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Joined 5 months ago

It definitely counts as an unreasonable change. If you quietly accept it, or quit due to it, you won't get the help. If you set things up in your favor by replying to the mandate with language along the lines of 'such a significant change to working conditions requires a renegotiation of my contract' then you're placing yourself in a good position to say that you were constructively dismissed, not that you quit.

A change from working wherever you are (which could be hours away if you were full remote) to the office is just as significant as being moved from one metropolis to another.

You forgot the 'lots' portion. It was not a small amount of liquid.

I know of some individuals who have been sitting in jail, waiting for a trial, for longer than the maximum sentence they could have been given. If you are poor and/or live in a shitty area, your 'rights' don't always mean all that much.

Holy crap, 3500 games‽ I thought I was bad with 1/10 of that and mostly low play hours. I wish I had your organization, because my factorio layout is so bad that I just gave up on trying to be small and well designed. Everything must have miles-long conveyors!

Ah, yes, mount and blade. Where not becoming a solo warrior of death horse archer is harder than not becoming a stealth archer in skyrim. If it helps, I liked to have big armies of the super ground archers and put two groups of shield infantry on the left and right of them. It seemed to work okay against horse archers.

That sort of goes along with his point. The orange part is separate from the cream part.

Different places have different ways of doing things. One of the recent online courses I saw was step by step, and each step opened as soon as you finished the first.

Once everything is online - the assignments, the test, the proctors watching you take the test, the grading for the test being automatic - it's no longer as important for those places to schedule everything exactly. It's also incredibly different in the experience, because the chance of an actual professor teaching is incredibly slim. They have you just reading the textbook and being referred to youtube videos.

doctor or nurse is swearing at me by now

The people who interact with patients think you're great. Give people some info and make it easy to understand. It's the Ph.D. fella who did his thesis on cellular signaling focusing on nociceptor differences in distal/medial loci.



You can solve things? I had bought it and was waiting for release... and now I'm just building lots and lots of conveyors. I sort of have this fun idea to create a Mr. Bones ride with them... using clipping to push the character onto the next conveyor sliding along to the first.

I think you're thinking of basset hounds. Beagles ears aren't all that big. Bigger in comparison to head size than a terrier's or a shepherd breed, but not 'trip over them' basset hound size.

Okay, so for the new folks with networking, how do you set up a honeypot wifi? Have a (second) router powered on with no connection? Or is it something you can set up with one router?

Federal law prohibits X

Trump and trump staff do X...

Not even surprised

Didn't they add the option to make games private because people made this complaint? The issue now is on family accounts and not seeing it, because there you still can. I don't need to know what my family is into, thank you very much.

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And just like most wars, it was bullshit that it was fought in the first place and the largest source of casualties was innocents.

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Learning to swim in a pool with a shallow end isn't too difficult for an adult. Just don't pay attention to assholes or give up because it doesn't come naturally.

Watch a video or two to learn the motions (breast stroke is easiest, but freestyle or side crawls are also good to start with), then just get in the pool (shallow end, please). Start by crouching down to the level of your mouth, and breathing through your nose. Become comfortable with water near your mouth.

Then dip your nose into the water and blow out through it at the same time (blowing bubbles). You'll quickly get the hang of holding pressure in your airways so that water doesn't enter when you dive below the surface. Once you get to that point, start laying face down in the water. You don't even have to be stiff, or try to swim, just get used to having your back towards the sky. Finally, after the 20 minutes this will probably take you, start trying to mimic the motions on the videos you watched. Again, ignore the feeling that you suck at this, because everyone sucks at it when starting. You're just an adult, so you realize how bad you are at the beginning, just like when learning a new instrument. With an hour or so of attempts, you'll have a pretty good idea of how to move around the pool.

I'm just positing here, but maaaaaybe she doesn't want to open the can of worms with spells targeting external hair.

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You forgot Houston, the blue spot that their politicians are trying to remove the vote from. Literally. It's horrendous.

