0 Post – 97 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Micro plastics. We were advertising them in facial scrubs ffs.

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All they did was take down the website that links to the GitHub repository. They already tried to have GitHub pull it, and they did but then restored it and setup a legal defense fund for projects in similar situations which seems like a pretty big "fuck you".

This story is a nothing-burger, the equivalent of the blue bucket meme.

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Looks pretty. I'm not entering my login credentials though. Lemmy needs an app token system or something.

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They're not testing you on what you know, they're testing on did you study the course material. I had the same problem when trying to pass my written motorcycle test when I moved to California after riding in Canada for years.

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I moved from Canada to California a few years ago and spent almost 5 years in the San Jose area. Loved California; the food, the people there, the scenery, definitely the weather. End up hating America though.

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A lot of people left Reddit because it was a drowning ship. They didn't flock to the fediverse because of what it stands for, and they'll happily bounce over to the next popular corporate run data farm at their earliest convenience.

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And in 2023 the majority of Americans still have not discovered the joy of using a bidet.

It wasn't the rules/signs portion of the test. They litereally had questions like:

Which is more dangerous when riding beside a row of parked cars?

A) A car pulling out.

B) Someone opening a car door.

C) A child running into the street from between two parked cars.

It's not an opinion question, personally I'd rather hit the car and the door over the child, but they want to know the answer that the study material gave.

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Whenever I see these Musk posts, I always marvel at how people seem to think one man builds spaceships, programs self-driving cars, pushes all the buttons on Twitter, and does all the research himself on monkeys.

Man, I'd forgotten about what happened yesterday until I saw this post.

Yesterday after work, heading to pick my dog up from daycare. I'm sitting at a red light, front of the line. A song comes on that I don't want to hear so I'm using the wheel controls to hit next song a few times, and I swear out of the corner of my eye I see the car waiting in the lane to the right of me move forward, so of course I look up and step on the gas.

The light was still red. I didn't see it until I was through the intersection.

Luckily there was no cross traffic, but man was I breathing hard when I realized how lucky I'd been.

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You never really said what you like about linux or why you even want to use it. You want an 'easy-to-use' distro, but I've never really run into a 'difficult-to-use' distro, and that's going back to the Slackware/RedHat 4.2 days. PopOS!, Ubuntu, EndeavourOS, Slack, Debian, they're all 'easy-to-use' when you don't specify a use case.

Personally I love the challenge, and that nothing is forced on me. It took me a good 30 minutes yesterday researching and trying to figure out how to get spell checking working in qutebrowser, and I got a little dopamine hit when I was finished.

Windows doesn't make me excited to use a computer. Linux does, because it's challenging.

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So.. the Steamdeck?

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Banning plastic bags I could get behind. It was inconvenient, but necessary. My city just passed an ordinance that all paper bags require a $0.15 charge. As if it wasn't already $7 for a hamburger, now you get to pay more to keep your fries from spilling all over the car seat.

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Lol! I got your message and was like, wtf?

This, the difficulty of simply paying for the things you want. I used to pirate music back in the IRC/pre-Napster days, and then iTunes came out. "I can just click a button and the song is on my computer, high quality, no fuss?" That was the end of music pirating for me.

I have Amazon Prime and I've tried Netflix in the past. The amount of time I spent sorting through their shit movies to find something worth watching was abysmal, not to mention no way to filter out the huge influx of low-budget non-English content.

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Fuck anyone who pushes this shit.

Please don't. There's enough pollution in the gene pool as it is.

Plus, there will always be people who will exploit hard coded loopholes in the system where no sane, logical third party official would.

The first thing that comes to mind is various 'police agencies' in MMOs. Way, way back in the Ultima Online Beta, you'd be walking through town and another player would come up and attempt to pick pocket items out of your inventory. If you turned around and smacked them, the guards would spawn and instantly kill you, which caused everything you were carrying to fall to the ground beside your corpse, and then the thieves would just pick up anything valuable and walk away free and clear. They were counting on this behavior of course, and they'd antagonize new players until they got what they wanted. There was a similar example in EVE Online, where pirates who knew the system would open up floating cans left by players who were mining, causing them to flash red to the miner. If the miner fought back, the police would show up, your ship would be destroyed, and the pirates could pick through all your stuff.

Given OP's example, I can guarantee scenarios like this with Smart Contracts will be fairly easy to pull off.

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PS, stands for lemmy.marxist-leninist.

This has been debunked dozens of times, in this thread alone.

Proving once again, no one bothers to read any of the comments before tossing their own opinion over the fence.

