3 Post – 107 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I have nothing to add, just amused by the fact that a Tickle can’t get a giggle.

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Ze Frank

Seems like he’s been doing his thing for the entire existence of the internet. Silly little flash animations and games in the early 2000’s and now his ‘true facts’ of animals videos. Seems to keep true to his own style, ever evolving as it may be, but always similar- and maybe thats what I find comforting- he’s been there for most of the 20+ years I’ve been ‘surfin the web’, as the kids like to say.

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Rebuttals to a few of the cons:

  • don’t dress like an ‘annoying dork’- unless that’s your vibe, no need to change anything to ride a bike.
  • you don’t ‘have’ to wear a helmet. Though there are some less bulky, big, or wherever this cons comes from. Probably best to wear one.
  • no need to go fast and work up a sweat, or e-bike as other have mentioned. There may be financial rebates available. Other commuter tips include: bring extra clothes, and wet wipes to clean up once getting to.
  • until a matter transporter comes along, it takes time to go anywhere.
  • you get to find new routes. Find new shops, new neighborhoods, new parks. Feel like a part of you community. Not locked in a metal box or tube.
  • bone conduction headphones, or other non noise canceling headphones
  • there are bikes, racks and bags in any combination that can carry all sorts of groceries.
  • no bad weather, only bad gear. I’d say heat of summer is worse than winter.
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Sounds like he won a magical monkey paw from that weird stall at the fair that nobody else seems to remember.

‘An old wives tale’

Man, I thought I was on crazy pills with the lack of nuance here. Everything is black and white with no room for gray or context…

I’m digging the past few days. There have been a number of posts and comments calling it out. The fact that your comment has positive upvotes is a good sign and surprising.

No one is pointing out that these “convection currents” created are not taking any bacteria away.

That is only steam from the water added, or water left in the meat- it doesn’t take anything away with it… otherwise you’d have an empty pan and meat vapor all over your kitchen.

For the low low price of a little mea culpa on Sunday you too can be a raging pustule the rest of the week too…

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Trump is a foot in the door, there are some scary and actually intelligent people behind the scenes.

We’re in a frogs in the pot situation.

No, poor people already pay for the rich. The rich can afford an accountant to find as many loopholes and deductions as possible. The really rich don’t have an “income” and live of capital gains which is already under taxed.

This is just a hope people remember the “no income tax” part and forget about the “raise import tariffs” part when they’re at the ballot.

“he spun off the company Second Sight with three cofounders in 1998”

The rest of the sentence from your quote. The company that put these implants into people was, from what I understand, indeed for profit.

We stood up during the anti Iraq war protests, occupy Wall Street, blm, pro-choice, marched for lgbtq rights, human rights, the environment.

We’re burned out because (mostly) nothing changed or got worse… also busy working to the bone to be able to afford to go to work tomorrow.

Perfect consumer because everything we need to buy is designed to fail and not be repairable.

I don’t disagree. I’ve worked on an ambulance, I’ve seen what the results of improper protection does to a person. But also how it affects everyone else involved- from the people scraping you off the street to the family that has to take care of you. The unseen injuries of head trauma. At the end of the day, it’s a personal choice- just think about the possible consequences to yourself and those around you.

Think of it this way- don’t wear a helmet because you ride a bike, wear a helmet because everyone else is in a car… they don’t look for you, they don’t care about you. Only you can care about you. It’s car culture pushing the responsibility of safety onto the cyclists to avoid culpability.

Two fairly interesting videos arguing each point and may help yall convince others to wear a helmet better than calling them stupid.

Be safe, anything can happen. Wear a helmet, even for the ‘safe’ rides so it becomes second nature.

Moto GP: Here

F1/moto gp: Here

F1 : Here or Here

Note, not live streams. I have to avoid social media on race weekends to avoid spoilers (Max wins is a given…)

How can I forget about Lord Latifi?

‘Vaccines were from the height of the pandemic‘. I believe they meant that since these doses are 2-3 years old, and the virus has mutated several times… these destroyed vaccines are ineffective at this point. Not that vaccines in general don’t work.

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PG&E, the power and gas company for much of California does this. As a for profit company, they outsourced maintenance of their infrastructure to save money. The infrastructure was old, not well maintained or managed and it sparked several large fires over the years. They’ve paid lots of money in restitutions because of this. Now they shut off the power so they can’t be blamed for starting giant fires again…

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Hey, some places it’s the county Sheriff that’s the coroner… which is also bad.

Sometimes people die in the county jail… and almost every time it’s not needed to perform an autopsy- it’s just natural causes..

The coroner needs to be an impartial medical professional.

Who can afford blinker fluid in this economy?!

Stretching. As someone who had sore knees a lot, stretching all the things from lower back to knees help. Im no muscle-ologist so I can’t tell you the names of these muscle groups.

