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Joined 10 months ago

I don't think anyone is honestly shaming this person for being afraid.

They are shaming him for refusing to do anything about a situation that he eventually wound up in himself, and suggesting that if he's not going to do something legislatively then he damn well better do something in person, else he has failed in his duty to care for his citizenry. Which is like saying the pot is black, honestly, since politicians don't care about the citizenry.

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"hey boss, I know you told me not to ask again, so I am not, but in the event you change your mind, I have your upgrade ready to go."

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Pretty much. "Lol why don't you like libs?"

...cause we don't like things the way they are, and the only goal of the libs appears to be prevent any sort of progress. Maybe we are allowed relief from existing problems, but fuck you if you wanna fix em!

13 more...

The IDF also says it's not genociding. Military groups are known for their trustworthiness

And in Vegas! I'm so hyped!

Language creep. I imagine it gets worse as we age...

-Senior Application Engineer

I would hope you do have a crack down your ass.

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No, op is assuming you're American. They mean Ohio specifically.

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Fry dumb. You can pretend it's more complicated if you want, but the joke is "Fry dumb".

Being one of those victims, it's honestly worse than that. My (very former) best friend went on to marry and raise kids with the woman that he knew SA'd me.

Im not sure they're issuing blanket dismissal. Parts of Texas are indeed ugly. I'm sure part of you is ugly to, but that doesn't mean all of you is ugly, you beautiful bastard.

Easy propaganda is easy. The national socialists were socialists in that they wanted socialists to vote for them. Easy to say something that isn't true, just as easy to not enforce a difference between zionists and Jews.

I'd agree to disagree, but no. Ridiculous beliefs should be ridiculed. Additionally, no one is making fun of or even making light of religion here.

Iff all the apps you'd want are already containerized into the system used in steamos why not. As furzegulo pointed out, it's immutable

That's why you email them...

Dwarf fortress

I mean, yeah, but why would the Republicans lift theirs...

Op, are you in the US?

In the US, the choices for voting are Republican and Democrat.

Which of these parties is "liberal?"

The argument being made when non conservatives dislike liberals is when the liberals in question align with the Ds, because the Ds have every interest in pushing vaguely progressive policies during elections and never actually follow through in office.

Remember student loans? Still out there Remember universal healthcare? Still gotta pay for insurance Remember tax reform? Still paying higher rates than people who can't conceivably spend all of their money.

The primary goal of the Dems when in power is to maintain power. Fuck those guys. Not quite as hard as Republicans, but it stands.

Signed, Not a fucking tankie

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Mad libs!

Nazi shit

Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

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We did wake up, you could say we're woke, even.

On 5th avenue.

I live in Cincinnati, that's literally the point.

You have a bad take. Yes all of the data. If my offense are public information, then offenses against the public, mundane or severe, should be public.

Edit: on retrospect, police conduct data should be public regardless of the public status of my or your record.

Offences against the public should be documented publicly.

You can get a decent pair of sonys for €150? The conversion rate must be better than I thought!

Fair and honest, except the titles. Thank you, tiny badass motherfucker. I accept.


Nah, your first statement is close, but you miss by a bit:

"The democrats are the liberal party. They [pretend to] support abortion (when trying to get elected), religious freedom (when trying to get elected), police reform (when trying to get elected), civil rights (when trying to get elected), drug decriminalization (when trying to get elected), etc."

When not trying to get elected they don't actually DO anything.

Drug decriminalization was a big deal in the 70's and we are maybe just now kinda getting around to it.

I didn't even call out the shit behavior on civil rights, you did that.

They seem a-ok with police fucking with college kids right now.

They've had 50 years since roe v wade to guarantee the right to abortion, and they didn't.

What DID they do?

Helped give money to people who are already rich through tax breaks. Helped give money to people who are already rich through deregulation they allowed through. Helped give money to people who are already rich through defense contracts. Helped give money to people who are already rich by overthrowing foreign governments with control over resources out oil barrons want.

Id call those "gaps", yeah.

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No, op is assuming you're American. They mean Ohio specifically.

Y'all y'all check it, I just found the new revolutionary radical technology! They're called jpegs! No one company can control them, they're too powerful! /s

What a load of shit...

Did you Freudian slip out yourself?

Yes. It's a service when it's paid.

I'm reasonably sure making discussion difficult is the goal. When the right refers to libs, they mean "anything left of me" without ever acknowledging that a significant number of people being referred to are neither progressive lib or left. The American D party is a center right organization, so how do I, as a leftist express "fuck the platform of the 'liberal party' is pushing, they're clearly bought and paid for too, and are serving the bourgeoisie and don't give a fuck about me, but I still have to put the guy in charge back in charge cause the alternative is dictatorship."

Yep, sounds about right.

What if I called you a badass tiny motherfucker?

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I vote D because I have no other valid choice. When Obama was in the president seat, he had both houses of congress and only managed to get the aca. Don't get me wrong, telling insurance they have to cover preexisting conditions is a good thing, but only by the standard that we are required to use insurance anyways. We need single payer.

Don't misquote me. I don't think D and R are the same thing. I know that I suffer less under D leadership than R, however, things only actually ever seem to move further right. For example, why are we throwing college kids in jail for stating the obvious: that supporting the massacre of civilians is heinous? I think that D and R are playing the same game, Power, and the little people who aren't rich are the ones paying their dues.

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That's too good

Make it stop

The person per person count is slightly skewed for conjoined twins :)