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That's a fair point. Microsoft says that they don't... but, not that they can't. It's especially tricky on iOS.

I found a guy on linkedin that has the same name, just slot him in and pretend nothing happened, wouldn't even have to change any of the campaign marketing. Dude looks to be in his 20s and manages a coffee place, definitely more than qualified.

I admire your optimism, but even if you aren't willing to bend the rules and stick to the letter of the ethics rules, you can still use campaign funds for a fairly broad amount of items. And, if you are willing to bend the rules... when's the last time you heard of someone getting in trouble for misuse of campaign funds? If you remember one at all, i'd wager it was George Santos, and it took a huge amount of misuse there for people to start paying attention.

If your net worth is negative, in 9 years it's only half as negative.

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The 'But, everyone is a bit evil' argument is such bullshit, the concern here is obviously the extent of the surveillance, but no one can say you're entirely wrong because the definition of that is so broad.

It's kind of technical, but there are comparisons on the report itself, even a fancy table, to other popular shopping apps and there are some legitimately troubling items. For anyone else, I'd recommend skipping direct to the source:

I think we've been operating on the false assumption that the Democratic partys primary goal is to win. I would wager that as far as campaign contributions go, it's likely better for them financially if they barely lose. I feel like the past few presidential races have been the American populace trying to force them to win anyways when they obviously didn't want to.

A lot of their decisions make a lot more sense in that context.

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I know it's kinda hard to quantify and fireworks can be overpriced, but street value up to 10 million and 150,000 pounds puts that at around $67 a pound per fireworks. I know that's also a weird metric to use for fireworks, but that feels pretty high.

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This makes me irrationally angry because whenever I hear this, putting the time it took to ask would have been enough time to just type up a few sentences in an email that would explain everything everyone needed to know and then we've also got it in an easily searchable format so we can reference it later if needed.

I may be a little bitter.

If I have to choose between keeping nature around and not having to buy an iron again, is gonna be a tough choice.

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But yes, what kind of unit is this?

How lifelong friendships are made.

Alexa has a tendency to give you the 'featured' product no matter how precisely and specifically you ask her for something. Even if you don't have to research and know exactly what you want, it's almost always easier to just go find your phone.

The real game changer for Alexa was always having a voice assistant that you can integrate with just about whatever you want that isn't tied to someone's phone. The idea of going into someone's house and just saying 'Alexa, turn on the kitchen lights' or 'Alexa, is it cold outside?' is where the Alexa magic lies, but Amazon never could figure out how to make that profitable on it's own, just doesn't contribute to the business case.

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If you search back far enough on some lemmy instances that have defederated others, you'll find ghosts of old content from those defederated servers, but it's all local to whatever instance you're viewing it on. A large amount of the content from the server that went down should also exist on the servers that server was federated with.

These lemmy instances have got to start running out of storage though, I haven't heard of any kind of automated purging. I'd bet someone somewhere is already working on an archive lemmy.

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Having been around awhile, it's so weird that people are trying to make the case that a republican presidency could be a good thing for... just about any country in the middle east. Not saying that any party is going to spend much time on it, but it's just a weird stretch.

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I'm all for going sailing but if there are features you want that that can't quite replicate, it's also a great time to look at a VPN service with a server in Turkey... Sign up on a Turkish IP and the exchange rate puts you under $2/month USD. This works for a lot of other things too.

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Saying anything negative about China is a violation of rule 1 on from the admins perspective. They classify anything critical that gains any attention as Sinophobia and file it under bigotry.

What happened on March 3rd? (Mass increase in active users)

Oh man, and what happened on April 3rd? (Mass drop in average comments)

Did I miss a meeting where we decided to just have massive shifts on the 3rd of every month? Is something big happening now, am I missing it?

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Man, that's a lot better than my plan.

My plan was just to add a lot more bbq and fried food to my diet once I get to around 60.

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Here's your source my friend. Sorry, original post only showed up on twitter:

Original Post:

Does have a few other socials though:

I think this is likely going to be true unfortunately, but I also feel like the title is more than a bit misleading. (The title at Ars is identical to the title of the thread here)

I didn't see anything in this article indicating that Spotify has made any direct comments on whether they were going to open source it or not. From the article, it also sounds like refunds haven't been publicly stated as the official solution from spotify, but instead just something some people have managed to get spotify support personnel to approve. In fact, it's stated that Spotify specifically 'declined to confirm' that refunds were the official solution.

Boo, that's far more complicated than popping a pill once a day.

The transience and non-indexability is a feature, it's easier to manage a community if any problem can be solved by just ignoring it for a few days. Just have to hope the issue stays within Discord, sure you could search within discord, but no one is going to and on any large discord the results are likely to be so numerous that it's worthless. Worst case you lock down a chat channel, mark it as private due to 'spam' and create a new one to serve the same purpose as the old to cover it up the rest of the way.

