2 Post – 85 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Gotta say, pre-emptive defederation seems like a bit of an over reaction. There's plenty of leftists in other instances, not just hexbear and lemmygrad. Hell, I'm an anarchist that regularly comments on political/social threads in this instance, it doesn't seem to be an issue. Lemmy in general is pretty obviously far left leaning. I don't see the harm in federating with hexbear, unless they show themselves to be actively harassing or trolling. But you'd have to federate first to find out if they will

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There shouldnt be any middle ground on the statement "trans rights are human rights". If you think there's room for compromise on the oppression of marginalized groups then you're either a lost cause or willfully ignorant of the world around you. People that are in a safe space, specifically dedicated to them and people like them, have no obligation to educate or entertain disingenuous "discourse" about whether or not they should be allowed to exist.

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Toxic epidermal necrolysis is a severe form of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. It's a life threatening skin reaction that's thought to be caused by an immune response to certain medications. The medications known to trigger TEN range from ibuprofen, certain antibiotics (penicillin being one), anticonvulsants, and steroids. We aren't sure what exactly causes it or how to stop it. One day you're taking something for your headache, a few days later you start getting painful red splotches on your skin. Once the first ones show up, they spread, often across your entire body. The redness grows and gets more painful, blisters form, and then your skin starts falling off! Everywhere! The only level of care at this point is to treat you like a severe burn patient, because that's essentially what you are. With large swathes of skin completely gone from your body, the only recourse is skin grafts and management of symptoms. Infections are common during the healing process and the prognosis isn't great. If it progresses into TEN, the odds of survival are about 50%. But don't worry, it's so rare and triggered by so many different medications it's pointless to try to avoid it. If the good Lord decides to kill you with it, there's nothing you can do about it!

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I didn't believe you but yeeeeeesh. Lots of self righteous penises ITT. If people buy an expensive hard drive, it should work. Not everyone knows everything there is to know about data storage, have a little grace people

Yeah I thought this was old news. I'm a licensed medical professional in Florida and I received an email from the department of health about these changes 3 or 4 months ago. The one about refusing care on moral grounds is newer, about a month or two old. This has been a thing for a good while now

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Wouldn't that just be ebay? Or ebay before they began expanding? In most instances nowadays you can buy direct from manufacturer as well, and that's becoming more common as time passes and companies invest in their own distribution infrastructure

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What do you think of the fact that the GOP is responsible for the vast majority of overspending the US does? They consistently drive up the national deficit every time they're in a position to do so. They deregulate and remove the teeth from federal agencies, bitch about how ineffective the government is at dealing with things, deregulate more, cut taxes for the wealthy, drive up taxes for the poor and middle class, and then shovel our money into the Pentagon. If you were actually compelled by small government and less spending, you'd be voting democrat every time. They're the only ones that actually reduce spending on a federal level

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Someone will come along to call me a bootlicker

It's me. I'm here to call you a bootlicker. Ya bootlicker. No one works hard enough to earn a billion dollars, simple as. He got as wealthy as he did by employing the usual monopolization tactics. Such as undercutting his competition to drive them out of business. There's also the whole thing about Amazon barely paying taxes, exploiting and abusing their workers, union busting and horrible conditions things too. Among many, many others. Using his ill gotten gains to then expand vertically and horizontally (shipping infrastructure and AWS for example) are also common tactics utilized by companies aspiring to be a monopoly to keep their overhead low and further eliminate competition. Amazon should have never been allowed to get this big. Amazon and Jeff bezos are only as big as they are because of a corrupt system that didn't rein them in.

Also, billionaire philanthropy is a tax dodging scheme that rarely, if ever, does what it's "supposed" to do

Ol' Wesley coming in hot with the zingers

"Voting with your dollar" is bullshit. Just stop buying oil? Ok, let me go to the no oil store and buy a new car that doesn't run on gas and isn't made with any plastic. Let me spend my entire 5 dollars worth of disposable income to buy a new vehicle. And then take that vehicle to the store that has 0 petroleum products. No cans lined with PFAS, no plastic bags, no plastic packaging, no products made entirely of plastic. Never fly again in your life, or take the bus. Don't you even think about eating out again. Live life as a hermit, make your own goods, provide your own services and maintinence to yourself to ensure an oil free existence. Better start soon too, the planets only getting hotter. Rinse and repeat x8,000,000,000.

Markets are driven by capital. Those with the most capital have the greatest influence. Your pittance of a wage isn't going to change a damn thing. 10% of the global population has 52% of the purchasing power. Even if the other 90% of us all united together at once, about a single thing, we still wouldn't have the purchasing power to overwhelm them. You can't reform a system that's made to perpetuate consumption and pollution. It's cheaper to pollute by design. Do you think it's a coincidence that bills meant to make polluting more expensive either don't get passed or are so rife with loopholes they're effectively useless? Pull your head out of your ass. If there was ever a time this shit show could be reformed, it's long gone.

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Dating advice from older men in general. The shit they got away with was wild

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Do you live in a retention pond? How on earth does a belt get and stay damp enough to grow mold? How long has it been sitting undisturbed? I didn't know about leather being antimicrobial until just now. Even then, a moldy leather belt just seems wrong lol

In unrelated news; My mom says I'm the handsomest boy ever

App enabled, AI enhanced cockrings. The future is now

If it was a TIA they'll probably put him on eliquis. Few months of that and his blood will be so thin, the next time he falls he'll bleed out from a subdural or a hip fracture. Can't wait.

