Bahnd Rollard

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Joined 11 months ago

Because when the right is in power they fall in line, and when the left is in power the fall in love.

Explanation, each left leaning congress critter and senate sloth has something they want to champion, something they usually got elected to do or fix... And they are wildly inconsistent within the party on how to do that. With the right being obstructionist cockwombles most of the time it then appear from the outside that left is incapable of getting things done.

There are plenty of nerds here on Lemmy to help, but some advice first.

  • What is the system intended for? (Gaming, CAD, editing, programming, Facebook machine?) This isnt just so we can advise better, but also to get you to state what you need this tool for. Its a tool at the end of the day.

  • Will it need to be moved? This is where your going to have to weigh the factors in your life, because if you need to move the device, a laptop may be a better, but the entire device is not moduler (usually, Framework laptops and a few other manufacturers like to do stuff like that).

  • Lastly, care to share what you planned/built? There are plenty of nerds on Lemmy who would love discussing stuff like that. (Shameless plug, one of those nerds is me)

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I expect the main event to be painful for all involved ( the audience, the studio, 45/46 egos ). They better put some effort into the comercials...

Why does Fetterman, the largest senator, not simply eat the other senators?

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Come on over, the water is fine. I switched to Pop_OS a few months back for the gaming rig and Proton+Steam works almost flawlessly. Older titles sometimes have hiccups, but so far ive only been blocked on one title.

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MS being sued for packaging something with windows? Haven't we seen this before?

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I dont know how to feel about this...

My domain got transfered to them from Google domains shutting down and now its being brought under a private equity umbrella... Something fucky.

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This was literally the Net Neutrality debate from 2013-2016ish... And yall can correct me if im mis-remembering what the argument was. IIRC it was if an ISP wanted to be classified as a public utility or private service and the outcome was something along the lines of.

Public utility > protection under title 2 of The Communications Act of 1934 (ammended in 1996, its not that old, and could NOT be sued for the content they transmitted) > they could not police the content, otherwise they were liable for what their customers used it for.

The reasoning was you could not sue a public utility for someone using them to do something illegal. However if it was a private service.

Private service > not protected under title 2 > could police content as it was private infrastructure. The fear was if Time Warner or someone throttled connections to streaming platforms to ruin the expirence so people would go back to watching cable. This was kicked off when Netflix, Level 3 and Comcast all got into a spat over content usage, data volumes and who was responsible for paying for hardware upgrades.

The issue was that they were poorly classified at the time (unsure if that changed) and had a habbit of flip-flopping classifications as they saw fit in different cases (ISPs claimed to be both and would only argue in favor of the classification that was more useful at the time). I dont think this was ever resolved as it was on chairman Wheelers to-do list but 45s nominee to the FCC was a wet blanket and intentionally did nothing. Now the seat is empty because congressional approval is required for appointees and were doing the "think of the kids/ruin the internet" bill again... /Sigh.

Y'all know the drill, call your congress critter n' shit, remind them not to break the internet again. And if your in a red state, just fart loudly into the phone, its funny and they wont do anything constructive anyway, even if you asked nicely. (Sorry, im just tired of this cycle of regulatory lights on, lights off)

Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.

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China has some odd cultural hangups around skeletons and such that I think would eventually work its way into the IP (see old video game releases and the state approved model changes they have to make for their versions). Thats not nessessaraly a bad thing, but it would be weird to see what gets changed.

I would be concerned if I cared for the IP. The thing is that Hasbro broke the public's trust with the attempted OGL change along with many other bad decisions and my groups fully abandoned the IP for Pathfinder. BG3 really is only my last connection to the current edition, and even then its really only set dressing over the video game mechanics.

As someone who deeply cares for D&D as a collaborative story telling tool, an excuse to RP with friends and just play fun games. I dont care who owns it, ive got my old books and can use any framework to tell a fun adventure. As Hasbro proved in 2023, the hobby is too popular to kill and people will make rules forks if they feel like the owner has too much influence over it.

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Is noone going to comment on how someone trained a bunch of animals to help with cleaning? They were more than an employee, they were a Disney Princess!

We know... but can anyone really do anything? We reguraly get scientific breakthroughs that may help, but are too new to meet the scale required. We regurally hear PSA like "Recycling helps" or "Only you can prevent forest fires" but once again, the scale of the issue is far larger than paper straws or other feel good wishcycling programs. We reguraly see that the ~100 companies directly responsible for the problems not suffering any concequences, investigations into wrong doings are met with armies of lawyers, lobbyists (see bribery), and limp-wristed regulations with fines that are considered "the cost of doing business" instead of a penalty to be avoided.

For me, the fear and panic of impending climate collapse has given way to apathy and resignation. We know its a problem, its just that the scale requires real global action, its a global prisoner's dilemma, and im not confident people will get it right.

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By the title alone, I though this was a joke app for cats.



[Said Mr. Jackson using his inside voice]

Also that up and down votes are not tallied on user profiles. One of the issues with reddit is that if your point of view is unpopular, you cant discuss it on subs that require X amount of karma. Eventually you will be downvoted into being unable to reply. Here, conversation is more open and accounts dont carry a scarlet letter.

