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Joined 12 months ago

Free speech online doesn't even seem to be a particularly well-defined concept. Those who extol it the loudest are often looking to have the millionth "good faith discussion" about The Bell Curve, or use slurs as "just a joke", or promote a "dating and lifestyle coaching" business to teenage boys. If all they want is carte-blanche to say absolutely anything without being censored, I guess they only need to spin up a web server of their own, or run a lemmy instance. But what they actually want is to bypass the moderation rules on widely-used platforms and shit on the social contract. It's the same reason they don't show pornography, snuff footage, or other damaging content on television.

That would make them an abomination against Christendom, as it's provable from Einstein's field equations that men wear these clothes and women wear those clothes.

I'm reminded of that Futurama episode where the gang logs onto year-3000 VR internet and is immediately assaulted by a vicious swarm of flying viagra ads.

Many modern theories in cognitive science posit that the brain's objective is to be a kind of "prediction machine" to predict the incoming stream of sensory information from the top down, as well as processing it from the bottom up. This is sometimes referred to through the aphorism "perception is controlled hallucination".

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I joined Twitter fairly recently as Machine Learning Twitter is/was a thing, and I wanted to stay abreast of news from people like Andrej Karpathy, Chris Olah, Andrew Ng etc., especially since r/MachineLearning went down the shitter.

But I can't even - I log on and just instantly see ragebait posts from Daily Mail talking heads and bullshit.

Are there any better alternatives for this purpose?

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I don't really know anything about this topic, but I heard there are new designs of nuclear fission plants that are much safer and "unmeltdownable"? Called Molten Salt Reactors

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I heard some of the really wealthy Silicon Valley types kit out their own private laboratory and hire chemists.

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I actually really like all those designs. They're bold, playful, distinctive. Much more interesting than the dreary crossovers of today that all look identical - bloated hatchbacks with unnecessarily high ride-height, angry anime eyes, and oversized grilles. Full-width tail light bar like a dollar-store Porsche completes the look.

There are many structures of proof. A simple one might be to prove a statement is true for all cases, by simply examining each case and demonstrating it, but as you point out this won't be useful for proving statements about infinite cases.

Instead you could assume, for the sake of argument, that the statement is false, and show how this leads to a logical inconsistency, which is called proof by contradiction. For example, Georg Cantor used a proof by contradiction to demonstrate that the set of Natural Numbers (1,2,3,4...) are smaller than the set of Real Numbers (which includes the Naturals and all decimal numbers like pi and 69.6969696969...), and so there exist different "sizes" of infinity!

For a method explicitly concerned with proofs about infinite numbers of things, you can try Proof by Mathematical Induction. It's a bit tricky to describe...

  • First demonstrate that a statement is true in some 1st base case.
  • Then demonstrate that if it holds true for the abstract Nth case, then it necessarily holds true for the (N+1)th case (by doing some clever rearranging of algebra terms or something)
  • Therefore since it holds true for the 1th case, it must hold true for the (1+1)th case = the 2th case. And since it holds true for the 2th case it must hold true for the (2+1)=3th case. And so on ad infinitum.

Wikipedia says:

Mathematical induction can be informally illustrated by reference to the sequential effect of falling dominoes.

Bear in mind, in formal terms a "proof" is simply a list of true statements, that begin with axioms (which are true by default) and rules of inference that show how each line is derived from the line above.

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I never used the video chat for that reason, but I did have a few interesting discussions about philosophy and mathematics, when you were able to enter your interests and it matched you with people who'd entered the same.

Another piece of the olden-days internet died today. Buonanima.

Do expensive phones have infra-red cameras nowadays?

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What you're describing is a Battery Management System (BMS), whose job is to monitor some key parameters of the cells and make sure they remain balanced. There's no intrinsic reason for it to be tightly integrated into an overarching system that performs surveillance or other high-level functions in a "smart" vehicle. This video by Great Scott explains the basic principles and he even builds a simple one from scratch, that would be suitable for something like an e-bike

Sufficiently motivated people have been building highly performant DIY electric cars for several years with no Big Brother tech in the OpenInverter community

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Does anyone else kinda miss when youtube was more informal, random, less edited, and more janky? Nowadays everybody has a title card, and a two minute intro greeting, high-end camera setup, and tightly rehearsed script. It's like they all decided to just recreate the unnecessary bloat and ceremony from classical television, for the sake of "appearing professional" or something?

For example, a tutorial doesn't need to begin with a "Hey guys, it's your pal ASDFGHJKL. Have you ever got your foreskin trapped in a whatever and yada yada yada? Well today I'm gonna show you how to blah blah blah. Now let's get into the video. But first a word from our sponsor Lockheed Martin..."

What's with the "today"? I'm always watching it "today" by definition. And I wouldn't have clicked it if I wasn't in that particular predicament. Why not just immediately start showing the solution?

In my book, you get points for staying OUT of the can! 🤟

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Localsend - it's like airdrop but for android, linux, windows, and mac.

AI is also the minmax algorithm for solving tic-tac-toe, and the ghosts that chase Pac-Man around. It's a broad term. It doesn't always have to mean "mindblowing super-intelligence that surpasses humans in every conceivable way". So it makes mistakes - therefore it's not "intelligent" in some way?

A lot of the latest thought in cognitive science couches human cognition in similar terms to pattern recognition - some of the latest theories are known as "predictive processing", "embodied cognition", and "4E cognition" if you want to look them up.

Morpheus drinkin a forty in the death basket

I always wondered why they decided to honor the memory of John Wayne Gacy by naming an airport after him.

