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Joined 1 years ago

En serpant, a classy move

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35% of the population turned out to vote. Of that 35, 59% voted for desantis, or 21% of the total population. A minority of people decided for the rest of us. I voted, and got out to encourage others to vote. Attended protests, events and generally tried to be active. Florida is a big state and most of us, despite the low turnout, didn't and don't want this man running our government. I hate what he's doing to the state I was born and raised in, I'm being forced out of my home by inflation and growing hostility to my values. Say what you want about our government, but there are a lot of us who didn't ask for this and tried out hardest to avoid it.

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Pretty sure it's just paid for media hype. This is just the pushback of journalists who were somehow convinced that people actually like zuck now, and/or were paid to drum up more drama around this to drive engagement. This happens a lot. It's like the distant, braindead cousin of moral panics. I'm not sure what societal harm could come of this constant bickering about inconsequential "discourse" like this but it sure is annoying

Where did I claim 65% of the population was actively suppressed? I'm assuming you're talking about my comment. Never said that. As a matter of fact, I never said anything about voter suppression at all and neither did the comment above mine.

The Dems ran a weak campaign with the human equivalent of a wet fart for a candidate. The progressive candidate, Nikki fried, hardly received any mainstream coverage (I wonder why) and lost the primaries. You were right that people didn't feel motivated to vote. I worked to change that but at the end of the day,.I don't really blame anyone for not turning up to vote for a spineless, moderate, ex-republican-cum-democrate. The people want change. And that wasn't what the Dems were offering.

However, I would like to add, that voter suppression is a much larger issue than you're making it out to be. And not a lot of it is the highly visible forms that you've been describing. Just a few ways that people have been prevented from voting:

-Vote by mail ballots being disqualified

-vote by mail becoming more restricted

-Making voter registration difficult and inaccessible

-Arresting people for voter fraud on no legal basis

-voter intimidation via poll watching


And those are just what I could think of off the top of my head. Thats just a part of a greater conversation on how our elections are poorly designed. How first past the post voting, leads to a lot of the problems we have today. How the electoral college should be abolished. How the bills our government pass don't correlate at all with popular support/majority opinion. I could go on. The extraordinary evidence you want to see is out there. Voter suppression and terrible election practices are a blight on this country.

Just a couple a buds, committing themselves to one another for life. You know, friend stuff

Meatballs opposition was former republican governor Charlie Crist. The dem candidate was about as lackluster as possible, to the point that I think it was almost intentional. At least on Crists' part. We had Nikki Fried running for the seat too and she got pushed out in a similar fashion as Bernie did back in '16. I kind of get why many people weren't racing to the polls last year but it still sucks and desantis was clearly an existential threat to the state. The FL Dems need to engage their younger base because this "lesser of two evils" crap is killing the country

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Not to mention the automatic placement of water pipes when you lay down roads. That'll save a lot of time and allow you to focus on the more engaging aspects of the game more

Hey OP, I'm not part of the LGBT community but I grew up in a very conservative, religious household. I'm an atheist and that caused a lot of tension in my home life, I was yelled at, grounded, beaten occasionally, forced to go to church, and made to listen to sermons about how terrible atheists are and how I'm going to hell. I had, what felt like it at the time, a serious relationship that ended poorly and it ruined me for years. I didn't date again until I was 20 out of fear of being hurt again. I was depressed, having panic attacks regularly and suicidal at times. My parents didn't believe mental health was real and refused to get me the help I needed. All of that wasn't to diminish what you're going through or out-shitty-childhood you. I wanted to show that I relate to you on a similar level.

I just want to let you know that it can get better if you allow it to. While I had a lot going on, I made it harder on myself than it needed to be. I've come to realize that I could have been happier if I had not let that relationship drag me down so much. If I had accepted that my parents were intolerant of my beliefs and that talking to them about these things was unproductive and only made things worse. If I chose to confide in my friends about my depression and suicidal thoughts instead of talking to people who didn't even believe depression was real.

Your parents strike me as the types that are "fine with the gays as long as it's not one of my kids". It may not be the best idea to come out to them right now, you could be putting yourself at risk. Of course I don't know you or them and that could be entirely wrong, but you feel the need to protect your siblings from them so something tells me that it would serve you well to protect yourself from them too. At 14, you may not know what you want to do after school, and that's fine. You have plenty of time to work something out. But I would encourage you to find a way to independence as soon as possible. Be it going to a college out of state, taking an apprenticeship in the trades, or finding a job that pays well enough for you to get an apartment with/without some friends. Being out of your parents place and free to be yourself will help a lot. But you've still got a few years before that time comes.

While you're still there, and this may sound shitty, you might be better off in limiting your contact with your parents as much as you reasonably can. You want something from them that they can't/won't give you and you're doing yourself a disservice by trying to get them to be something they're not. You have a therapist, which is good provided they actually want to help. They can help you heal from the shit your parents are putting you through. And while your friends may not be able to relate to your problems much I think you'd be surprised in the ways they can help. You don't have to experience the same things as somebody else to be empathetic and supportive. Talking to your friends candidly about what's wrong and how you need help could be a game changer for you. Don't push off the support of your peers for fear of being unheard. If they're unwilling to be there for you, they're probably not your friends.