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It seems like a bad idea to track where traffic is coming from when a person is signing up to vote. We know the sort of opponent in this endeavor, why give them the ability to start determining who might have papers or information get accidentally lost in the application process?

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It's not just GM, either. My insurance app, and the apps of two other insurance companies that I know of, do the same with night driving. I would get off of work and drive home, just to see the driving score get lowered. Twas bullshit.

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If someone pulls out a knife on you, do the same.

I know what you mean here, but the phrasing is hilarious out of context.

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Another article says that federal law prohibits the actions the staff were, at that time, attempting to carry out. I would hope that a federal employee can enforce federal law.

Lol, sad to hear. Usually staff members get to the school waaaay before any student does, so they probably scarfed it all.

The Texas state government’s path forward here is to do what they can to pedestrianize and densify their cities, but that’s a long term project.

I know you probably didn't mean it as them actually doing it, but good lord, that statement made me laugh. The governments in texas are so focused on bullshit that increases the problem. A friend just sent me an article his city put out with the headline "YY city is XX% developed, with plans to finish it out by year 20ZZ!" Their "finish it out" means removing 95% of the remaining greenspace and paving it with concrete businesses that have just enough plants to be aesthetically pleasing when the landscaper crew cuts it.

Shit, texas is literally trying to make "one more lane!" a constant thing. When I had to drive through any of their big cities, it's just a massive construction sprawl, because as soon as they finish one section's extra lane, they start on the next section.

I use odysee, and so far it's been nice.

My hearing is already going, so there can't be too much to target. Besides, internal hair (betting a lot of cysts being caused) sounds like a good target for all the wizards who have perfected the mend spell on organic matter.

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I wish I didn't have to get up until 6am. Some of us had... shudder

0500 hours start times

Which is great for wearing your boyfriend's hoodies, but is slightly more problematic when dealing with geopolitical scales and, you know, countries giving you weapons that you absolutely need to not be steamrolled by an invading force.

Texas isn't a small state, population wise. If the rate rose dramatically (55%) for Texas, and similar rates occurred in other abortion banning states, that would likely account for the 11%.

Anyway, more to the point than just that, the people who care about that nationwide growth already care and are clamoring about it. They've been clamoring about it since Roe v Wade was overturned. The other half of the equation could care less about women, and the rising rate is probably making them smile.

We tried to put on a movie or another show exactly twice and it promptly got switched back.

That's the irritating part for me. Every time I visit a certain segment of the family, it's as if I was stepping into 1984 with the big brother screens, except that they must be on all the time. I was forced into it during the missing MH370 news. They blatantly, incessantly push fear, and it hooks the idiots into believing if they aren't watching 24/7 that they're going to miss the apocalypse.

Your math is off. You said one million per day, but your 1/10 of a billion would have it as one million per year

Huh. So we have all the cheesy, melty goodness that sits around the chicken and calamari, and when you finish with that it's like a sweet dessert? Maybe if you only have one slice, so it's like you are eating a three course meal: Appetizer of cheese and chicken, meal of the calamari, then the oreo.

I remember some of the incident you were describing. It was a 'training' about hands-on tactics, and he somehow ended up in the group with three or four of the officers he was investigating.

Eats, bushes, and leaves.

Of course it is. There is a similar case in the US right now, or was, by the dude behind the fighting rabbits game and parts of the humble bundle that was being bankrolled in his lawsuit by epic games.

I think you're using your mouth wrong, mate. Try holding that stuff in.

Lol, no one "did a good job" at the debate? Great assertion neur, now let's see you back it up.

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What about before the trial, you know, like during the investigation that has to happen before a trial can be called?

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Ha! I remember something about Biden being a one-term president as well. What do you bet donnie will try again, see the horrible ratings and poll numbers, and drop out? He wasn't able to be the first charismatic fascist dictator (even his idol wasn't, aye?), and he won't be able to help but follow the tracks laid out by his better.

Aye, this is the classic way to eat out at the red-haired chick's place.