I don't know that we're bitching per se, just kind of a weird choice. It's like they went to Popeye's and tried to order a salad, it's just like yeah, the ingredients are technically there, but why?

You're right that is a real loss. Really, an Alexa that didn't require a personalized amazon account could still be huge if they could figure out how not to have to justify the costs of running the servers. I think that unwillingness to let Alexa be just a voice assistant is the key roadblock. In a similar vein, Alexa for business could have been a really big deal too if they could have worked it out a bit faster but now I think interest has mostly died out before it had a chance to be adopted.

I'm not a huge fan of the company and I think it's a coin flip as to whether they would just completely screw it up, but I wonder what would have happened if someone like Crestron had taken a real interest instead of just half-assing an integration.

If all that is true, then why do I still hate ipv6 so much.

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The general idea is that it's a potential cybersecurity concern, it's along the same lines as the Huawei ban from a few years back. Not entirely without merit, there have been vulnerabilities found in DJI hardware/software that could be used maliciously and some of them were fairly serious. I don't think anyone has ever found any proof those vulnerabilities were intentional, but I also think that would be super difficult to prove one way or the other.

They're not wrong, benchmarks have been done on mobile firefox.

Firefox doesn't lose every test, it even won one in the linked article, but chrome at least beats it in every other one and firefox comes in last several times.

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Google has these phases for the products they develop, right now they're in the phase where they've functionally abandoned home and are giving it just enough support to try to get some other company to manage/fix it and let them profit off of it.

I'm not usually a fan of Apple, but they're probably going to be the ones defining where things go. If they want the market, it's basically up for grabs right now.

I know I'm likely alone, but I'm actually kind of bummed on this change.

The old fluid system is janky and unpredictable and I have other complaints, but the way things flowed was sometimes part of the fun. I'll kind of miss the puzzles of 'Why are my flamethrowers not working again?'

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I know.

We all did, so much so that there was a petition to make it happen:

400 signatures before it ended.

I realize I'm immature but I can't help but laugh at the table heading of 'Solid D'.

Looking at the house races is kinda crazy, I didn't realize things were going to be so close there this election.

You're not wrong, but it should be noted that 'at worst 1 second slower' means a lot more when the fastest time is under 2 seconds. Saving 1 second is kind of a big deal when you only have 3 to work with. Closing that much of a gap would be a huge win for Firefox.

Also worth noting that many of the linked tests are also not directly based on time, and the difference in benchmarking is still fairly substantial. With the exception of the singular test that it came out on top on, the best case among these benchmarks is that firefox mobile is 15-20% slower than Chrome. These benchmarks even include Mozilla's own Kraken benchmark (where it still comes in last among these results).

Lastly, do want to say that I hope mobile firefox can catch up on these, but they've got a lot of work to do and the odds are stacked against them.

Anything reaching those kind of numbers is probably a music video or some sort of nursery rhyme set to music. Youtube is mostly a music service.

Beyond that, there's a grammarly ad that hit over 500 million views, wonder how much they spent on that and a lot of random memes. It's real difficult to find the most viewed real non-music, non-kids, non-ad video. Probably still Charlie Bit my Finger (again). Except Mr Beast, not many others regularly topping 100M.

I don't know why, but I've never had a worse hangover than after having a few of those. Taste is alright, but do not recommend.

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You're not wrong, but I feel that level of support for one of their releases would be a bit out of character for Bethesda (Without the long-term monetization present in games like Fallout 76). Especially so with the trend of Bethesda's comments indicating that the consumers are the ones who are wrong for not liking some of the more problematic game design decisions.

Looking at demographics, predominately is almost an understatement for the Islamic population, looks like maybe up to 96%? I'm treading carefully on my wording here because I know anything along these lines is always sensitive, but it sounds like they'd be inclined to be supportive of Islamic standards, I just kind of wonder where this ban comes from?

A lot of the time it was technically 'up', but just non-functional/unusable.

Most common for me was just not being able to do anything but look at the front page, couldn't click on anything without errors.

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You might be overestimating how much content that was. Streaming services try to maintain an illusion of neverending content but last I saw except for prime, the amount of content they offer has been trending down.

Those numbers are fairly accessible for an average person with 3 or 4 large hard drives.

Sudan isn't popular because it's difficult to tie either side of the conflict to a specific political party. No one gets too many political points for speaking for/against.

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There are resellers in the US who will set you up with the infrastructure to do it yourself. You don't need much and it's less expensive than you'd think, almost turnkey.

Demand is more than high enough in poor areas too, they probably made a really good return before it shut down.

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