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Israel existence has never been a peaceful one. The creation and violence started with Shubaki family assassination in the British Mandate of Palestine which led to 1947–1948 civil war in Mandatory Palestine in which Israeli Zionist began their ethnic cleansing campaign and capture of Palestinian territory. Israeli zionists were scared the country was going to become Palestinian they created a war where untold atrocities and genocides that led to the creation of Israel and an apartheid state. Then Israel along with USAs and Britain's help created a state for Palestinians in which they control everything leaving no control of their future in their hands. As Israel slowly took more and more territory from them. Hamas wouldn't exist if instead of an ethno-state of Israel existing the country was called Palestinian exist and everyone had equal right like the area had before.

According to the UN, between 2006 and October 7, 2023, 5,365 Palestinians were killed and nearly 63,000 injured, and 170 Israelis were killed with more than 4,000 injured in Gaza or Israel proper. -

Before October 7th life wasn't peaceful. I don't like terrorism but if you treat others like second tier people and steal their land they are going to fight back any way they can. You don't blame an abused animal or person that hurt others you blame the abuser which is Israel. Once you hold the abuser accountable then can you go to therapy and train people that not all people are out to hurt you and not to lash out. Terrorism doesn't exist in a vacuum. If someone seems like a caged animal look at the abuser. Why does the abusers violence exist? Because they want their land and don't see the other people as human well there you go now we see the problem as an ethnic cleansing issue.

Sure. People of that skin about 15 million people for 400 year built this country without being able to reap any rewards for their contributions. Then I took another 80-99 years to give those people equal rights that we still struggle with today. By the time they became equal everything was owned and they were already cast into poverty. Until we see equal outcomes from people of that skin color as the average majority they deserve as much help as we can give them. Honestly they deserve reparations. But instead they only get scholarships until the college population equals that of the racial makeup of this country. Oh yeah they qualify for college just they wouldn't get accepted because the institution is racist or with out the help the kids will have to potentially put their family at risk with huge loans.

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Build more housing, build different kinds of housing, build housing that has built-in social worker and nursing help, make it government owned and non for profit

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I think it is also the user they disconnect for piracy tend to pay more. They tend to be more premium customers also why should they enforce what happens on their lines. It is an illegal search and seizure. Let the government get a warrant prove something is illegal then the ISP can disconnect them.

Awesome/wow. Comes from twitch community of a frog meme people called pog. The frog with like a wow expression was named poggers on Twitch so people use the phrase to mean that face/emoji

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Weirdly the Bible in original verse only condemns Adultery. Which is sex with others if you are married. There is a few verses about the immoral but doesn't define it. Occasionally mentioning lying about being a virgin but that is just decietfulness. Then you get to the new testament when Paul goes all purity culture on everyone. Jesus is all like sex workers are cool and it is fine. But Paul is like sancity of marriage and how sex within marriage is the most pure and beautiful thing using metaphors about how it is llike God and the church. Paul is really a questionable fellow

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First a former president rarely is so public. I don't know where any other president's houses are...other than bidens since I love in Delaware.

Second, Trump has made enemies his whole life.

Last, he won't shut up. Which makes more enemies

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Firstly, foreign nations interfering with our country wants chaos. Trump is chaos but they will latch onto anything to sew discord and craziness.

Second the Republicans don't care they are voting for Trump period or against democrats period there is little to change their mind. Conservatives don't have to do something to win they have to hold every one and anything back.

Thirdly, the left is critical thinkers who are trying for better so there is always dissent or people criticizing/arguing the best way to do a thing causing lots of bad will. Doesn't help we don't have a left party and have a middle party always trying to court to the right.

Lastly, there is tons of could been better should have done better. Democrats and DnC sucks. They have a bunch of old fogeys holding onto power and their donors want people who won't change things to much. Doesn't help the corpos where use to having zero lights shined on them under Trump and they can do whatever. Where as even if most of it was toothless Biden actually did a little bit and said a few things that upset the corps

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My man is on another dishwasher rant. This is the short vid

One corrupt Russian official said this but did not give proof or point to the test. They let her compete all the way to the end of a competition let her win then claimed she has xy chromosome.

