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Childhood indoctrination is a big part of it. I have been told by my 8-year old niece that she'd like to save me from drowning in a lake of fire. She was genuinely scared for me. It's literal child abuse followed by Stockholm syndrome.

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Okay. Don't stop there Alabama. So if an embryo is now a child, let's talk now about dependents and tax exemptions, protective services, custodial rights and responsibilities, welfare benefits, insurance requirements, HOV rules, census counts, adoption and fostering rules, school districts and education funds, estate planning and probate.... You wanted to open Pandora's damn box - now every piece of state legislation that involves a child now needs to be adjusted.

Might get interesting in the news as questions arise over what the new guidelines are. But of course they won't get addressed. Of course, of course.

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Free-the-nipple hopefully.

I know there's a lot of humor over this campaign but the fact that it is illegal for one gender to do something and not the other gender and the length that media and social go to to censor only female nipples is kind of mindblowing.

Sounds like a simple and easy thing that will eventually pass into absurdity but with the whole "save the children" crackdown going on, I'm not optimistic that this is a freedom women will enjoy in a 100 years.

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Bionics. In the show, The Expanse there's a scene where a guy who had his arm cut off in a space accident is trying to get his company to not cheap out and to pay for a bionic arm replacement instead of regrowing him a new arm. The bionic arm being greatly more superior than a normal arm.

Lately, robotics and prostheses are becoming so advanced I can see this as happening to where people will eventually want artificial designer parts over their own.

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There's a series of "how to politely decline your stepsister's advances" by Ryan Creamer. I watched it with my son on Pornhub. Talk about a bonding moment.

Edit: Link for those wanting to get off.

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I remember a few years ago on the other place that starts with "R", there were a bunch of people who were randomly sent seed packets from China. Big debate on whether they should plant them and if it would start the zombie apocalypse or not. Some planted them and it grew to be far.

TLDR: seeds

This is typical behavior for China to show its displeasure when Taiwan gets involved in non-China, independence-affirming things. Its so routine, that at this point it'd be more significant if they DIDNT provide some type of military response.

Holy shit dude. These are real as fuck answers. I have done a few of these while going through hard times. 💯 on the need to project the right image into some people's pity systems to get what you need from them. They don't want the truth or to help you, they just want to feel good about themselves. Same for hygiene and creating the illusion of legitimacy to access resources. There's a strategy for every level of life - and you need to know which to use once you move up or down.

This totally works. Way back in middle school I had a pretty big crush on this guy. I was shy and there was just a trickle of his interest in me, posibly imaginary, but just enough to keep me miserable. One night had a pretty long dream about us going through a whole relationship with all the misunderstandings, arguments, and realizations that come with it. Woke up super refreshed, fulfilled, and ready to move on. About a year later he asked me out and I turned him down. Felt like it'd be going back to an ex or something.

I had to look this up, and this is so nuts, but there are currently 12 states that stilll have sodomy laws as of late 2023: Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas.

I think a lot of people might not realize that sodomy is often legally defined as anything that is not PIV intercourse. So most foreplay and obviously any sex practiced by homosexual couples. I absolutely don't get why there isn't a stronger push to get rid of this and other dumb laws against offenses that are widely committed and/or are hard to enforce.

Well I guess this one kind of makes sense in this current state of political turmoil.

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This show absolutely - if for nothing else but the casting that made you actually believe past/present/future characters were the same person.

Who can blame them. Amongst many other negative factors towards being pregnant, giving birth, and raising a child, China also has the Elderly Rights Law where you legally have to care for AND visit your elderly parents. Defying this law can result in fines or jail time.

Additionally, China has been flip-flopsy in this matter and not that long ago, too. The article mentioned a lady who was fined for having too many kids under their 1-child policy and who is now undrrstandably pissed at seeing govt requests to have more kids. I'd feel a certain way too.

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Having an excessive amount of kids.

Dystopic I know, but hear me out. I think this is already on the cusp of falling out of social norms as there are shows that let the American public gawk on the dynamics of very large families. Of course an "excessive" amount is vague and subjective but there is growing evidence on poorer outcomes for children who may have less nurturing and less family resources due to competition from having too many siblings. I myself come from a large family - so this is casual speculation from having witnessed the VERY different family dynamics from friends who came from single or two-child households.

Wanted an electric car but it's just a too expensive for me right now with both the purchase and my house electric panel upgrade I'll have to do for a charging feature.

I got an ebike instead and have been using the crap out of it. Using the ebike instead of the car for simple trips like going to nearby cafes and grocery stores totally changes my day in a positive way. It's actually postponed my want to get an electric car. I can say im partially green now but without having to have made such a huge financial sacrifice.

That's a good point. You kinda lose your kids once you take the pill. On the flip side though, who's putting who in the nursing home now?

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That kid's gotta be around 11 or 12 now. Wonder how he's doing.

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I just saw the episode you're referring to - yes definitely got those vibes as well.

I'm surprised there's not much abuzz yet in the recording industry for artists voice use. That seems like it'd be much easier to do and exploit. Think there's already a lot of content using AI voice generation for parodying Obama, Trump, Biden, etc. This is going to get a lot bigger.

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It's like the equivalent of finding out your kids also like Thomas the Train or Pokémon as you did once. Mutual meme humor is way more precious though.

2nd option: "I saw who broke into your car. Call me at (leave fake #)"

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This definitely. For ethical or cost-effective reasons. I think price is going to be the main incentive. If its a dollar less a pound for lab grown hamburger and options at fast food outlets - we'll definitely be there. Real meat will become the new "fancy food" - wasteful and indulgent spending.

