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Joined 7 months ago

The fun part is you still can't transfer out less than $1. I had 81¢. So I tried to transfer in 19¢ so I could transfer a whole $1 out.

Nope, can't transfer in less than $10.

I was able to transfer in $10 so I can get my $10.81 out. But fuck, Google, if you're the one shutting shit down, how about you let me transfer my money out regardless of how much/little there is?

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That's fine, but the facts don't really care about your feelings.

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There are in many states.

And yet, doctors are still concerned because shit is too vague, so they just... don't do them for any reason.

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Am doctor, can confirm. Don't trust lying morons on the Internet.

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I don't think the design of the plane allows for it.

In fighters, it blows the canopy, triggers a rocket in the seat that gets the pilot clear of the disintegrating plane, and eventually deploys the chute.

These types of planes don't have a canopy. They're also much larger, which means it's much more difficult to get clear.

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If you want to have a stick up your ass…

It's carbonation, not carbonization.

The fun part is you still can't transfer out less than $1. I had 81¢. So I tried to transfer in 21¢ so I could transfer a whole $1 out.

Nope, can't transfer in less than $10.

I was able to transfer in $10 so I can get my $10.81 out. But fuck, Google, if you're the one shutting shit down, how about you let me transfer my money out regardless of how much/little there is?

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I was primarily a PC gamer. Life happened.

Time was already tight. I was working 2 jobs totaling ~80 hours a week. About the time I finally quit one, my computer let out the magic smoke. Rent went up, replaced my beater of a car, bought a house because rent was going up again, found out I was going to be a parent, house needed work, replaced my SO's car, fixed fire damage to the house, SO quit their job, found out I was gonna be a parent x2.

Things just got busy fast. That computer blew the magic smoke 6-7 years ago now. I've saved up the money to replace it several times, but something else more important always comes up. I'd still love to replace it and game again, but I've been out of it so long that I don't even really know what games are out anymore or what I'd like to play, and honestly I get more joy out of occasionally playing Smash Bros on the Switch with my first kiddo. The game is ok, but time with the kiddo is valuable.

It's not necessarily washing them first, but I do get the "chunks" out. As the only person in the house who remembers that the food doesn't just magically disappear, and eventually has to clean the filter, I prefer to do the cleaning before the food gets to the filter. Everyone else, on the other hand, seems perfectly content to put a half-full bowl of spaghetti in the dishwasher.

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The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is today.

Today is always a good day to make the world a better place. Don't add to the inertia.

Got me started on Feedly. Still haven't left, although I'd be surprised if I still had more than a couple of the same feeds from then.

I grew up in the Christian church. I even went to Bible college and graduated.

There's plenty of internal inconsistencies in the Bible that people point to. Honestly, while I was always intrigued by those, I didn't (and still don't) think those are deal breakers. What did it for me was twofold.

First, the people and their inconsistencies in belief/behavior. There's plenty of beliefs, practices, and policies that you can argue, but being kind and compassionate are pretty clear callings without room for debate. The most hateful, spiteful, discriminatory people I know can all be found in a church on Sunday, or at least claiming to be Christian. Not to say that all Christians are like this - some of the kindest people I know are Christians. But as a group, they are appalling.

Second is results. I've prayed for plenty of stupid stuff I'm sure. If a god is real, I don't hold it against them for ignoring my dumb asks. But when I look at the serious stuff - prayers for lost people to come home, for severe illness to be healed, for provision for the impoverished, I can't see any difference at a macro level between praying and not praying.

I questioned what good religion was if it didn't seem to improve people or the world, and came to the conclusion that it was a wash, so I quietly walked away nearly a decade ago.

It honestly kinda sucks. It was a huge portion of my life. Most of my friends are people I met through church and college. My family is still heavily religious. I met my spouse through church, and they are not in the same position as me. Barring 2 friends, I have never told anyone I know that I've even questioned. Even as I've moved through jobs, there's always been someone who already knew me, so the expectations that come with a religious history and degree have always preceded me. I'm effectively in the closet. Anyone who says leaving is the easy route is ignorant and wrong. It's hard.

I have T-Mobile and don't have this toggle, so it's not all accounts.

Edit: Well, ain't that some shit. I have it in the app, but not online.

I've found Android Authority to be pretty decent. As a bonus, they have Rita!

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File size can also be prohibitive. I recorded my kiddo opening Christmas presents at 4k60, and the file is too large for Google Photos to back up.

I mean, we never figured out how it happened, but they denied me a warranty return on a phone that I bought from them because it didn't match the IMEI they said they sold me.

I keep buying their phones, so maybe I'm dumb, but I'd rather not have to rely on Trust Me Bro to get my money. Even as little as it was.

