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Joined 1 years ago

“Every person who isn’t a murderer is just a murder away from becoming a murderer. Timebomb!”

Never thought about it that way, welp, might as well get it over with.

Not many and none that I can think of with deep pockets (besides google). I think the corporate world has almost completely piled on Chrome.

Kind of bummed that the r/LifeProTips mod team seems to have submitted a real request to take over. Just kind of disappointed in the team over there.

I love projects like this, but I wish we could recapture the limited nature of place along with the sheer amount of engagement. I have no idea how it would work, but I'd love to see large scale limited time events like this take place with instance administrator support and integration into the fediverse somehow.

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Hey hey, no reason to bring up the past.

I think we agree, the past is over.

The last r/place was already heavily monitored by moderators with the ability to place pixels without timers, indiscriminately ban anyone thought to be placing pixels in certain locations from participating, and bury discussions talking about either.

Not sure if they'd bother for this, I'd say it's 50/50 that any attempts to protest will be blacked out and the threads about them buried and/or isolated.

Oh shit, are we having our first post-migration memestorm?

Are we ready? Do we have an OutOfTheLoop community already out here somewhere?

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If that medical opinion wasn't backed up by doctors and the majority of the medical community, I'd imagine that opinion probably would be.

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As someone who used to be a Java programmer, I can't make any sense of that statement.

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I like where your heads at, and I'm usually all for anything that makes it harder to be a Nazi. Like, seriously, how is that still a thing in 2024?

But, it's one of those slippery slopes where you have to wonder how far you take the idea, and at one point does banning just Nazi symbolism slowly turn into banning symbolism of things the government just doesn't care for today. It's easy to say that "We stop at Nazis" but then it just takes one asshole saying "Oh, does that mean this other group isn't so bad because we're not applying it to them?".

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mods could handle it more easily probably

I kind of feel like the opposite, for a lot of instances, 'mods' are just a few guys who check in sporadically whereas larger companies can mobilize full teams in times of crisis, it might take them a bit of time to spin things up, but there are existing processes to handle it.

I think spam might be what kills this.

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I think a lot of us have had the same thoughts looking around kbin.

We all appreciate the work Ernest has done, but we really need someone to dedicate some time to picking out a team to help him, but it seems like that's not happening for whatever reason. I know there's a few other people in the codeberg, but I believe there was a falling out there. What we really need in addition to that though is just generic admins.

It's a shame, I was really pulling for 'RIBWORLD'

r/videos is posting text descriptions of videos.

This actually sounds a lot more interesting than r/videos was before. I feel like I'm missing out on an amazing meme-based guessing game.

All I'm saying is... Science can't prove vampires don't exist.

I mean, you're in the right place then my friend, because you're not going to subscribe to much of anything that has an international presence.

It kinda sucks when you're in one of the 'high price' countries, but there's lot of countries who wouldn't have it at all if they had to pay our prices.

Anyone have a good explanation on 'Frame Time'? This is the first time I've heard of this term and after some quick googling I feel like I'm not understanding why it's worth caring about.

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I can't find a scenario where doesn't come out on top when compared to the version of paint that ships with Windows and it's free.

Hamas does occupy governmental positions, but they're also demonstrably linked to terrorist actions which they take full responsibility for, and I think that takes precedence for most people. With that, many of us are reticent to call them a government.

To your point though, if we can trust wikipedia and if I'm reading it correctly, the ministry of health in Gaza seems to also be under Hamas governance, so I'm not sure who else you'd deliver the foreign aid too.

Large homogenous objects make noise. Most theories i've heard think it's a result of vibration/internal stresses.

I don't feel like we're ever going to get past that until we can make the sign up process very nearly effortless. Reading about signing up for an account on the fediverse can be a lot of new info. Choosing an instance can feel like a lot when new to the fediverse and at the point that it becomes something difficult or confusing, a lot of people just lose interest.

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I do kind of feel like this part of the experiment might just be coming to a close.

There's no "if AI just keeps getting more insidious", the barrier for entry is too small. AI is going to keep doing the things it's already doing, just more efficiently, and it doesn't matter that much how we feel about whether those things are good or bad. I feel like the things it is starting to ruin are probably just going to be ruined.

Probably some kind of horrific bomb.