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Idiocracy is the most unrealistic sci-fi/apocolyptic film ever made. President Comacho finds the most qualified person to help with a crisis, asks them for advice and then doesnt take credit for it. Noone put in a position of power would ever do that.

Ah, so this history teacher was a Sith Lord!?

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12345? Thats amazing, I have the same combination on my luggage!

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Any landing where you can walk away from the plane is a good landing.

Any landing where you can reuse the plane is a great landing.

Im I wrong to think that we (the media) should stop calling it a "hush-money" case? I think its a poor move to put more focus on the moral issues of him spending a night with a porn star and paying them to keep quiet than to focus on the fact that he falsified business records to save face during a presidential campaign.

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Oh just call the TST for this one, even the constitutional literalists cant weasel their way out of that one.

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Yep, sites that wish to comply with the new regulation simply block traffic from those states. Search results for VPNs increase sharply for a few days and nothing really changes.

Laws arn't that easy to pass, makes you think if that effort was put into something constructive instead of reinforcing that prohibition doesn't work...

This is the sorta randomness I wish we got more of on the internet.

If thats actually from the smithsonian in Washington DC, its probably in the recently renovated american history museum. There is a section in the lower levels all about technology and products the changed regulations. So they have an old ipod and lawn darts... Its very odd seeing that stuff be called history.

ISO-8601 exists for a reason and is better.

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Ah yes, the tears of smaller mugs.

Yes, 45s classified documents case is being handled by the legal equivilent of the three kids in a trench coat, that he appointed to the district his cases would be heard in. Between the mishandling of evidence, accidental release of the names of wittnesses and inability to stick to established protocol, im amazed they havent been thrown off the case or disbarred.

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Ok, but which one got to be the best Kyle? We had a Josh fight a long while ago and they ironed that one out in a day or so.

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Yes, but some claim to be log-less so while they can see your traffic, they pinky promise not to record it. Proton being one who proports to not keep logs, and seeing as they are Swiss ,that tracks.

(Proton VPN is the 3rd party one I use)

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Slam dunks, yes. But does any of the people who would bring a case against then have enough money to fight an army of more lawyers? Probably not.

46 should know not to debate 45 because 45 is an idiot.

Never get into arguments with idiots, the will drag you down to their level and beat you with expirence.

Besides, we havent had a real debate since the advent of cable TV... Just dont bother of your not in it for the spectacle.

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Am I the only one who thinks they were going for a pixar lamp look?

Note on Yellowstone, Grand Teton is just south of it, and is much smaller, but significantly more dramatic (If you expect to summit anything there without a ski lift, good luck).

As for the east coast, New River Gorge WV is very active with guided activities, last I checked. One of the good places for rafting, also the Greenbank National Radio Observatory is within a days drive. If the Virginia(s) is your direction, in addition to the national parks, you also have the estates of some of americas founding fathers in the area, along with old battlefields that are open to the public, if history is on the menu. I would argue that the best park for hiking on the US east coast is White Mtn. State Forest in NH. Middle of ski country for the winter and summer is peak hiking for the best section of the AT (the Presidentials will kick you and your cars ass, Mt. Washington is up there and you can drive to the weather facility at the top)

The 200-mile rule. Sushi is amazing but raw fish has to be trasnported somehow. If your eating seafood and are not within 200 miles of a body of water where it could have been caught... Probably best to pick something else.

Montana is not famous for its aquatic cusine.

And I too do the peanutbutter thing you mentioned.

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GMT observes daylight savings as it is in Greenwich England, this is not consistent between countries. UTC does not observe daylight savings.

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3rd floor

You buy less stupid shit because you have to carry it. Also never skip leg day.

The Waffle Hose Index for the uninitiated [Link] was a moderatly usefull (and humerous) idea thought up by the US Federal Emergency Managment Aganecy (FEMA) to determine the accessability of the area after a disaster.

It takes time to get to an area, even longer if the roads are damaged, so one of the first things to do is to try and call someone local. Waffle House happens to be open 24-7, and has an unusually comprehensive emergency preparedness policy. In a lot of cases they can run for days on a limited menu without power and running water. The only reasons they would not pick up the phone is that telecommunications were down (which FEMA would want to know anyway), that the staff cant get to the resturant (which is also usefull to know) or that the resturant is gone and Amaerica is down one of its finest off-hours eating establishments.

My nerd herd play this game too, the usual suspects are getting to the point where I worry that will be the problem. Right now the main irritation are meme accusations. 2 players dont trust eachother even if prove they are on the same team.

Lieing about being someones grandmother and randomly guessing a role (and getting it right) has ended multiple games. Its gotten to the point we have to just treat some people as agents of chaos even if they arnt on the evil team. Its still very fun and most people get a laugh out of a good play.

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You used the right tool for the job, saved you from hours of work. General AI is still a very long ways off and people expecting the current models to behave like one are foolish.

Are they useless? For writing code, no. Most other tasks yes, or worse as they will be confiently wrong about what you ask them.

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Narrator: He won't...

IMO the ban is very much a broken clock (is right twice a day) sorta situation. I would have prefered the reason being that its mentally toxic, lowering peoples attention span, and promoting misinfromation. On social media it should be a given that you are being spied on, by the private sector, public sector or both. I feel like they just got their congressional panties in a knot because it was China doing the spying instead of some US based alphabet soup agency.