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Joined 1 years ago

...yes? I thought we made that clear with containerization

But do they sell it to third parties?

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From the statistics that seems to make sense, only total/active users is seeing a drop everything else was still rising at the "normal" rate

Maybe google sheets? Or if there is an excel online equivalent

That would at least mean their work is synced so it doesn't matter if they forget to log out or edit at the same time

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To be fair on Mozilla, it's practically a for profit company, donations make up about 1-2% of their income, with most of their money coming from having google as default search engine

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The begging is considered a feature

What is normalized speciesism?

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Thank you for this gift

Technically not, but it would feel a bit like a 'socially taboo' to not drink

Idk I'd at least put it as slightly awkward, like going to a bowling alley and not bowl, sure you can be social, but it's weird to not join in

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Baba is you, is also great in this category

Fun puzzles that are turn based so you can sit and ponder however long you feel like

oh yeah, also the mozilla foundation (non-profit) has 100% share in two for-profit corporations, mozilla corporation and MZLA technologies corporation, and all three are run by the same ceo

so technically it is non-profit, but it at least seems very blurry

Happy new year

Currently playing Coral Island (stardew valley but on an island)

Persona 3: another remake. Is probably my most anticipated game and it's coming out in February

that's exactly what a an ai bot would be saying though... sus

Okay but where does that leave my beans

Drive 300 meters to a store? One of the most american sounding sentences :p


Where do you get the (new) music from, CDs/albums?

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I know it's not tidal lossless quality, but have you set all the music quality settings to extreme in Spotify settings?

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Nice, carpenter brut

Have you seen them live? They're out touring atm

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Damn :/ I caught them randomly on a Tuesday

Can certainly recommend it if the opportunity strikes


That's exactly how I use it (but for more things than excel), it works pretty well as a documentation 'searcher' + template/example maker

If you really need to try it at some point, I can recommend using Xbox/pc game pass to palt it first before buying it

They don't have their own api, but they have a shared api-key to reddit which all user requests would use

Playing lotta tower defence in Warcraft 3 and loved building (not so) basic mazes

Basic mazes



No idea y I changed s to y, it does however sound better

Who do you think the sphinx was modeled after?

Never said anyone would confront you about it. I'm also with you, live music is different, but that's not something I have seen much at bars where I'm from

You're right, I don't know where I got the idea it was called extreme

Yeah the auto transfer on paycheck is really good.

Although I do it through an auto transfer from my bank account to stocks account and then an auto buy of various ETFs and indexes (we don't have 401k where I live)

helps with the "this I what I got" mentality, rather than slowly creeping your daily expenses up to meet your full paycheck

They can certainly be promoted towards it

Used to have 256gb boot SSD and 1tb SSD for a long time but upgraded to 2tb boot SSD and 4tb SSD recently because I was always on the edge of storage capacity

But you already decided, onions

Because of the implications?

Sounds like you have been watching bit just bikes

Wait I thought yellow was bad, red was better and blue was best

It's all fun and gas, you can take it