2 Post – 23 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

She would have to make her own server. She would overwhelm and destroy those sites.

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Unused ram is wasted ram. Pisses me off to no end. What I do with my ram is my concern, I don't want you bloating up and using it.

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Guy dies in Disneyland. Family sues. Disney lawyers say he can't sue since guy-that-died had subscribed to Disney+ before and agreed to the terms of service. The terms of service he probably scrolled by when he registered say "you can't sue us". That was the most recent move I've heard.

That's an insane oversimplification of the proceedings but it appears like it's gonna come down to this clause. The clause that the user signs upon registering to Disney+ is a binding arbitration clause. You can read more about that here:

Basically says you waive your right to sue us. Ianal btw. Also Discord has this same clause in their terms of service.

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Yeah well see if anything comes out of it. I don't trust chicken companies that try to jump to tech.

I'm still waiting on my KFC gaming console.

Some just do it to make some extra money and save for convenience. Krita is free to download and install yourself. It's 10 bucks if you want to get it on Steam. It's perfectly within their right. Especially in KDE's instance.

Right. I was not aware of that. This whole thing is just horrible. Really hope this clause can't be enforced. Disneyland's neglect caused a death.

I don't want people telling me how to raise my other animals either.

This affects indie and hobby artists more than mainstream artists. But tbh I never really cared for vinyl. CDs and cassettes are where it's at for hobbyists.

Nothing particularly. But I refuse to use a site run by the guy who runs Fandom: a horrible, ad-ridden mess that gets basic facts wrong and snuffs out other, more respectable wikis.

C. Kane. Its a comedic ROG heavily inspired by the movie Citizen Kane. (also set in a posts apocalyptic USA)

Can he even sue? I thought UMG or Atlantic owned his music.

Snapchat or iPhones? How about I take none?

Well Truth Social is running off Mastodon so they are kind of here. Just invisible (I don't tihnk truth social is federated with anything). When I was on Kbin I at least saw quite a few conseravatives. Can't really speak to this instance since on my end it all just appears as the same.

A Turkish-American woman. This is gonna piss off Erdogan.

Lol so after the battles he fought to get onto the ballet, now that they know he could siphon votes from Trump they trying to keep t to keep him on?

It and Servo are probably the two most exciting projects in open-source right now.

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It's just another from-scratch browser in development. It's been seeing a lot of progress lately. Not as much as Ladybird but it's still making waves.

Twitter is pretty much the only other social media I use enough to count. I look forward to checking it every day.

I used to use Trustcafe but I can't use it in good faith anymore. Screw that site.

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Most overrated rodents. Where's all the love for nutrias at? (excluding the place where they're invasive)

Yeah this will just piss off the anti-porn/right-wing/tradcath(?) types instead of leftist/neolib/anti-racist types.

From the article:

β€œAnd we are shutting down β€” not building β€” coal and nuclear plants. Coal will be off the grid by 2038 at the latest.”

This isn't even true. In fact they're taking taking down wind farms to get more coal. This is just someone trying to get a dunk on Trump, like there aren't a million other actually true things they could say. Not to mention them resurrecting other coal plants when they're supposed to be phasing it out.

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Pftt. Germany shout stfu about being green when they're closing nuclear plants, still taking Russian oil and bringing back retired coal plants.

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