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I don't necessarily disagree that cats don't have as much emotional depth as humans, but I also think you're selling them a bit short on their ability to think abstractly or emotionally. And it of course varies from cat to cat. They can express fear, affection, curiosity, frustration, satisfaction, anxiety, depression, caution, anger, overstimulation, desire, boredom, jealousy and plenty of other emotions. If you pay attention to body language and their vocalizations/ lack of vocalization, you can interpret much of what's going on in their heads. They're very expressive creatures much of the time. I'm not really anthropomorphizing either. I do that, cause they're cute little goofballs, but it's a voluntary effort I put in when I want to fawn over them a little. It's easy to notice when I'm anthropomorphizing them and when I'm observing their emotional state, as they're usually separate from one another

Go into your watch history and remove them after disliking it. I find removing stuff from my watch history to have a bigger impact over disliking stuff. You can also have YouTube stop recommending specific channels to you. Odds are if they're posting Jordan Peterson content, you're not missing anything of value by blocking them

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What's the trim in the electric car made of? How about the insulation around the wires? The clear coat on the paint? The lamination layer in the glass? What about the headlights and tail lights? The bumper covers? The logo and model letters? How was it delivered to the dealership for you to buy? You think there wasn't any oil consumed in the mining and refining of the non petroleum materials that constitute the rest of the vehicle? You said stop buying oil. Not stop using gasoline.

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... but Australia doesn't exist???

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You can hide posts and block coummunities without leaving pointless contrarian garbage on them

God dammit. Time to switch browsers again

I have a BeeHaw account and a account. I'm not imprisoned lol, it's the Internet, not some.private island. Nothing's stopping anyone from browsing or joining any of these communities

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You've been all over this thread calling people woke, globalist tankies. And a quick glance at your profile history shows that the only one here that has trouble operating in good faith is you. I'd add more but you're clearly not worth the time. Go fuck yourself, bye

Look at my comment thread. I have a guy calling me a woke tankie for a simple disagreement. The shit slinging is already present in and among users. Having (potentially) more shit slinging is not going to change much. I've browsed hexbear a handful of times and was looking forward to their federation. By and large, conversation on there is pleasant to neutral. It's a bit cringe at times and occasionally hostile to non-leftists. You see the same from the right and centrists as well. That's just how online political discourse goes. If anything, I'd say the online right is a lot more hostile, bigoted and prone to harassment than the left. But I could be biased.

The way I see it, the admins are basically saying that political arguments are fine among our users and those from other instances, just not hexbear and lemmygrad. Which is pretty silly and a tad dramatic

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For real! I work in the medical field and the amount of times I've heard some geriatric casually say he harassed a woman into marrying him is too damn high

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Get a load of this guy, not worshiping the pork obelisk

The oil to make that plastic still needs to be pumped out of the ground, refined, and manufactured into an end product. Leaving a trail of carbon emissions and other pollution along the way. It doesn't just come out of the ground shaped into whatever you want it to be. Bioplastics made from corn are also very resource intensive to produce. While a better option, they're not perfect either. It's really not a red herring. Just because it isn't polluting as an end product doesn't mean they're clean. And with things like toxic fumes from off gassing and the products from plastic degradation having long term consequences, it's not like they just stop being bad as finished products either.

They only defederated temporarily from two instances. BeeHaw users still have access to the majority of other instances, including kbin. Not to mention they're already working on a way to refederate with and Go on their page, they've been nothing but transparent and open to suggestion. This "drama" is pointless

Commenting on your comment not because I expect you to have them or anything, it's just the top comment so hopefully someone sees this. I know there's a handful of links out there to browse instances. Are there any that can see who's defederated with who/ which instances are federated with the most instances? I had another account on a .ml domain instance but they got purged with a bunch of others a couple of weeks ago. I use my account because it has the most-ish reach for finding new communities and whatnot

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They sure had me fooled!

Same, I had a lot of hobby communities on reddit that I really enjoyed. I will probably use it when I want that experience while Lemmy grows. Hopefully one day, and with people like us' encouragement to migrate, Lemmy instances will have enough traffic to host these more niche groups.

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Why is the lion wearing pants

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As a former taco bell employee, I am compelled to request that you remove any mention of the refried beans secret ingredient

Nail on the head. Aspartame is still better for you than super processed foods loaded with sugar. This reminds me of the big smear campaign against fat that the sugar industry engineered to take the heat off of themselves way back when

The only thing I'll miss about reddit is the news and all of my small hobby subs. But I have this fediverse stuff will grow into something comparable. Especially with the kbin news! Exciting stuff going down here

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Non-techy guy here. I read an infograohic and made an account. 0 issues whatsoever. And the infographic was just to help me understand how it works. You don't really need to understand lemmy to interact with it

It's an old guro gif, responsible for introducing many people to the horrors of the internet

While cheese may not be healthy, it's not necessarily unhealthy either. It's got a good amount of protein, iodine, and b vitamins. All of which are very important and usually lacking in other foods (particularly the iodine and b vitamins). Are there options with similar nutrition that are better for you? Absolutely. But I wouldn't say it's necessarily bad for you either

Agreed, we're still intuitive creatures. An elevator may seem otherworldly for a moment but that feeling would quickly fade once you saw the cables and pulleys causing the cab to ascend/descend. It may be one of those "I've never thought of that but it makes sense" sort of revelations over "this is impossible"

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If you go far enough left, you get your guns back. Libertarian socialism or Anarcho-communism might be your jam if you want to limit/abolishn the state