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Not all humans choose to shoot others. There is accidental discharges, random discharges, and ignorant discharges.

One year toddlers shot someone once a week in America. Toddlers don't have agency to choose to shoot someone. It is a tradgey and a failure of gun restrictions and safety.

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I remember a story from one of schools that got shot up. There was always one that got highlighted in right wing news. They were going to be the Kyle Rittenhouse spokes like person but I think they couldn't stand being ridiculed by everyone

In the real world your bubble is super small and it tends to be pleasant that is because you intake a lot less information and data about what is going on.

The internet and global community has TONS of information that someone focused on their life won't exactly notice. There is ways even on the internet to surround yourself with just positivity and fun. But the fact of the matter making people feel negative gets more clicks and drives more money.

Take a break enjoy your life. Check in on the internet occasionally.

Not a big fan of violence nor do I condone it.

But here is some perspective when has something been won without violence?

Almost every nonviolent movement has been paired with a violent/threatening/defender movement. Then when the people in power attacked the nonviolent movement the public started siding with them and change happened because it was either give some of the nonviolent movements wants or the violent movement was going to make things worse.

One of the main reasons any and everything is hard to get off the ground now. Is media, power, and government people have learned to spin all nonviolent movement to be associated with violence or crush them immediately with force then spin it in the news. Also they have learned how to co opt and blame

George Floyd protests had outside aggravators(cia/fbi/cops) then media associates violence or property damage as a part of the cause, combine that with terrible messaging from coopted power structures then power trapped the chance of the law changing and really nothing major came from it. That along with cops beating the ever living shit out of everyone to scare more and more people

And they aren't really hiring.

I literally quoted you the source on the Wikipedia quite literally the same one dude who claimed it from IBA. Wikipedia said media claimed this and the IBA corrupt governing body dude claimed it we are circling back to a singular one sourced claimed with out exceptional proof.

This Olympic event every individual agreed that all the individuals were fine including this woman until she got punched in the face. The IOC and Paris boxing unit said she was a woman and clear to participate(they test testosterone since that is a know steriod).

Does she? First we don't know the indicator that failed the test. If it is an xy chromosome or higher testosterone. For all we know could be a bad test sample. What we do know is she is a woman. How hard would it be to just pay off an official/tester if your competitors are better than you.Secondly this lady has lost to many women with no question they are women. She isn't superior she may have advantageous genes and if we want to put a limit on that well we she should examine if Michael Phelps is to advantageous in his genes.

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You say that but it is a very unique etymology. The last 30 years have some very unique terms that wasn't a previous language derived term but has internet culture lore or even just a small subset culture reference.
Like the words glom and hawk tua are going to be some interesting explaining in 20 years

So you see something that concerned 2% to 15% of the population use to hide in the closet and or we didn't talk about it or know.

Now people are done hiding. Which impacts tons of people who barely understand their anatomy let alone their wives. When school never taught intersex and gender despite it being a thing that was understood in science in the 60s and 70s. A lot of people are suddenly confronted with a reality they don't understand. When peoples bubbles are popped first comes rejection of thing then comes fear and anger. Issue is with 8 billion people there is constantly people learning about sexual orientation, gender, and sex.

Let's not even talk about the internalize confusion of you people either. This is just current existing people learning about this stuff today.

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He paid for 10 orders and wouldn't tip unless they came on time . Only one person got tipped $20 by not being late. His secret was since he didn't tip in app people were less motivated then probably he became a shitblist house making his service worse. After 10 orders he got a pizza party free with points.

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The situation has arisen because the world championships last year was run under the auspices of the International Boxing Association, whose president, Umar Kremlev, told the Russian news agency, Tass, that DNA tests had “proved they had XY chromosomes and were thus excluded from the sports events”.

