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Joined 1 years ago

Imo the main thing would be to stop explaining federation. Just link them to one of the bigger instances, for example your local feddit or or beehive or whatever.

Federation is hard to grasp in the beginning and to be honest if you use it like you did reddit, the only difference is the way links to certain communities look like.

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Who cares? It still gives me the answers i am looking for.

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The worst is when you actually read all that questions and clearly stated how they don't apply and that you already tried them and a mod is still closing your question as a duplicate.

200 or 220, depends on if you are using a convection oven. But that's beside the point, I really hope AI finally kills SEO.

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You're right if it would have been an xbox controller, it wouldn't have been crazy.

It was actually a basically ancient Logitech Controller, which had connection problems even when you use it inside your home in front of your pc.

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It worked if you were still logged in.

I think the Wikipedia definition is fine Excluding AI just because it's AI is imo plain stupid and goes against all scientific principles.

I have definitely met humans that are less intelligent that Chat GPT. It can hold a conversation and ace every standardized test we have. It finished law exams, medical exams and other exams from many different countries with a passing grade.

Can you give me a definition of intelligence that excludes Chat GPT and includes all human beings? And no just excluding Computers for the sake of it doesn't count.

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How can i proof it? In my opinion how a system comes to an answer doesn't matter, in yours it obviously does. If we judge Chat gpt or rather gpt 4 just by it's answers it definitely shows intelligence and reasoning. Why does it matter if it's a chinese room? Or just "randomly choosing words"?

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So your morality depends on a beings intelligence? That's kinda fucked up imo. I have moral obligations in regards to living organisms. I don't see how intelligence matters at all in that case? Worth of any human life should not be determined by intelligence.

As i said before. How can you prove to me that the human brain doesn't essentially do the same?

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I already copy boilerplate code verbatim from docs or stackoverflow. Also how would that work in closed source programs?

I think so too, the users who care enough to even consider 3rd party apps are the ones who commented and posted the most imo.

Also the german texts are too long and break the layout.

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I am also pretty sure he has major hearing loss and nobody wants to tell him.

Can anybody confirm why? The bigger instances are all on 0.17.4 still, aren't they?

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Also, can you give me a convincing argument that our brain doesn't work in essentially the same way?

GPT 4 is already more intelligent than the average human. Is it more intelligent than the most intelligent human? No, but most humans aren't either. Can it create new knowledge? No, but the average human can't either.

How can you say it isn't intelligent?

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So? The room as a whole can speak chinese, what do i care how it works in the inside?

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I said it is as intelligent as the average human. How many humans can really create 100% new knowledge? Why would it be unable to tie laces? I am pretty sure I have seen videos of animals doing it. Of course it can't do a rohrschach test, as it doesn't have any visual capabilities atm. If that's a measure for intelligence blind people wouldn't qualify either.

No? But how can you even prove that our brain works differently than a chinese room?

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Consciousness is just a side result from a complex system imo. I don't think our brain actually works that much differently to a very very complex neural network.

I think 99% to 1% is probably closer to reality even.

Thanks for the heads up, i'll head over to github then. Imo just removing the labels would be better anway.

Yeah i deleted all comments and my account yesterday. I think I've been on reddit for 9 years, but fuck them. I will probably still use it in the browser when I am looking for specific info, but i am done with doomscrolling every few minutes.

Nolan is just partially deaf imo. Dynamic Range is nice and especially for the 5.1 mix it's great. Still dialogue should be understandable and at least be mostly mixed to the center channel so I can boost it if I want.

Also the 2.1 mix needs to focus on dialogue. No one who watches in 2.1 cares for the dynamic range and subbass stuff imho.

I haven't used the Usenet in about 8 years or so. What is currently a good provider? Is sabnzb or wtf it was called still the best software? And what search engine would you recommend for finding nzb in 2023?

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I mean they are all using first party xbox controllers, not a logitech knockoff that sucked even 10 years ago compared to first party 360 controllers.