2 Post – 74 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I do construction work in Alabama. I basically bitch and complain all summer long and hate every second of it. There's no relief unless you're in the AC. I've been thinking of ordering a liquid cooled vest actually. They look weird but I'll try anything. The humidity here is killer. Sweating doesn't help like it does in dry climates. Every time I walk outside my body shuts down and I have literally no energy. I think i had a heat stroke last summer.

If someone above me tells me to go work outside all day and doesn't offer me a substantial amount of money, I tell them to go fuck themselves. It isn't worth it.

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No. The divide between the rich and everyone else is growing. We will be able to afford less and less.

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I'm a construction worker. I'm also an adult. If I'm working in the heat, I take a water break whenever I feel like I need one. If I need to go sit in my truck with the ac on, that's what i do. If anyone has a problem with it, they can fuck right off and find someone else.

All it would take is everyone adopting this same attitude for things to change. Water and rest breaks are taken, not given. It's your body, not your boss's. Take care of yourself. Solidarity saves lives.

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I haven't seen any evidence he will ever face consequences. I hope I'm wrong.

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Yep. He is who the U.S. has become. We are an embarrassment.

Everyone I know has to work multiple jobs and have roommates to be able to afford housing. What is this free time you speak of?

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It's been Voyager for me.

That's exactly what this is.

I got suspended once for using net send in the library. The message I sent was "hey". It went to every computer in the school.

Pretty soon too. I love programming simulations of chaotic systems. One thing that they all seem to have in common is that there's a very fine line between fairly stable chaos and absolutely runaway crazy chaos. It's something that scientists call the edge of chaos. That's where our world and all life on it thrives. We have to be right on the knifes edge between order and disorder for complexity to emerge and stabilize.

Push the system slightly too far in one direction and things spiral out of control VERY quickly. It's not going to slowly get worse for decades.. it's going to slowly get worse then BOOM.. things will get really fucking bad really fucking fast.

There would be no risk if everyone did the same thing. You're only replaceable if there's someone willing to replace you.

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People fucking suck

With bricks through the windows of all their homes. Fuck these racist fucks. They're willing to let black peoples houses burn down for no reason? Yeah fuck them.

Nobody. I just keep it to myself and keep doing what I'm doing. Nobody cares how dudes in their 30s feel unless you're paying them to care.

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Yikes. I'm sorry that happened to you. Lesson learned though. Being sleepy can cause so many problems.

That word replacement is straight up evil.

We shame them for being shitty. Don't engage them in debate, they are used to that. Don't try to use facts, because they don't care about facts. Don't try to convince them of shit.

Make them feel like outcasts and bad people. Brush off what they say when they say horrible shit. Make them have emotional responses to their shitty views. Conservative news targets these people by exploiting their emotions.

And vote. Vote for people who will fix our education system so that our next generation knows how to think for themselves.

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Silicone smells like strong ass vinegar. It's rough.

I would always cringe so hard whenever I saw someone on reddit talking about downvotes, lack of upvotes, or karma at all. It's silly. Quit worrying about it.

Don't change the way you express yourself just to make yourself more acceptable to the internet hivemind. The internet is a toxic place. Lots of people simply find joy in anonymously hurting others. Just comment and move on. And maybe reply to comments that are made in good faith.

That's Wayne from letterkenny. 100%

Lmao. I love it. Be as vulgar and personal as possible.

"I prefer for my husband to shoot his cum into my asshole or all over my face"

Getting two birds stoned at once.

That money goes to administrators instead of teachers.

Just say "we're both the bottom" and confuse the shit out of them. Or "he's the bottom and I'm the girl"

I don't

That's what I heard. That's what people are saying.

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The population was the best. I think that's why I like the fediverse so much so far.

I can't imagine how water could amplify a signal. If anything, it's the reflector like shape of your skull.

That's sad.

"We're both the woman"

The blue ocean event is coming. We're so fucked. It's going to happen so fast too.

She should become a sex offender for this. Any normal person would get sentenced to prison if they did this, yet somehow i don't think she'll get in any real trouble for this.

What the fuck can we do about this? I'm so sick of seeing powerful people get away with all types of crimes every single day while there are regular people serving 30 year sentences for getting caught with some weed.

We are past the point where we should be revolting. I don't think we should resort to violence, but we should put our collective foot down.

We have all the power. This country's economy would grind to a screeching halt if we stopped showing up for work. We need to make some demands and stop contributing until they are met. Accountability for the powerful should be among those demands. I also say we demand the ability to pay for housing, goof, and health care by working a full time job. If we don't have those bare minimums, then what are we even doing?

What if the original wasn't destroyed? Wouldn't it be a clone then? Which one would feel like it was really you?

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There's nothing we can do at this point. Help animals die a dignified death while they still have a chance. They are going to slowly cook alive otherwise.

I don't have any hope left for the planet.

I think I pretty much agree. I think they would both be me just like me from yesterday and me from a week ago are the same me. They aren't exactly the same, but they are both versions of me that my current self grew from.

Why are you traveling to make a call? You could just call.

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Agreed. I also believe we should all stop showing up for work until we are guaranteed health care, a living wage, and reasonable housing prices. We shouldn't contribute to system that works against us.

That's a great way to think about it.

That's a good point about toxic users having a bigger influence than non-toxic users.

It's easy to see a comment that you mostly agree with and just not upvote it. But seeing a comment that's factually incorrect or toxic will both welcome downvotes.

That's crazy, but I'm not surprised. Benadryl is fucking poison. It sickens me when I hear of parents giving it to their children just to make them fall asleep. I had an ex who's mom would give her large doses every night just so she wouldn't have to deal with her. She said she often saw shadow people her entire childhood. I'm convinced benadryl played a large role in her developing BPD.

That and growing up on the internet is really changing the way kids brains develop. Personality disorders are becoming extremely common. Humans are just different than they used to be.