"A boxer from Algeria Imane Khelif was excluded from the IBA World Boxing Championships due to the failure to meet the IBA eligibility criteria," the governing body said in a statement. "The IBA upholds its rules and regulations as well as its athletes' personal and medical privacy, the eligibility criteria breach therefore cannot be shared by the IBA." The Algerian Olympic Committee said Khelif was disqualified for "medical reasons" and that it would support her preparation for the African qualification tournament for next year's Paris Olympics.

In your own article it say she was disqualified after winning gold medal under the rules of having xy chromosomes. Why was she allowed to compete? They don't specifically say she had xy chromosomes. They just decided to apply the rule after she won gold. They need more documentation and clearer rules. It isn't hard to spit in a jar and claim someone is not what they are. Or to have a bad sample or mix up.

There is also medical conditions that cause women to have xy chromosomes still doesn't mean they aren't women. Tons of people have genomic advantages over other people. Again Michael Phelps

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What list? Also quite literally Trump has been tried and was considered guilty of grapes. Literally admits to walking around nude children and touching women because he is a star

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Your argument is the slippery slope fallacy. Nazis end game has been seen. They murder people. I don't hear Nazis saying we can coexist. You murder murderers. You silence people who want to permanently silence others. Idealistically silence them until they change their mind. Punching a Nazi might fix their brain damage at least make them think twice before they try to publicly express themselves

A slippery slope fallacy (SSF), in logic, critical thinking, political rhetoric, and caselaw, is a fallacious argument in which a party asserts that a relatively small first step leads to a chain of related events culminating in some significant (usually negative) effect.[1] The core of the slippery slope argument is that a specific decision under debate is likely to result in unintended consequences. The strength of such an argument depends on whether the small step really is likely to lead to the effect. This is quantified in terms of what is known as the warrant (in this case, a demonstration of the process that leads to the significant effect). This type of argument is sometimes used as a form of fearmongering in which the probable consequences of a given action are exaggerated in an attempt to scare the audience. Black and white cartoon of a tall woman in a dress reaching her knees and a shorter man holding a bouquet. Both are in front of a robed figure. Each of the marrying couples has a couple of their same-sex and similar attire behind.

The fallacious sense of "slippery slope" is often used synonymously with continuum fallacy, in that it ignores the possibility of middle ground and assumes a discrete transition from category A to category B. In this sense, it constitutes an informal fallacy. Other idioms for the slippery slope fallacy are the thin end/edge of the wedge, the camel's nose in the tent, or If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.

Her Wikipedia doesn't say she has DSD from my reading only thing we have is a corrupt IBA official claiming she violates the rule of having xy chromosomes right before her finals match. The IBA was suspended from Olympics for corruption and we have a failed testosterone test in her career. (Maybe she was doping, maybe it was a bad test, maybe she produces high testosterone)

We need confirmed facts which sucks for this lady. That being said all the boxing competitors in the IOC agreed to fight the other contestants. Then one girl got punch in the face and cried fowl.

Idk why it has been stuck so long in the Executive branch for review.

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Normies just means people who aren't in the in group and to me means we are the weird ones, exclusive group or have uncommon interests or knowledge.

It is important to be self aware that in the context of the fediverse and meme culture things you are use to are weird, different, and sometimes confusing. Perfect example has been the beans and the 3 day poop thing. Normal people don't get and will think it is weird if they know nothing about the trend. Another example is I am a rock climber if I reference a jug or a sloper it means nothing to normies or people unaware of the lingo. So a jug joke isn't something other people get

At the end of the day I think the answer is less availability and more local production is the way to go. Heavy sustainable packaging uses to much fuel. So it is better if we can grow and produce locally so we can theny recycle locally back to the packers and producers.

We can grow anything indoors now. We can bottle anything locally. The larger issue is electronics. Which can use sustainable materials.

I wish we could tax corporations for trash produced. Have the dump sort trash by company and offer them to recycle and charge them to recycle or trash the items.

