up with the rest of us. The powers that be dont give a shit about the hostages. Lol

How would you describe SMS to people in the 80s?

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You say all that and manage to miss that R doesnt just not have progressive goals, it has regressive goals. This is you right now: "hey everyone, Democats are as bad (or.maybe worse cause we dont know everything they are lying about) as the republicans. You shouldn't participate in national politics." Literally everyone knows Harris and waltz are liars. You're not bringing anything helpful to the table here, and it just makes you sound.. Well... Stupid. Sometimes the "w" is just "fine let's at least try to get abortion rights in the constitution" ormaybe "yay the people that PUBLISHED their plan to destroy the constitution and prop up project 2025 didn't get voted in!"

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Or, and hear me out, you could say "portable fax" and be done with it. YOU are making it complicated by not being culturally acclimated to the timeframe when it was written. Everyone knew what faxes were, no explanation was necessary.

Portable fax: thing that sends and receives messages

Portable Fax IS how you describe SMS in the 80s.

I dont mean that your understanding is unimportant, but that you inherently understand what's being described to a degree that to hear it described differently than you expect you reject what you hear in favor of assuming the folks in the 80s needed more than "portable fax" to understand what you are on about.

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That'd work, but Sagan opted for portable fax.

I love me some IPA, right up till you start adding adjectives... Hazy? Juicy? New England? West coast? No. Beer, hops, yum. Get the rest of that nonsense out of here. As a home brewer I refuse to get my Adjective IPA palate.