Edit: perhaps it wasn't in this thread, but in the other thread from today about Mali taking back the .ml TLD and what it might mean for

Back in the day, like early 90's when they were managed by the university, they also hand reviewed each request. I had a customer with a registered company name something like "Wood Supplies Canada Inc." and they wanted "". They rejected it because "" was superfluous ...

I remember there being a big fuss around a similar situation in home gardening subreddits because the most common worldwide name of some flower offended someone in the States, and a similar situation in baking communities, and it’s just… I give up.

rapeseed oil has entered the chat.


Nagware was huge 20 years ago, hell Evernote still does it. They move the nag around each time as well.

Bidets are amazing. I had one for years until I moved (current toilet would be rather difficult to install an attachment to) and holy crap do I ever miss it.

I started on, right up until their "wait and see" approach to Meta/Threads, which is when I moved to

Not going to lie though, it also seems like most of the low-quality memes/shit posts come from, so I don't feel like I'm missing out on much.

Won't someone think of the vegans!?

Doing some top quality research here:

Mattress Types and Sex Suitability

I refuse to believe that a being incalculable in power and knowledge, omnipotent, able to see both the past and the future, is somehow, according to what religious people want you to believe, burdened by what we humans experience as emotions or morality.

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I remember before I had the internet wondering why companies had ads for "http://" and others were on "www" and having no clue if I needed to buy a special internet to access each.

I don't even understand how Wayland has diehard fans. Do they just exit out from their hyperland rice into an X11 session whenever they need to share their screen during a Teams meeting, or do they just say "if it doesn't work on Wayland it sucks and I don't use it".

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Honestly, we'll probably never see Photoshop on Linux with all the 'value add' crap they're shoving in. I don't even enjoy using it on Windows, and spent $35 on a lifetime Affinity Photo license when it was on sale.

I'd much rather see that ported tbh, especially since they wouldn't need to port a ton of DRM services as well.

Literally a key logger with extra steps.

Not necessarily. If all I wanted was 'cake', then sure, I'd go for the free cake and the people selling cakes would lose out.

But the people who are selling cakes have to give me a reason to buy from them. It has to be a better tasting cake, it has to be delivered faster, it has to be fresher. If the people selling cakes can't do that, then it's their shitty business model, and not the fault of the people giving cakes away for free.

Take GIMP vs Photoshop for example. Photoshop is objectively better than GIMP, which is why people still pay for it. Now if Adobe decides to just sit on their laurels and one day GIMP improves and passes them in terms of capability, then that's Adobe's shitty business model, and not GIMP's fault.

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  • patched dwm
  • polybar
  • kitty
  • a ton of tui's (mutt, ncspot, cointop, btop, dry, etc)
  • obsidian
  • vscode
  • rofi, thunar
  • blender and daz3d (wine)
  • discord, element

The only real piece of software I don't like is Zoom; it's the most badly behaved app I've ever seen. Suck my balls Zoom, stay in your own god damned workspace.

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Naw this was a click everytime a token was generated, and they were generating really slowly so I knew something was wrong. I think it was bouncing off the 24GB memory limit and something was being tripped, so I changed the loader from AutoGPQ to ExLlama_HF and everything works fine now.

In hard cheese if you can cut an inch or two in every direction

Look at Mr Money bags over here, throwing away 3-4 inches of cheese when even the store brand stuff is like $15 a block!

The article doesn't mention that YouTube/Google were involved at all. It was the record labels that filed the suit.

... has been blocked due to copyright infringement claims by major music labels Sony, Warner, and Universal ...

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You have to ask yourself why a company like Meta would even need to integrate with the Fediverse to begin with. If every IG user has a Threads account, that's over 2.3 billion users, so they're clearly not doing it because they need us.

Meta has a horrible track record when it comes to respecting their users. People suggesting sites federate with Meta need to re-evaluate why they're even on Lemmy to begin with.

nteract with the Windows Nvidia drivers which aren’t there

Funny story. I was trying to get RayTracing working under Wine for a few days and finally found the solution (needed to download the nvlibs zip from GitHub and run the installer).

Couple weeks later I went back into Wine and it was broken. After another 3 days of struggling, I decided to redownload nvlibs and run the installer, when I noticed it only symlinks the needed libraries into WINEPREFIX. Me, being the resource miser I am, had removed the folder from ~/Downloads when I thought I was done with it ...

I don’t want to use another ISO due to space constraints on my USB.

What? A 32GB thumb drive is under $10...

A dedicated KVM would be a better option but I’m not willing to spend that much money.

Honestly the worst part about a dedicated KVM, at least for a home setup, is the 30lbs of thick bulky cables.