In a sense... yes! Although of course it's thought to be across many modalities and time-scales, and not just text. Also a crucial piece of the picture is the Bayesian aspect - which also involves estimating one's uncertainty over predictions. Further info:

It's also important to note the recent trends towards so-called "Embodied" and "4E cognition", which emphasize the importance of being situated in a body, in an environment, with control over actions, as essential to explaining the nature of mental phenomena.

But yeah, it's very exciting how in recent years we've begun to tap into the power of these kinds of self-supervised learning objectives for practical applications like Word2Vec and Large Language/Multimodal Models.

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That's how the salesman guy got Homer to buy the Mister Plow truck lol

It's a difficult comparison to make because planes are maintaining level flight or making smooth wide-arcing turns or gradual changes in altitude, not quickly responding to imminent obstacles and traffic. Even in an autoland situation, it's supposed to follow a gentle descent slope that's planned long in advance. This type of operation isn't really possible with cars, so they require a whole other set of considerations and techniques.

I used to use FL Studio, but hated using Windows. I got almost all features (including VSTs) to work in Ubuntu under Wine, but had a problem with WineASIO, which I seemed to require to use the USB sound card properly.

Because of that, I since changed to a DAW called REAPER which is built natively for Linux and works flawlessly and is very nice. There is a program called Yabridge to help run Windows VSTs. I even got more complicated plugins with authentication like Addictive Drums 2 to work using Wine no problem.

If you want a fully FOSS solution there is Ardour which is also great but a little less slick than Reaper IMO.

Maybe he meant that holocaust of 2pac they did at cochella.

He meant Lexus but he ain't know it.

But when it comes to battery power tools, you have to pick a brand and stick with it, unless you're John D Rockefeller with 6 types of charger and a billion battery packs.

Some of the current thought on shortcomings of LLM capabilities actually takes influence from human cognitive science, and what can be learned from those with neurological impairments. It's thought that human language abilities are strongly dissociated from other reasoning abilities because individuals with aphasia can lack the ability to speak or comprehend language, yet be able to solve mathematical problems, engage in logical reasoning, enjoy music, categorize objects and events, etc.

It's shown that LLMs develop a crude world model for performing reasoning tasks, yet it's inextricably tied up with their language functionalities (since they are ONLY language based). The hope for future research is to develop AIs with world models and planning faculties that are decoupled from the language analysis module, which would mitigate hallucination and aid in interpretability.

Tough-guy Ted "Bundy" Nugent also shat on himself to dodge the Vietnam draft.

There is a Mastodon instance for this ostensible purpose, but it's pretty dead.

I take your point, but in this specific application (synthetically generated influencer images) it's largely something that falls out for free from a wider stream of research (namely Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models). It's not like it's really coming at the expense of something else.

As for what it's eventually progressing towards - who knows... It has proven to be quite an unpredictable and fruitful field. For example Toyota's research lab recently created a very inspired method of applying Diffusion models to robotic control which I don't think many people were expecting.

That said, there are definitely societal problems surrounding AI, its proposed uses, legislation regarding the acquisition of data, etc. Often times markets incentivize its use for trivial, pointless, or even damaging applications. But IMO it's important to note that it's the fault of the structure of our political economy, not the technology itself.

The ability to extract knowledge and capabilities from large datasets with neural models is truly one of humanity's great achievements (along with metallurgy, the printing press, electricity, digital computing, networking communications, etc.), so the cat's out of the bag. We just have to try and steer it as best we can.

Lemmy is succeeding just fine right now.

Reddit's "content" is way more rage-baiting, fake AITA stories, culture wars both-sideisms, publicfreakout schadenfreude, and basic-tier iFunny memes, re-posted by waves of bots. All reddit is "succeeding" at is being a firehose of diarrhea.

I prefer Lemmy's slant towards technology-related news, and polite discussion in earnest without painfully unfunny "and my axe" responses.

I have high hopes for concepts like Toolformer where the model has to learn to use external APIs and resources like Wikipedia or Wolfram to get answers, rather than relying on the inscrutable and garbled soup of knowledge absorbed from the text training corpus directly. Systems plugged into knowledge graphs could have the best of both worlds - able to generate well-written novel text outputs AND the added rigor of "classical AI" style interpretability.

I hadn't until last night's Fury vs Ngannou boxing match, where the commentators kept mentioning how the Supreme Omnipotent Lord Excellency of Saudi Arabia had invited Kanye West as a guest of honor to the event, that he was sitting in the super VIP area, every bowel movement he made, etc.

I (maybe naively) believe a healthy society could find a way to build a robust public transport network and still accommodate the minority of enthusiasts who drive and work on cars for fun.

Engineers aren't just dry husks of people, robotically creating solutions to meet needs. The drive to create cars, planes, and motorbikes, which have significant technical overlap with trains, buses, and mobility aids, is at least partially borne from the thrill of piloting machines that extend human capabilities.

I can't help feeling a lot of these new motorized doodads are total deathtraps. I used to have a 40mph kaabo electric scooter and although it was mega fun, I sold it before it had a chance to kill me. Small wheels, poor geometry for stability, small caster angle, intoxicatingly high power - it's a recipe for disaster.

If you know of a better ML related instance than let me know, but none of those influential figures I mentioned post there, and the discussion is pretty much non-existent.

Dig your own grave and save!

LOL I remember when there was no better alternative to buying shitloads of CDs. In some ways I miss the relationship I had with music back then. My sister beat the shit out of me one time for sneaking in her room to copy a bunch of her CDs. Made a big song and dance about the ethics of music piracy!

In that scenario though, your best bet would be to buy more than one CD, rip them to a computer with a USB optical drive, and make yourself playlists that are 8 hours long. I certainly would never advocate downloading music with filesharing software like soulseek.

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Make America GG Allin