As for your relationship; if it's over then there's not much you can do about it. It hurts, it feels like your world is coming down, and you're unsure if you'll ever feel that way about somebody else. You will. It'll take time, but you will. There's a fine line between mourning the loss of a relationship and ruminating. I find it sooner than I did at the time. One day you may look back on it and regret how long you let it affect you. You'll see lost opportunities, days wasted feeling terrible, and potentially how little that relationship meant in the grand scheme of things. All of that is easy to say years after the fact and you may just brush it off because right now it feels awful. But don't let that be the only thing you feel. You're young, partners will come and go, and that's going to really suck at times. But you'll find someone eventually, when you're ready to.

I don't know you or your full situation so I could just as easily have missed the mark entirely or made an ass of myself, but I hope my rambling offered some comfort or perspective to you. I hope things get easier for you

Ba dum tss! For real though, how did he think skipping rent was going to be ok?

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Nope. That's gigachad territory. Good employees get high on the clock

Well said, variety is the spice of life! Reddit became very samey over the years. The archive of info is fantastic but who's to say that cant happen on a federated platform? Things are new and rapidly changing right now, I have confidence that Lemmy and platforms like it will grow into their own and become better than the things it's replaced. Reddit was long overdue for some competition or correction, here it is

Hey OP, I haven't made my way through the whole thread yet so this may have been brought up already. But look into mutual aid, it's essentially grassroots charity. That might be more of what you're looking for and it's good praxis imo

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Reason 1000000 to hate oil companies and lobbying. Heat pumps are a great, cheap, and efficient technology. We should be handing them out by the millions to anyone who has a passing interest in staying cool

I forced myself to finish it. It's just mass effect 1 but awful. That said, if they just wanted to restart Andromeda and pretend the first one never existed, I'd give it a shot. There's so much potential in the idea but it was squandered in every possible way

Or something along the lines of being a background/supporting character in some grand fantasy adventure. The story isn't about you; you exist within a greater plot that isn't hinging on your actions. Basically I want NPC the game lol. I'm sure there's a way to do it in an interesting manner

Do yourself a favor and get some ceramic stuff as well to replace your nonstick. Works just as well, lasts longer and is easier to maintain. You won't have to worry about microplastics with it either

Flexitarian is apparently someone who has a primarily vegetarian/plant based diet but will still occasionally eat meat. This is a new term for me too and it's apparently what I am. I've been describing myself as a "part time vegetarian" lol.

Also impossible burgers are superior to beyond and I will die on this hill. Beyond is better at everything else though. Their ground breakfast sausage is 🤌 perfection

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I also don't want to start anything inflammatory but your comment got me thinking. My dad is an unapologetic fascist. And me being a general socialist (still figuring things out), we share a lot of the same concerns and criticisms of the US, but we have wildly different ideas on how to approach these things. I feel like its just one of the many ways the proletariat are kept divided. We all hate the same things but are manipulated into different camps to keep us at each other's throats. I have no idea how to address class consciousness and unity in the US but its apparent now more than ever how desperately it is needed

That's awesome, congrats OP! Glad things are working out for you

It strengthened/increased the amount of nonliving connective tissue in your skin. This tissue provides a "scaffolding" of sorts to your skin cells to live on. It's also the reason your skin is more firm or elastic. Fun fact: men and women's skin have different connective tissue structures due to how hormones interact with your body's formation of collagen. When trans people start taking HRT meds, their skin texture changes!

Think of it like flour in a cake. It's a bulky ingredient that serves as a binding agent that helps to evenly distribute the things you actually want in a cake. Sugar, fat, flavorings, etc. Without flour your cake would just be a big goopy mess

Not as well as if you were into it. Endorphins > enjoyment

Does she not care for ceramic coated pans? They work just as well, are more durable and are easier to maintain than nonstick. What's not to love? Honestly, I haven't even used stainless since getting a good set of ceramic cookware, I get a great sear and deglaze a pan just fine with ceramic

It's gotta be The Room for me. A perfect balance of fun bad and cringe, quotable as hell too

Is there ever a point made beyond "it has chemicals!!!"? I watched like 5 minutes of it. his editing style is atrocious and overdramatic to the extreme

They're at least a non-profit! Still counts in my mind

Not quite wrapping my head around aegis, what's the point? It seems like a password manager, more or less

Throwing in my recommendation for roasted broccoli, Brussels sprouts and sweet potatoes. I could eat any of them by the pound!

Cities: Skylines is worth a mention too! There's a bit of a learning curve but it's good fun. And pocket city 2 for a mobile version

If there's one thing I've learned from reddit; it's that tree law is the only thing the us legal system takes seriously

I wish the uninstall was actually an uninstall for some apps. Like chrome, for example, can only be "disabled" and I've had times where it randomly re-enabled itself on my pixel 6 so I occasionally have to check whether or not my phone is doing what I actually wanted it to. All in all the pixel is a pretty solid option, just the odd quirk here and there

The American libertarian party and anarchists in all of their flavors (minus an-caps) are wildly different. What brought you to that conclusion?