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Joined 1 years ago

"China is the worst polluter on the planet and they need to do better"

[China invests heavily into green technologies]


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At Beetlejuice the Musical

Man, you know what really gets me going? A corny zombie hit man singing showtunes.

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My brother in Christ YOU ARE THE MEDIA

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A cool thing I learned from their public filing is that Spez makes 192M in total compensation, and the company has been running around 150M deficit.

That's the makings of a very profitable investment, you know 🙄

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Edison, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Rockerfeller...

Same shit back then. Careful of the rose colored glasses.

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"I did that" sticker people in shambles

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I saw a post where someone was listing the reasons Texas would do better as an independent country, they were talking about its economy, freedoms, whatever...

And the fact that it has "warm water ports", which is a hot button topic for one country and pretty much nobody else...

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It's the part of the USA national guard that is based in Texas. Everything about them ultimately answers to the USDOD, not the governor of Texas.

FWIW, this isn't a "now" problem, it's been the US position for a long time. Still shitty though.

"I was just caught up in the moment supporting my friends" vs "I am an active and participating member of the queer community"

What is your background. "A job using Linux" is super broad and remote work only narrows it further. If you don't have plenty of experience, it'll be hard to get a remote position.

It's the "all your eggs in one basket" problem.

There's that, but there are also more legal consumer protections against fraud with credit cards than with debit cards.

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Good thing we brought all those bitcoin miners to "incentivize" the power companies to improve the grid. And then we give them millions in energy credits to make them stop so we don't have a total meltdown.

10/10 plan, there.

The big neon Check Engine light is a nice cherry on top

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It's not about the crops, farmers work by the sun, not by the clock.

It was able conserving candles and oil, for lighting rooms.

In short, yes, Islam varies a lot based on the actual community you're a part of. Few places are as extreme as Afghanistan, even if you look at other conservative theocracies. When you're looking at Muslim communities in Western Europe, it's a very different situation.

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I forgot how we didn't have taxis until uber came around.

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Note that these broods are mostly not in the same region, so most places will see a fairly normal amount of cicadas this year.

Eastern Illinois gets both broods, it's gonna be WILD there.

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A friend of mine has an AC power to Ethernet adapter cable.

In unrelated news, he was once told that his employer would not replace the horribly out-of-date office printer until it was 100% unrepairably dead, and it mysteriously died a couple of weeks later.

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This brings the total electoral votes joining the compact to 209. Michigan will join soon, bringing it to 225.

270 electoral votes needed for the change to take effect. We're getting there.

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$9,000? Fucking seriously?

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Super loose definitions of "every single" and "recall" here.

The oldest models are recalled, yes. Most of the units or on the world just need a software update.

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Chutkan partially granted a motion from special counsel Jack Smith’s team asking her to require Trump to declare whether he plans to use the advice-of-counsel defense, in which a defendant argues that he relied in good faith on the advice of his attorneys.

Smith in a filing last month noted that several Trump lawyers have said in media interviews that Trump was acting on the advice of his lawyers.

"When a defendant invokes such a defense in court," Smith's office argued, "he waives attorney-client privilege for all communications concerning that defense, and the government is entitled to additional discovery and may conduct further investigation, both of which may require further litigation and briefing."

99% of the people I know have no clue what Display Port is, while even my tech-illiterate grandparents know about HDMI.

The people you're ultimately selling to are more important than almost anything else in the equation.

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As much as I'd like that, the new justices would still need to get approved by congress. Unless we get 60 Dem senators, we're stuck at 9 for the foreseeable future.

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"In a gold rush, you want to be the guy selling the shovels"

Nvidia is the shovel-seller right now. A couple of AI companies will probably get huge, 99% will fail. But Nvidia is getting paid by them all.

A degree in audio engineering.

It's possible and there has been plenty of research done into it, but it's a hard problem and not just a question of slapping an off-the-shelf EQ on it.

Ah, Waluigi. Gotta be one of my favorite genders.

Just in case you misread the title (because I did at first), Namibia is explicitly not looking into other people's pants now.

Why did it take until 2024? Humans being humans, I guess. Gotta go after some "other".

Someone heard about anthrax letters and used the closest thing they had on hand.

Because unemployment isn't really that low. When we talk about "people here now who could use those jobs", we're usually talking about people in dead end jobs that could use a career job.

So great, pull them into our elder care system, give them a career level their old jobs are still unfilled. And while we're super shitty as a country towards entry level service workers, we also as a country really want those jobs to be filled. So we'd need to fill that gap in the employment pool somehow.

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Odessa, Texas

Yup. Checks out.

Later seasons really flanderized some aspects of the characters, but I always fondly remember one scene where The Gang is assembling a new TV stand for Penny's apartment and someone questions the airflow it offers. So they immediately start designing a water-cooling system for her TV.

I know people like that. I am people like that.

As far as in aware, not being a NY company isn't the issue, it's the fact that they have no evidence they can actually pay the full amount in the event that Trump doesn't follow through with his obligations for the bond.

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Eh, I think it's far better for the nation for him to lose than to die before that happens.

God, every time it's worse than I remember it.

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The average (and median) US citizen does have 401k savings that track with market performance. It's a flawed metric, but far from useless either.

Latvia is actually in NATO, not just receiving support from NATO countries. This is meaningless bluster.

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My favorite fortress fail was from a were-iguana. A visitor turned into a giant iguana in the middle of the dining hall and caused a minor ruckus before my militia dispatched it. 2/10 invasion, really not that special.

Then next full moon there were 7 of them, including my militia commander. Oops. Pay attention to combat logs when you fight a were-creature! Quarantine the bitten!