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Joined 1 years ago

Smash mouth genie

Built like a linebacker

Lemmy absolutely.

  • no algorithm
  • no ads
  • actual real people in the comments
  • the ability for third parties to make apps
  • the fact that it's not mainstream means most of the people on here are at least a little nerdy which I am here for.
  • feels a lot like what reddit used to be 15 years ago before the age of algorithms and bots everywhere.
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Have and raise children.

They raised me 👉😎👉

Also I'm not having kids.

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Oh hey, name cousin

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Even though it's meth, 30 years is fucking STEEP. You'd never see somebody getting that much for alcohol in their system unless they killed someone.

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For your own mental health, try to avoid assuming all women feel the same, it dehumanizes them which prevents you from having empathy and thus creating meaningful connections because you are assuming a woman's feelings before ever knowing her.

A lot of women feel the same way you do, trust me. A lot of women don't know what they want, or just want something as simple as somebody that they enjoy spending time with. That's it. Try not to overcomplicate it. Ask them what they want before you sabotage connections.

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I'm crushed :C

Idk it got worse when all the porn subs started dying


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No, learning to love yourself first is not a prerequisite for finding love or happiness. But it sure makes it a hell of a lot easier to know what's best for you.

Do consider therapy if you have a way of procuring it, I know it's expensive, or the next best thing in my opinion is to go and grab a notebook from the dollar store and just start writing your thoughts down. It's going back and reading those thoughts that really helps with self actualization and reflection, imo.

I wish you luck, OP, you deserve happiness and I believe you can find it, but you have to be patient with yourself and other people. Becoming vulnerable to others, although risky, really helps expedite the process.

There are several! It's kind of a problem in my city but none of the civilians care because somehow they have the best food

Honestly that seems like most of social media at the moment and I know I've mentioned the algorithm in every comment I made in this thread, but it really makes it suck.

Because that particular algorithm and its use is very capitalist, its purpose is to drive engagement for money with morality not even being considered, and the best way to do that is to make everyone angry. CGP Grey on YouTube has a good video on it I can link in an edit in a bit, but the gyst of it is that the algorithm shows us what makes us angry, we make other people angry, thus, a neverending cycle of people being addicted to getting pissed off.

Edit: link

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Honestly though the conditions in the US right now are eerily similar to the conditions right before the fall of Rome

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I don't think it's fair to say "safer" or even "less safe" because it's more complicated than that. Because it doesn't combust it doesn't do a lot of the same harm that cigarettes do, however, inhaling vapour creates a host of entirely different problems, one being an increased risk of pneumonia, plus the massive increase in the amount of nicotine people who vape consume can affect your bladder, oddly enough. People are just ill informed tbh.

I wouldn't, not because you are unsuccessful, but because you hate yourself.

When I met my partner of 10 years, he had no money, i had barely any. We drank king cans by the river and smoked weed for our first date. In fact, I dated so many guys that were hardly conventionally attractive, money or success weren't things I considered. The only things I considered were how I felt around them. You would be surprised what kind of things women find attractive.

You really are just making huge leaps and assumptions because you don't want to have to turn your whole world upside down, because that would mean admitting you have been wrong for so long and miserable for no reason. It would mean having to dissect your own ego.

You clearly don't want to be happy, because if you did, you wouldn't be arguing against advice you asked for. Women don't want to date you because you don't want them to want to date you, because that would mean you're wrong, so you actively push them away by doing things like this.

This is exactly how I feel

My favourite is when hardcore bands cover pop songs because the songs are often structured the same, so good.

Lot of people put it on top of tobacco or weed too but often it's a similar setup to smoking cannabis concentrates

The key here being maximization of profit. It's the very foundation.

Idk, honestly I don't understand it when people don't want to learn about this type of thing. Learning what people who aren't me experience really just adds to the breadth of my own life experience and helps me understand others. I wouldn't say it's selfish not to want to know, but it just shows a lack of interest, and I'd prefer a partner that is interested in how I experience my life just as I am in theirs.

As for my experience, I've been with my partner for 9 years and he has made an effort and seems genuinely curious (until I talk his ear off and he wants to move onto something else haha). He knows a lot and asks questions when he doesn't.

Yeah but stumbleupon didn't send people down radicalized pipelines. Not all algorithms are bad, some are though.

Depends how old you are, this is quite an old meme so it's possible you're too young to be very familiar with its origin, but I just don't know your age

Oh wow that's interesting, I haven't noticed any myself. I did uncheck bot accounts on the Voyageur app and I don't know how much that does

Sounds like you want to never have one. That's a self-fulfilling prophecy. You have convinced yourself so hard that this is who you are, that you are making that who you are.

If you don't want to be this person, don't be that person.

Omg it's like looking in a mirror!

I've always been the type to look for music. In highschool I was torrenting music constantly, then in the last couple years I subscribed to Spotify. I get so much dopamine from finding new music that I listen to new things probably every week/month. I do still listen to what I listened to 10-20 years ago, it's just all a mix of my favourites at the time.

I am so angry. I am so sick and tired of just stating my experiences as a woman and having people who are not women straight up tell me that I'm wrong. About my own life experiences. It's fucking exhausting to be surrounded on all sides by bad faith actors, knowing full well that you won't get through to them, and feeling defeated, like the world is going backwards and you can feel your rights being torn away from you bit by bit, trying desperately to stand up for yourself and having any words you say fall on deaf ears. I'm so sick of not being listened to. I'm so sick of not being believed. I am so fucking sick of not being respected. I just want to be treated like a human and not be criticised for literally just fucking existing.

I'm so done.

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What about natural sweeteners like Stevia? Has anything come out about it? I know it has weird effects like it can cause indigestion and other things, but I haven't personally heard anything about it actually being bad for you (though I have not looked very far).

Do you know if bicycles also create tire dust or do they not go fast enough?

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I don't think using the term "free speech" in this context is correct since free speech doesn't extend to whether an app or website deletes your comments. Free speech just means the government won't reprimand you.

Tiktok definitely takes things down, and I'd say that algorithm has done more harm than good in how fast it radicalizes people.

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Whenever it is is not soon enough!

Yeah pretty much exactly what I was thinking about. I like being able to curate and have some legitimate control over what I'm seeing

Yeah I've definitely seen multiple people smoking meth out of bongs in my lifetime. Safer than injecting.

Fair enough, but I'd say the other commenters have articulated what I meant pretty well

Have you heard her cover of Made Up Mind by the Bros. Landreth? SO fucking good!

Fair enough, thanks for humouring me anyway!

Oh gosh I cant even imagine dealing with all the racist little micro aggressions you have to deal with every day. Also don't feel bad for venting, you were just trying to relate, and I'm autistic so I relate in a very similar way. I feel for you too and I'm glad someone understands. ❤

Honestly I'm okay with that. Some awfully toxic stuff happens when a good community like this gets too big. I say I'm happy if it stays small.

I don't know what it is, but I rejected pop music so hard when I was young (I was a big tomboy and lived for punk, still do, but I've embraced my femininity a bit more) and now I've kind of come to love some of it. That being said, I only listen to pop music if I agree with the message. You won't find me listening to blurred lines or my humps because I just don't vibe with it. Pop songs about loving yourself? hell yeah!

The fact that you assume that the reason I used that word is because they disagree with me tells me you arent coming into this discussion with respect, so I'm going to have to-respectfully-decline to elaborate as I'd rather not get into the nuance of this topic with someone who evidently already has their mind made up.