5 Post – 127 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

So teeeeechnically, a salad is a dish composed of mixed ingredients. You could make the argument that you mix any two set of chopped ingredients and bingo bongo, it's a salad.

However, I like to think that dishes' ingredients aren't a taxonomic thing, they're a probabilistic thing. In other words, there's no such thing as "not salad" or "salad", only shades of saladness.

  • Serve it cold? Ok it's saladier

  • It's made up of chopped ingredients? Saladier still

  • Those ingredients are mostly vegetables? Getting pretty saladish

  • They're mixed together? Even more salad like

  • They've got some sort of dressing mixed in? Now it's very likely a salad!

... and so on. To me, your SO'a dish has a pretty high Salad Probability^tm

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Genuinely surprised Sherlock Holmes was rated that low, I really enjoyed it.

You're confusing cause and effect, mostly.

If you've:

  • Met a bunch of people that don't look like you or live like you

  • Have a high paying job that requires a good education

  • Encountered a ton of new concepts and ideas frequently

You're more likely to be a liberal. These things also tend to occur at much greater frequencies in cities.

I mean... I can't see any issue with NATO not stopping Ukraine from invading its own territory... the territory the UN recognizes as part of Ukraine... and which Russia signed three separate treaties promising to respect as part of Ukraine.

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The rationale is: profit. Ultimately reddit relies on users for content, and they're hoping if the remove the organisers of the strike (the mods) and replace them with scabs, that the users will stop striking.

I know I'm in the minority here, but I think the karma system has value and I'd like to see us keep it. I did time as a moderator on a fairly busy subreddit, and requiring accounts to be >30 days old and have >100 or so karma saved us a lot of work. E.g., it made ban evasion a little harder to do, and reduced brigading.

It also helped to keep folks fairly civil and promoted considering perspective when posting, which I think is valuable.

With that said, I'd LOVE to allow communities to disable down votes... it's a missing feature in reddit, and if you are trying to promote discussion of a divisive topic, or to actively suppress an echo chamber, I think down votes are counter productive.

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Not me, I thought he was going to be overtaken with remorse and bludgeon himself to death from behind in a tragic suicide.

Yes of course... Russia acknowledged Ukraine's borders and territorial integrity when:

  • Ukraine was admitted to the UN in 1945 with its current borders (which Russia could have vetoed).

  • Ukraine's sovereign status and territorial integrity were guaranteed in the Belovezha Accords in 1991, which recognized the dissolution of the USSR and the borders and sovereignty of the former member states.

  • Ukraine agreed to transfer control of its 4,700 nuclear weapons to the Russian Federation in exchange for guarantees by the US, UK, and Russian Federation that they would not threaten to use (or use) military force against Ukraine... in the Budapest Memorandum in 1996.

  • Russia specifically recognized Ukraine's sovereignty in Crimea when Ukraine agreed to lease it military bases there (and split the Black Sea fleet, stationed in Crimea, 50/50 in 1997) in the Partition Treaty.

  • The two countries agreed not to declare war on one another, to treat each other's territory as inviolable and to prohibit the use of military force to resolve any future territorial disputes in the same year's Treaty of Friendship.

  • Russia agreed to "final borders" in January 2003 (which include Crimea, Kherson, etc)

  • As you know, Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014; they signed a ceasefire in 2015 once again confirming Ukraine's territorial integrity, but this was almost immediately violated, so I'm not sure I'd even count it.

Hope it helps. The three that were top of mind for me were 1991, 1996, and 2003.

I mean, if folks were making fun of their housing I'd agree but this is the equipment they're buying to threaten their neighbors with, instead of feeding their starving population

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It's a good objective, but it would take a lot to make it happen. It's significantly more challenging for tech workers to effectively unionize en masse for several reasons:

  • Tech isn't monopsonistic, or even close to it; there isn't a single large employer... even the biggest tech companies employ only a relatively small fraction of the tech workforce. That means separate unionization efforts at thousands of big companies, not at one.

  • Tech job functions are much more widely varied than "delivery driver"; job responsibilities differ greatly, complexity and education requirements differ greatly, workplace expectations differ greatly ... think of the difference between help desk, front end dev, network security engineering, data science and DBA. Collective bargaining is harder the more varied the needs of the collective are.

  • Job mobility is really high in the tech sector ... in other words, tech employees (by and large) have access to many prospective employers (especially with the prevalence of remote work), and tech employers to a wide geographic pool of talent. That means if your San Francisco office seems on the path to unionization, you can shift work to your Chennai office.

