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Joined 1 years ago

We're about to see how fast this old Toyota Celica can go.

The irony of her being the original Sargon of Akkad's daughter is kinda funny to me.

Is she less charismatic than current Biden though..? I haven't seen her speak in awhile but from what I remember it wasn't that bad. Not a fan of her politics by any stretch but right now I'd support her in a heartbeat.

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If your horse is on death's door. And you're crossing a stream. You'd better be prepared to swim.

Not gonna lie, if a Furry told me they got arrested by animal control I'd be impressed.

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BTB did an episode that covered competitive hotdog eating for those interested. IIRC the competitions were coed until a woman started doing well enough to get noticed. Sexism goes so deep, some folks just never want to see a woman beat a man in anything.

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Meat-eating gains are stolen valor apparently.

Lots of places in the US won't recycle the supposedly "recyclable" plastics, it ends up in a landfill regardless of what you do. I remember all the educational initiatives about the importance of recycling when I was a kid. Turns out it was all just propaganda to make us feel responsible for problems caused by corporations.

To be honest I never expected the BSA would attempt to reform itself as much as it has. I was in a very homophobic troop, a scoutmaster of mine vented to my grandma that all the queer people ought to be put up against the wall and shot. I'm glad things are improving but I don't think I'll ever see the organization in a positive light.

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DIY saved my life, but the Guardian can fuck right off back to terf island.

I just don't trust that a mod I payed money for would remain playable indefinitely.

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I feel this, it pisses me off so much. The scumbags are jingoistic as fuck up until the conflict is an ANTI-imperialist one.

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some people want hormones and puberty blockers to be the only way in reducing dysphoria and a big part of that wants surgery to be the only way. calling everybody bigots and fascists because you disagree with someone only shows how weak your arguments are.

What do you propose to reduce dysphoria other than gender affirming care? Y'all talk a big game but you have no alternatives that aren't abjectly cruel whilst being entirely ineffective.

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Damn, I never knew why they were called 78's and 45's.. For all I knew those were the years the format was released.

Jail is just right-winger free parking until the next putsch, law enforcement is mostly on their side.

I feel incredibly uneasy relying on the better judgment of Americans to pull us back from the brink. Not saying that individuals with guns are a real solution. Just that perhaps it would be better to plan for the worst case scenerio rather than expecting a favorable outcome.

For real, most of the people in this thread have no idea how any of these tools work.

HP = "Have Problems" Stay away from that company's products, that includes everything, not just the printers.

That's why they're not allowed to participate.

Good to know.

You're being evasive, specifically what treatments are you talking about? Everything from conversion therapy to electric-shock treatments have been attempted in the past without success.

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I would be looking for ways to revert that update. Either using a pre-existing timeshift shapshot or maybe apt's built in reversion capability. (Which I'm not familiar with, sorry.) Hopefully someone with real skills will chime in, good luck.

Former G2 owner here, I felt really scummy selling mine for cheap a year after launch. That purchase was such a fiasco, the damn thing never worked quite right.

I feel like this is a separate issue. Mods aren't supported nearly as long as the base game typically.

What mental healthcare specifically are you talking about? Everyone would ideally be getting mental healthcare. So what additional steps are you suggesting be taken with regards to trans people? Are you arguing against informed consent or for a different standard of care entirely? I cannot tell from your other posts what you actually support, only what you're opposed to.

I can enjoy a good AI generated image but this one feels especially lazy.

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I remember being a kid and seeing a sign like that and assuming it meant that it was illegal to use cruse control on that street. TIL otherwise.

There's a lot of noise in the image, it looks like they didn't spend a lot of time dialing in the generation parameters.