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How is it not a conflict of interest that “Donald Trump appointed her to the lifetime position”. ? Haven’t judges been asked to recuse themselves over less? I’m genuinely confused.

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Those poor babies. Who the fuck throws an 8 month old and 9 year old out of a moving vehicle on the freeway?! What a monster. I hope that 9 year old girl is able to heal from this… by some miracle. Such a senseless tragedy.

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The whole system is fucked. Wage stagnation, increasing cost of living, lack of affordable housing, dynastical wealth concentrated in the hands of fewer and fewer elite citizens and oligarchies.

Before these issues are improved upon dramatically, there’s simply going to be a growing number of homeless people.

If the solution is to throw homeless individuals in jail, then what? Jails are still funded by tax dollars, so why not be proactive and invest that money in getting people housed by building more affordable housing, providing more jobs with things like infrastructure improvements that are badly needed throughout the country, rather than taking punitive measures? I think this needs to happen at the federal level because it is indeed a broken system of the entire country.

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It was court ordered. I did not feel like it helped me. I did what I had to do to complete my probation and I got out. This program was funded by the county, so perhaps a privately funded rehab would have been better. In either case, my behavior has not changed, mostly because I felt it didn’t need to change.

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“CalGEM got revenue too — the agency is completely funded by the industry it regulates, and this year will receive 67 cents for every barrel of oil produced”. Big problem.

I buy random things way more than I should. Always seems like a good idea at the time, even when 90% of these splurges ends up being something I definitely didn’t need. Alas, the dopamine hits from painstakingly researching and identifying the perfect, useless item are all too real. Bought a three pack (it was a crazy discount to buy in a pack of 3) of 6 outlet, low-profile plug, surge protectors.

Outlets in my house are somehow always on walls where I need something pushed against them. Anywho, you should not beat yourself up over some deodorant, is all I’m getting at.

Roger Federer

Watched Our Planet, season 2 episode 2, and just started weeping uncontrollably when I saw the baby Albatross dying from being fed plastics and other toxic waste. I had to tap out.

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Definitely was not the fire weed I was thinking. That said, you’ve inspired me to try to grow some of my own!

I’m sure they fucking will. Can’t harvest your data (as readily) if you aren’t online. Fuckers.

I was really surprised by the book (I read it after watching the series). It is rare that I feel a TV adaptation of a story is more engaging than the the book, but that was certainly my takeaway in this instance.

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Yea, choose a metric line, e.g., Iambic pentameter—really spice things up!

Oh my darlin clementine

This comment will be the Shaman to my new voyage into Linux. Thanks for the very detailed instructions!


Oh, thank goodness. I may now have to go back and revisit in that case.

Good point. I enjoyed the book, but the show was just phenomenal. A testament to the caliber of production to be sure.

Sadly, I’m sure you’re right about that.

Excellent points. How could I overlook the dystopian nightmare which is the for profit prison system? In the era of nuclear arms, are pitchforks enough?

You should leave your assumptions out of this