One of the health warnings:

...[exposure to porn] “is associated with low self-esteem and body image eating disorders, impaired brain development, and other emotional and mental illnesses..."

Ummmm but what about BBW? In all seriousness though, for these 'valid' health concerns associated with low self esteem ...isn't this the slippery slope towards modesty policing of women and women only in some of those fun countries??

If you're one of the people who like the bowls from fast casual places like Chipotle, Qdoba, or even those poke bowl places, get their non-protein/vegetarian option then go home and add your own protein. This saves about $2-$4 a bowl and can possibly extend the bowl's lifespan into two meals.

I bring it home my bowl and add in my own falafel, chicken, shrimp, or whatever protein I have on hand. Getting frozen protein and airfrying it is the easiest. I guess I could also grill stuff but I'm usually short on time.

If you let them in, make sure you get them scanned for a microchip. Someone's probably out there worried sick...

This is what you get when fuck with the pure equation.

Christ this is depressing. Isn't China facing some kind of imminent population crisis? This isn't encouraging for that.

Same for online recipes. The content you want is never at the top.

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To give some perspective, North Korea currently has about the same fertility rate as the US.

Per the article, North Korea's fertility rate is 1.79 in 2022, down from 1.88 in 2014. Meanwhile, the US has been on a slow increase with its TFR over the last few years - 1.782 in 2022 and 1.784 in 2023. Interestingly, older women are contributing to the increase over younger women.

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Have had a samsung foldable and in a 2 year time period I've had to replace the factory installed screen protector twice. It started w a little crack that crept upwards until the whole protector was split in half. Ended up just peeling it off after the 2nd replacement started cracking. I imagine ppl don't like the idea of not being able to protect their screens for one of their premium products....

On the flip side I did watch the superbowl from a hotel pool with this phone and it was perfect for that.

Twats. Past tense for tweets, obviously.

I had the same lurker status back on reddit and definitely feel more inclined to post here. I think part of it is that for at least right now, individual comments really are setting up the success of lemmy so it feels good to be a part of that. Also, back on reddit those hardcore karma farmers dominated the threads. You had to find niche subreddits for comments to feel like they mattered...everything else was a "why bother" feeling.

I also hate the use of this lazy plot device. Up to my later teenage years I did hold this misconception and I'd say a lot of children nowadays probably do as well.

I think the problem for me now as an adult is that the misconception is subconscious. Tv/film typically treats all wounds as black and white - you either die from them or its a full recovery at some point. They don't address the many different awful and lingering residual effects that can happen. I'm so conditioned by this Hollywood effect that when I hear news of an event involving an accident or act of violence my mind downplays anything where no one dies. Six people get into an accident on the highway resulting in serious injury? Oh well no one died, so they're "fine."

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I think the key to greater change in ourselves and our communities is through small changes. Thats the way to get me prepared for bigger changes that might be required further on down the road. So I do the following things for myself and to maybe influence others in feasible ways:

  1. Low-meat diet - do a vegetarian or pescatarian day every now and then, and reduce overall meat intake (I still love meat but save high meat days for special occasions)

  2. Switch up transportation on nice weather days. I have a car, motorcycle, and e-bike. The car is used primarily for trips that are in inclement weather, when I need extra safety (sketchy area, at night, or I'm not feeling well), or need to haul stuff. I use the motorcycle and ebike for everything else. Less/no emissions and puts me in a great mood.

  3. Always have camping utensils, thermos, and bags. Reusable bags for tons of situations. Camping utensils replace disposable utensils at eateries. Thermos for my bevs so no need to buy plastic bottled bevs or use plastic cups. I also always take my own food containers with me to restaurants and use those instead of the restaurants for take home leftovers and let me tell you - they really appreciate that.

  4. Thrift my outfits. Online and traditional thrift stores. I sell them for cheap on online sites or donate when I get tired of them. About half my wardrobe is thrifted.

  5. Be kind to others and myself. I think this is the most important thing. A good feeling goes a long way towards caring about bigger and bigger things. Keeps us all connected.

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I notice lefties. Im right-handed and when I was little and much dumber I wanted to be left-handed. So I did a bunch of weird shit to force it. Stuff like wrapping my right hand up for whole day, trying reverse controls for video games, wearing my watch on my right hand, etc. Some stuff did take, like the watch on my right hand, which ironically made my right hand more dominant. Being a lefty is the club that I was never able to join but think about subconsciously all the time I guess.

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They might work in a place that doesn't allow personal electronic devices (government, military, high-security site, etc.).

Mexican pizza before they take it off the menu again. Also, ask for all of the hot sauces. The workers won't care.

Rabbits. Had them as pets throughout my childhood and I was fascinated with their behavior. Sadly, some of my knowledge came from irresponsibleness as pet stores used to sell them willy nilly without good care instructions. This was also during the dial-up modem era so there wasn't much on the internet then either.

Here's some things to know:

  1. You have to handle them a lot when they are young or they will not make great pets.
  2. You can litter train them. They can't use cat litter though as clay dust is bad for their lungs.
  3. If you don't get them fixed, especially the females, they can be predisposed to a lot of reproductive system cancers and be extremely aggressive.
  4. They are highly social animals. It's especially cruel to keep one alone for its entire life.
  5. They are somewhat opportunistic carnivores.
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Hoping for rain between the hours of 7pm to midnight. For context, we've been breathing in the smoke from the Canadian wildfires for weeks now.

I remember back in the day a few food court places did this. They'd preload a to-go container with a ton of food and mark it for $5 about 30 minutes before the mall closed. I haven't seen a food court do this since 2008 though.

Yeah I think people might be more thinking automation vs AI or AI automation. Two different scales but similar elements.

Yeah but I still think about them from time to time...when things were good