And anecdotally for me, zero drop shoes along with stretching. The cheapo ones from Amazon have held together better and longer than any other ‘name brand’ and for only $20.

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Perhaps it’s more of a “hey, parking is hard to come by in this neighborhood.. I’ve been circling for a while and noticed that you got into your car and now I’m sitting here with my blinker on, blocking traffic, waiting for the spot to free up so I can park and get on with my day… what’s going on in there?”

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Are the the same fellas that have the broccoli haircut?

My dad chose the booze in this scenario. From tenured university professor with a family to dying alone, homeless, on the other side of the country.

It may work, it may not. You are not (hopefully) the only one who wants to help her. Find the help, don’t take on the burden alone.

Don’t make a threat you are not ready to follow up on. If you go back on your word, then she can too.

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On iOS

Look for altstore or similar

I am bleeding, making me the victor!

He didn’t build it, but yea his name is on it because of his money. Not that PR money means he has morals. Although, it is a hospital for real human people, not other lizard types.

Where there is no will, there is no way.

If it’s a Costco monthly trip, no. On your carbon road bike, no. Full suspension downhill bike, no. Holding a 2liter bottle of Shasta Cola and three rolls of TP? Rethink some things.

If you know it’s going to be a utility bike, yea. Easily done. If it’s a zippy get about thing, consider a little trailer for the hauling trips- buy used, even the old ones roll fine.

I’ve been going for about a year, with two panniers and a front rack, for weekly groceries for a family of 3. Milk, eggs, toilet paper, no problem. Back when Mission Workshop just split off from Timbuk2 I got their expand-o Marry Poppins backpack (the rambler)which is awesome- though I wouldn’t buy it at the current price (eye watering)…it does fit A LOT, like 12kg bags of dog food and still has room. It can carry the weirdest things.

The worst part is getting the panniers up the flight of stairs to our apartment…which would be the same struggle regardless of transportation.

The theme explored in ‘Midnight in Paris’ - the Woody Allen film. And probably countless other movies and books.

Happy 11th anniversary of your 37th birthday!

I enjoy seeing the evolution of our fashion all in one friend group- high waisted jeans from the 90’s to the jinco jeans of the early 2000’s. It’s fascinating.

Wait… I thought Apple left China because of slave(ish) labor reasons. But are still using Foxconn which is a Chinese company?

Ah found this: “Like many of its competitors, Apple has relied on China for assembling its products for years. But political and economic factors have forced the company, as well as the broader tech sector, to rethink that approach by seeking partners from across the region.” (Link

You can take the production out of China, but not China out of production…all for ‘optics’.

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I suggest Redwall. It’s short, it’s awesome. If it’s not a hard cover copy it shouldn’t hurt too much.

Depending on where you are there are estate buying/selling services or companies.

I have no personal experience with this, but I’ve seen a few in the past. It may help ease the burden.

Not too many residents … under 50k. Many regular folks can’t afford to live there anymore- like many, many places. The old artisans are gone, replaced by generic mass produced nick-nacks. The majority of apartments are tourist rentals, and even the quiet neighborhoods are becoming less quiet.

It may not be a tourist trap, so to say, but it is treated like an amusement park and not respected as ancient city/settlment and community as it should by many of the visitors.

Having said all that, it is also one of my favorite places to be. I’ve been lucky to have family there and be able to visit a fair number of times of the years.

I believe she made a post/video a bit ago saying that she was taking a break from the videos for a bit, after quitting her job. She said she was going to focus more on her channel(s) as her main focus, to do something she enjoys.

I see a lot of her YouTube stuff posted a month ago, a couple of new ones, my guess is that her break is over and there will be more stuff coming.

Though I may be misinterpreting the question…

And even more kowtowing and pandering.

As my poor old grandad would say :

“I wish that I knew what I know now, When I was younger. I wish that I knew what I know now, When I was stronger”

I laughed at all his words, I thought he was a bitter old man.

He may have been speaking of something else, though, it still applies here I think.

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Many may be victims of a legal system that incentivizes recidivism and bullshit laws.

For profit prisons need bodies to get federal cash, plus the cash from the underpaid labor the prisoners provide.

I’m sure it would cost the government less to implement social programs that help nurture and support everyone than to continue to subsidize and pay private prisons.

I have no proof of anything. But saying most don’t want to change seems hyperbolic and dog whistle-y.

A very small minority are probably wired wrong and are indeed unchanging in their ways, I’d say the vast majority were set up to fail for profit.

Then it’s a journey you are both on. There is no victory, only constant vigilance. Stop being in the position where ‘only one’ is even an option.

I say this having seen my sister go through this too- fortunately more successfully than my dad.

Good luck man, find help. If not for her, then for you- it’s won’t be easy going alone.

Just have it at the surfing venue. Teahupo’o.