  • It also means that, when the working conditions at a tech company suck, a lot of tech workers can easily jump ship. It's hard to get a union going when your voters can easily quit and go work someplace nicer, rather than take the more difficult path of staying and trying to force your employer to improve.

Again, I think highly of unions and would really like to see more effective unionization efforts in tech -- I just want folks to go into it eyes wide open and intelligently, vs throwing up their hands and saying, "Why don't tech workers unionize?"


Yeah this is wild ... every instance seems a lot smoother, and there is massivh more and better content. It's feeling awesome

It doesn't really have all the communities I'm interested in ... but for most of my looking-at-memes and commenting-on-things needs, it works great. I use lemmy exclusively on mobile and haven't touched reddit on my phone since sync went away, but I still engage with reddit periodically on desktop.

ADHD and depression are super, super comorbid though.

Embedded in this article

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I'm OK with that, the housing market is in a giant bubble and it needs to crash. I say that as someone who bought a house at the lowest price point right at the start of the pandemic, combined with an incredibly low interest rate. Theoretically my home is worth almost 50% more now, 4 years later.

Thaaaaat's a bubble.

I'm a very hairy dude with a thick, thick beard. I use a new blade every other shave. Recommend using a safety razor, it's much cheaper and better

That is... pretty rough.

Drinking can be a big part of socializing in the US, but you'll be able to get by without it. Neighbors don't come over uninvited here, and it's unusual to have the type of friendships where people come by unannounced all the time (at least, after college).

I might try a few things:

  • If you haven't already, find a local mosque to attend; that's a good way to widen your social circle with American Muslims, who may be able to introduce you to more people, broaden it further, etc. It'll be folks who are more culturally familiar, but many will likely be a bit more integrated already and have a wider group of American friends as well.

  • Hobby based clubs are great, but they do tend to be a little transactional -- think about hobbies you want to be doing anyway (so you're not JUST there to meet people).

  • If you have the time, I'd be on the lookout for volunteering and community service type activities -- it's a great way to meet good people, more committed than a hobby group, and much less awkward to socialize in than a workplace.

  • Depending where you live, try and strike up conversations a bit more openly / frequently, and be willing to mention that you just moved here and don't know many folks. At the barbershop, out to breakfast, in a long line, at the coffee shop, etc. Make conversation, a lot of people will be happy to chat and some will invite you to things. Just gotta be ok with lots of chats.

The government served them a court order, they turned the ship around and handed it over. No US naval involvement, etc.

In fairness to France, weren't they kicked out of Haiti like 198 years ago? That feels like asking Spain to intervene to stabilize the Venezualan economy.

Not being facetious, genuinely curious what I'm missing.

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Where are you getting that 90% figure? I'm seeing stratospherically higher activity than I was a week ago, I'm willing to buy half to 2/3 of those accounts being a combination of alt accounts, duplicate accounts (e.g., people moving off beehaw) and bot accounts, but 90% bots sounds implausible.

Nobody is making 1.6 million bots to target 100,000 users.

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Yeah... this article is propagandistic nonsense. The author sets up a strawman and by golly, knocks it right down!

At no point do they consider Russia's desire to be / remain a military hegemon, or their willingness to repeatedly invade their neighbors to achieve it.

On the other hand, "the west" hasn't invaded any of Russia's neighbors, even a little bit.

Fun fact... From the Roman era through the early modern era, the "four humors" theory of medicine led to an extraordinary focus on the quality, consistency and uh, frequency of feces in assessing people's medical health -- at least the people wealthy enough to have a doctor obsess over their poop.

Now, here's where it gets funny. Doctors were not generally nobility, or highly trusted ... What if they deliberately treated the king poorly? Best to have an impartial observer, someone you really trusted, who could describe your poop to multiple doctors (so as to get a second opinion) and be trusted not to discuss your poop willy nilly (can't have spurious rumors about the king's health).

Hence the introduction of a new title, the Groom of the Stool, whose job it was to... Well, to look at the king's poop, and be present while the aforementioned poop was pooped to verify the uh, chain of custody.

For hundreds of years, it was one of the most powerful positions at court, and formed the seed of what would later become the "privy counsel". The Victorians gradually phased it out (because they were less enthusiastic about poop than their predecessors).

