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Joined 1 years ago

No! If it doesn't immediately solve the issue completely without any drawbacks it must be scrapped and no one should work to improve it!

Best regards,

Every conservative party (and their corporate sponsors).

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Your problem seems to be that you are residing in the U.S

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Never. It's never stealing.

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When I started in support 15 years ago my boss said: "First you solve the person, then you solve the problem".

He was a good dude.

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Like religious people knew anything about morality.

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Takes time to turn the ship around after only a single term of conservative rule. It's the same in every country. The right ruins the economy and then the left have to fix it while the right spends all it's time in opposition blaming the left for the mess they themselves caused (while trying to sabotage any reform).

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And a lot more Germans and other Europeans moved there earlier than that in the late 1800s. It's not like they pointed to a random place in the globe to flee to when shit hit the fan. They chose a place where a lot of German speakers already lived.

Sick of parasites profiting from works made by people who died half a century ago. Can't they do anything of value with their lives instead? Maybe something that benefits society instead of being a burden on it?

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Of course it is. I bought a product I can no longer use without signing away privacy after the fact. Not that I've played Minecraft in the last 10 years but still.

It's a shame Minecraft got bought and put on the windows store and mobile. For a while there kids actually learned what java was and had to move files around to install mods and skins. Now they're all computer illiterate again.

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If Italy collapses it will be from being stripped bare by right wing politicians/organized criminals. Not this. That's absurd. You don't see Morocco or Turkey collapsing and those places are absolute shitholes run by morons.

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Isn't it the violent and insane mob setting fire to an embassy while shouting and waving around some poorly written fairytale book who are the warmongers?

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There's nothing morally wrong with stealing from a profit driven corporation as they would (and do) do the same to you at every chance given. At that point it's just healthy competition.

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Same after they kowtowed to China about Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Why can't religious people just grow up instead of throwing violent tantrums over everything they don't like?

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This is excellent news. HDR-support is one of the last things I've been waiting on for Linux.

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Just join the EU and you'll get it. Share some of that sweet, sweet oil money.

It's sad that Japanese developers (and Japanese people in general) have no idea what is going on in the outside world, and are therefore always 10-20 years behind societal development. I remember going there when Pasmo (rechargeable card instead of buying ticket stubs from machines for the subway) was relatively new and having a very proud Japanese person explain to me that Japan was the most convenient place in the world to live because of this. This was in 2011. Fuckers still go to 7/11 to pay their bills.

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It absolutely can not be considered a religion, because it is the absence of one.

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And you haven't thought about remounting your cpu with new thermal paste or getting a cooler more fitting for your setup? This just sounds like windows being able to get more out of your hardware.

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Problem is when you start grifting kids. They can't exactly consent. Same issue with any religion/grift really. If it's aimed at a child it's abuse.

Why? I don't have any delusions and I don't perform ritualistic genital mutilation on infants. Please explain yourself.

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Just a reminder that political affiliation is not a protected class and can be discriminated against with impunity.

Both delicious.

What are you on about? Religion is a mental illness forced on children through abuse. No one is born with it. It's not a choice. Why should these violent maniacs dictate policy for normal people?

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They might for example have a religious illness.

Since they're privately owned, they can. Once a company goes public they're legally required to only care about short term profits and nothing else.

Yeah great idea to let literally insane people force policy on us through threats and violence. It's only reasonable.

Humans have been eating meat for at least two and a half million years.

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Hey it's like I always said. Not all pitbulls are bad dogs, but all pitbull owners are bad owners.

I really liked how it was handled in WoW before flying and non-spell teleportation. Gryphon/bat travel and asking mages for favours. The world felt a lot bigger when you actually got to see it.

Why are people answering atheist here? OP is asking for religion. It's like if OP was asking what colour your basketballs are and having people respond (at length for some reason) that they don't have one.

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Is statism some term that uneducated Americans with a "gubment bad"-complex uses when they can't figure out their -isms?

EDIT: Yup. Some neolib "hey why am I not free to exploit people the way I want to? fuck the gubmint!" bullshit that "anarchists" apparently swallow whole. I swear anarchists, anarchocapitalists and neoliberals are the dumbest fuckers around.

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I miss windows phone too! The Nokias were the first smartphones I could recommend to elderly relatives. Might give SquareHome a try for old times sake.

Right now I'm running a very clean Niagara setup. Looks great on the Xperia 1 III amoled.

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Damn that's some bad English. You're just proving him right!

Pro tip: Don't go to shitholes run by insane cults.

Ikea electronics and batteries are almost always high quality. It's not their bread winner so it would be stupid to skimp on them and risk their reputation.

Glad I bought a RadRunner instead. Even now when they've left the European market (why are e-bike companies so poor at running their business?) I can still get parts from wherever as it's a pretty modular and tweakable system.

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I really like my tall boi mark V so I'm a bit disappointed they're moving away from the 21:9 aspect ratio.

Edit: Not that it is utilized at all. They're after all a Japanese company. Implementing really cool things with no clue as to why they did it or why anyone would be excited about it is kind of their thing.

It would be so cool to be able to snap photos in this format but no.

And then there's the administration. It's like they hired a billion Indians to make a billion random admin centre interfaces with random functions and random names that change once a year and make no sense. With 10+ years of enterprise windows administration behind me I suddenly have to look up guides on how to do basic things because they keep moving everything around to nonsensical places (probably so they can sell the newest certifications).

Switched to Tidal a couple of years ago. I like the app better and the bump in audio quality is nice with good headphones or on my hifi system. If you're the kind of person who walk around with whatever the latest chinesium special bluetooth buds promoted by influencers are then it might not be for you.

They've pretty much copied all the good features on Spotify (like my mix) but left out all the useless bloat and "promotions".

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