It looks like the big technological leap in relation to 'How can we use superconductors to hurt things' is to use them in making advanced EMP devices. It doesn't seem like anyone has figured out any other obvious use cases for them that massively change or improve upon the other horrific devices that we've already come up with.

In regards to potential for use in war crimes, it could be a lot worse.

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They're making money in the short term by cutting costs. Maximizing perceived profitability likely in preparation for a sell off. You see it all the time, but it's rare to see it happen to something where the consequences of that are so public.

With ancestry, yeah, that's going to suck and it's the bigger database, but with familysearch, you've got an API:

Not sure what your limits are.

Have you seen Fringe? It's a tv show from about a decade ago, very similar vibe to the X-files.

If you don't like that and combined with all the other stuff in this thread, then I think you might just not like TV as a medium anymore.

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I'd be inclined to agree, ernest seems very competent, but he also seems to be trying to carry this entire project on his shoulders which with a project this size isn't doable if you have other life concerns.

The data is mostly already there and publicly maintained. Ancestry/familysearch/etc should get us something interesting at least, data is a little bit light outside the us but someone would just need to go through it.

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It is a difficult problem, but there have been a lot of cracked Denuvo games, even in this article, it mentions that about half of the released Denuvo games have been cracked out of a total of 127, that's not a small amount.

It is true though that Denuvo is complex and there's currently only one person who has been doing them for a bit and that person is presenting as very very mentally ill and may also be on a break... it's amazing reading, but it's hard to tell conclusively what's up with Empress.

I feel like trying to do this in a country where 2-3 years of military service and training is a requirement for all adults shows a lack of forethought. This seems like a society where you're going to want to try real real hard to keep the people content.

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I don't know what it is, but I haven't laughed this hard in awhile.

If you combine Cthulhu with nearly anything, only Cthulhu remains, but if you combine Cthulhu with King Kong, you get Cthulhu Kong.

I think we've got a bit before we have to worry about another major jump in AI and way longer for an Ultron. The ones we have now are effectively parsers for google or other existing data. I personally still don't see how we feel like we can get away with calling that AI.

Any AI that actually creates something 'new' that I've seen still requires a tremendous amount of oversight, tweaking and guidance to produce useful results. To me, they still feel like very fancy search engines.

This is kind of problematic... By creating a community driven hashlist that is freely shared, you've also kind of created an index of CSAM content that could easily be extrapolated for people actively looking to find/share that content.

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I think the only real way for anyone to get it is to experience it. I thought it was bullshit propaganda too and I also thought I was relatively far left before first arriving at the .ml domain and further lemmygrad. I am still kind of surprised that we have a community out there that large that seems to legitimately identify with the 'tankie' ideology.

It's a bit of a culture shock realizing that you might just be a progressive moderate.

Very similar, but usually dramatically cheaper... Look into the Lenovo Tiny line of PCs, you can get a used model with a surprising amount of power for a lot less than you'd see in a comparable NUC and in my experience, they're usually hardier machines.

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You'll find a lot of comments along the lines of the Hamas government and Hamas terrorist organization being fundamentally separate entities. You'll also find a lot of people dismissing the claims in articles like this one or trying to paint anyone in Hamas inciting violence as 'not important'.

The idea is to foster a narrative to paint Israel as 'just as bad as hamas' and while Israel has done many bad things, the gap between the two is massive. I think it mostly comes from a desire to paint one side as 'good' and one side as 'evil' which isn't always easy.

Warrior only made it to 54. He had a lot going on, admitted steroid use, so definitely some substances involved. Also, supposedly untreated serious mental illness. People who have worked with him say that's his real personality, not an act.

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Source was included in OPs post, not sure of the reasoning behind putting it through the wayback machine, but to each their own. There's a few more links within the article with other details.

The spreadsheet linked in the post is a bit weird but also has a lot of other interesting supporting details.

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I feel like for subs like those to pop up, the barrier to entry needs to drop really low. We lean even more technical than reddit did now, and to encourage subs like those, you kinda need a healthy population of non-technical people.

Reddit still trends liberal overall, but anti-police sentiment has been on a decline for awhile. To me, it feels like the anti-establishment crowd basically died out completely over the pandemic. Reddit also tends to trend anti-hamas and pro-israel, the newer users don't really understand that you can be against both so if it hurts the one they don't like, it has to be good.