Anyway I guess this picture made me think of three people sitting around watching each other poop, so ... Now you know about that, I guess

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I keep forgetting you have to comment or post to be considered active

My dad has been obsessed with this my whole life. The dude just really likes American chestnut trees.

He's part of an advocacy organization that is testing blight resistant genetic hybrids, and planting chestnuts in their yards to preserve them in the meantime.

If you, too want to be obsessed with chestnut trees, I believe it's

Pretty sure this was Ukraine. Hard to keep track, it's dangerous to work for Putin

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This is fantastic! If .world hadn't gotten back up and running I'd have had to use it for sure.

Folks who are recommending a blanket % without knowing your situation have probably not been a hiring manager before. Getting the best outcome relies on you having a good sense for what you're worth, knowing how much you'll accept, and gauging what they're willing to pay.

  • How much you are worth: if people are trying to poach you, you're probably pretty good. How does your current pay compare to the market? Are you earning more than the median for your job and experience? Less?

  • How much you're willing to take: sounds like you'd jump ship over to the competitors even without a pay raise. That's good (it means all outcomes are positive), but unless you are way above market right now, you can probably do better.

  • How much are they willing to pay? If they're trying to poach you, odds are they're willing to offer you the high end of the market -- they know they are getting someone good.

Use a site like glassdoor, etc to gauge your current compensation vs. the market. Below the executive level they're usually pretty accurate.

If you're way below market right now, going for 20% may be shooting way too low (this often happens if you developed all these skills while staying in the same role at the same employer). If you're way above the market, asking for 20% more might look pretty unreasonable.

Guy wanted me to burn him with cigarettes, but he didn't smoke and neither do I. After spending 20 minutes looking for a convenience store that was open, the mood was kinda gone.

Ooh maybe he can form a third party and field a bunch of candidates for the senate!

I've been in poly relationships for years. They work really well for me and my significant others, but we are pretty discreet about it because folks tend to be huge assholes about it.

Generally, you don't see the poly relationships that work great; mostly, people see the type of scenario one of your other commenters described because the stable relationships are less visible.

It takes all of three minutes to click through to the court order here. All three companies do significant business in the US, but the money to buy the oil was US dollars, and came from Oaktree Capital which is based in Los Angeles.

Which is (and this might be a shocker) in the USA.

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Ah yes, "fear", the notorious antonym for "attraction."

Phobia is the opposite of philia; they're Greek suffixes, and they meant, and still mean, "fleeing from" and "seeking out"; the connotation of "fear" arrived considerably more recently, because of psychiatric conditions being named ... in Greek.

If you're going to a pedantic dummy about etymology, at least take the time to learn a little before you dive in my dude.

For instance, you could object that "homophobia" originally referred to someone who irrationally avoided other humans, and then demand that words never change their meaning and immediately begin proudly speaking fluent proto Indo European.

I'm saddened to hear that there are still an appreciable amount of Spanish people talking about us that way, but I'm not upset at the dictionary for recording the way the language is used.

I'm guessing it's approached in something of a similar way to how English language dictionaries handle the word gyp, which is to give its definition and note that it is offensive.

I have very few writing tasks that don't require careful consideration, so it's not super useful in my day to day. But it can be helpful to get the ball rolling on an outline or first draft so I'm not staring at a blank sheet of paper.

This movie was an unmitigated disaster. Awful, but not bad enough to enjoy because of it being bad. Too tone deaf to enjoy watching, not tone deaf enough to enjoy lampooning.

Some people think if you hate the same people hard enough, you're on the same side -- and the Proud Boys were happy to have someone brown as their front guy for a while there. "See? It's about values!"

The reality is that plenty of them hate his guts for not being white, I remember these guys split into two factions a while back based ok whether they would accept brown people who hated other brown people hard enough or not.

Fucking ballsy to just be hanging out 300 yards from the border of a country you're at war with like, "This lawn ain't gonna mow itself!"

So... this is pretty stupid, a raise in pay certainly might help.

However, from the perspective of a career spent managing teams, often organizations with hundreds of employees, if you think your people are all solely motivated by compensation, you're going to do a very poor job as a manager.

Everyone wants more money, but that's not all they want -- and there are plenty of people who quit high paying jobs that treated them poorly or gave them no opportunity to grow.

Think about appropriate compensation as necessary, but often not sufficient -- and think about the best boss you ever had. They probably did more than just pay you fairly, that's the bare minimum.

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