I've started migrating all of my 2FA over to 2FAS. No desktop app per se, but it does have extensions for all major browsers, and apps for iOS and Android. You control the syncing of the 2FA (either automatically via Google Drive or via manual bulk exports to a local file), no SaaS bullshit.

Tldr, get a basic associates degree. Do more later if it will prove advantageous.

My perspective is from living in the US.

It's always worth going to a local community college, even if you have no idea what you want to do, and taking basic classes (writing, speech, etc.). You can come out with a general associates degree without any specialization, low cost, and learn a ton of skills that are broadly applicable in any profession. And if you decide to get a specialized degree later, those classes should transfer in, saving you time and money in the more advanced/specific degree. But there are currently lots of jobs that don't require a specific degree, or any degree at all.

I personally feel like much of my time in college was wasted. I spent 6 years in college (4 is typical) pursuing degrees because I felt pressured into going to college, rather than working some basic jobs, saving money, and figuring out what I wanted in life. I was fortunate to come out without debt (thanks to some fortunate scholarships and hard work), but also with no money, a 2-6 year lag behind all my friends, and a degree with very little earning potential that I've ended up never using. I was fortunate enough to stumble into a great career where we do look at what degree someone had on their resume, but only as a point of conversation - it's fun to see what studies someone had, and ask them to share what they learned. For the job, we don't care what the degree is or if they even have one.

I assume you got voted down because Boost isn't FOSS, which is true. But it's still good.

I moved to Boost from Sync (also not FOSS) when it began to look like the dev had abandoned Sync. Boost felt like the closest app visually and in using it.

I'd prefer something FOSS, but inertia is real and I'd been using Sync for a long time.

That's actually how I found AA. AP finally got shitty enough for me to bail a few months ago, so I googled to see where Rita went.

Re:#5, why is cube root important?

I assume that's roughly the original ratio, but why does that specific ratio matter?

Lineage and some vendor ROMs like OneUI can. Pixels can't.

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Mind sharing which bots to block? Some bots are useful, so I'd rather not hide all bots.

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Millennial checking in

Rush Limbaugh in mom's car, NPR in dad's.

It was a weird dichotomy. Even as a kid, had a hard preference for NPR. I do feel like they've lost something in the last 6-8 years or so.

Oof. Big dumb. Thanks!

Google does not include this setting.

LTT backpack. It does what they say it does - holds a metric ton of stuff, fits under an airplane seat, comfortable even when loaded. Bought it to use for work, and I can fit all my work gear for trips as well as clothes.

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I've been big on MUTEMATH since highschool. Unfortunately, I think they've broken up, but I still love their music.

Rinsing them well is the path of pain only if the water is too hot.

And full text!

While I agree (I paid for it on Reddit and Lemmy), the dev does disappear for stretches of time, like now. When my main instance updates to 0.19, I expect things will break in Sync as it hasn't been updated since the release of 0.19.

That said, I'm using Sync to post this, so…🤷🏻‍♂️

That's behavioral recommendations, not a setting in the phone.

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But that's why they need the setting, because they are leaving it plugged in all the time.

Thanks for the recommendation. Started working on migrating all of my 2FA over from Authy. The process sucks (that's not the fault of 2FAS), but I really like 2FAS as an app so far.

I think at some point someone paid me and I just never cashed it out. I think it was the default payment method for Google Play, so app subscriptions and whatnot just got charged against it until there was almost nothing left.

Any app I've found that can do this requires rooting. Some ROMs include this by default.

Totally understand. I also have a Rush 5.11, which I love because I can change the pockets on the outside to match whatever I'm doing, thanks to MOLLE. But that bag sucks for travel. Not because it can't hold anything, but because I got profiled hardcore. Every single time I traveled with that backpack, I got extra security screenings. I got tired of having to dump my bag out every time I flew, so I switched.

Hard to cite sources at the moment, I'm on mobile. From what I remember, both of those things ended up being a little bit overblown.

Prototype company had initially said that they could keep it. There was still a goof, as LTT said they would send it back, but it makes the logistics mix up a little more understandable.

The kinds of testing that the two different channels do are very different. I do think it was disingenuous to say Tech Jesus didn't do real testing. But also, if they were as close as they said they were before this whole thing, he could also have called up Linus and called them on their slapdash bullshit on the phone.

And nothing has been released about that internal investigation. But that wouldn't be the first time they promised to do something and didn't. In this case, it's highly possible investigation is still going on. Once it's finished, they may even be legally barred from making the results public (IANAL). Either way, if it is truly being conducted by an important 3rd party, they're doing the right thing.