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If you will be 18 during any elected official term you should be able to vote for them. This allows some kids to vote as young as 12 for senators and get to vote at 14 for president's and congress people. Then at the worst thing 18 year old seniors can vote for school admin elections

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Probably bought a house and the industry he works in doesn't have much competition or his skills doesn't transfer. Also change is hard and they could be starting over. 20 years ago the dream was still in people's eyes and they had pensions still according to cube rule it is a calzone

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You live in a time with a lot of change and not a very cohesive culture time. Politics are getting rough, people have their own communities and echo chambers making it harder to adapt to others.

No drama means you have a good community that is similar and takes care of each other. Right now that is hard to find

You are from the UK....?

Proven profitable and exploitable

Read your article again "Khelif’s thoroughly dominant showing on Thursday will only inflame the debate over whether she and Chinese Tapei’s Lin Yu‑ting should be allowed to compete at the Paris Olympics. Last year, at the World Boxing Championships in New Delhi, Khelif was disqualified hours before her gold-medal bout as a result of International Boxing Association rules that prevent athletes with XY chromosomes from competing in women’s events. The IBA disqualified Yu-Ting before her bronze medal bout for the same reason."

It says they used a rule doesn't say she has xy chromosomes. In your same article the IBA that claimed they were disqualified after they won was also stripped as a governing body of boxing since they have had tons of scandals and corruption

"The International Olympic Committee has since stripped the IBA of its status as the global governing body for boxing because of long-running governance issues and a series of judging scandals. That leaves boxing in Paris under the umbrella of the IOC’s Paris 2024 Boxing unit, which has more relaxed rules than the IBA and has chosen to disregard the results of Khelif’s and Yu-Ting’s gender eligibility tests last year"

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Can vote null or neither

This youtube series is a great way to show how someone gets inundated and can turn

But here is somethings I noticed from my journey out of the right wing from my high school days.

First we were religious and we choose good decisions and other people's choices were unwise and their fault but even though we lived in the same projects, our choices and how we lived their was unfortunate and their's was their fault. It wasn't explicit racism it was culture of racism. We were scared because we didn't understand and thought we were superior since we were trying. Then we got better off and were in church more we got inundated with right wing propaganda on the economy and Frieman econmics blaming the government and socialism. We wanted to protect our jobs and our jobs blamed the government why they had to end manufacturing jobs in America. I graduated high school in 2010. I saw hatred towards Obama and noticed my side was with the KKK and I questioned it. That is how I got out. But if I kept to my beliefs I would have hated black people and others more. Thinking I was superior as a WASP (White Anglo Saxon protestant) since I made good decisions. My parents told me I could work through college and buy a house and everything and not to take out debt. So I tried that. It was impossible.

I blamed myself for not being good enough but I also didn't do it right because I was testing it out and not using and abusing my connections. Which is how you get ahead. When I figured out I wasn't enough and started to work with the people I know I was able to do more. But I could have blamed DEI stuff why I couldn't get into college or get better jobs. But it was I just wasn't good enough and the market is barren in Delaware.

My few relationships break ups I could have blamed it all on women and got a negative attitude with that too. Also since I was raised in the church a bit I could have said they should be a trad wife. But bleh

Back to being a Wasp. I could have blamed my failures and society failures on racist things or the color of my skin but I was lucky to realize it was the rich who fucked us all and the governments fault for letting it happen.

Maybe we don't know. We don't have good clear transparent and non corrupt testing. We don't even test this on every single woman. IoC said they need clearer standards if they want to kick this woman out.

Why would I want a militarized nation who benefits from stoking war across the world to succeed. From shipping arms to our south destabilizing all those countries so we have essentially 2nd class citizens to do our labor. To literally imprisoning people and using them as slaves and Supporting genocide. Why would I want this country to succeed.

This country was set up for oligarchs, technocrats, and monopolistic from the beginning. This country was setup to strip it of its natural resources to make people rich. Why would I want that to succeed.

I want the country to fail so its citizens won't be complacent and comfortable. So they demand country wide change all the way to its roots. Progressiveness is nice but I am afraid they only just give us barely enough to keep us complacent

They do this with wait servers, cooks, farm hands, and construction people. They also conduct layoffs to create more short term profits