2 Post – 184 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I maintain very good dental hygiene, and my dental hygienist always loves me. These are the tips I've picked up from them as I've gone

  • Use an electric toothbrush. My hygienist didn't give a recommendation, but I asked what she used and said the Philips Sonicare and really liked it. I got one for $25 on a black friday sale (normally $50 for the model I got). I'm sure plenty would work, but one that also tells you when you're pressing too hard is a very nice perk, and the timer is a must.
  • Floss every day with normal string floss. Honestly, quickly disrupting the bacteria between your teeth is good most days, and then give it a really good go other days to really break things up.
  • Never brush with a low pH level in your mouth. Eating anything increases the acidity in your mouth, so wait about 30 minutes before brushing. Some things increase it much more, such as soda. Wait an hour or so after drinking soda or other acidic foods/drinks before brushing. Drinking water can help normalize the pH levels faster, as well. So if you must, just swish around some water a good bit before brushing.
  • Saliva is good for you. If you drink a lot of soda or eat a lot of sugary foods, stop it. But since you probably won't stop (like me) chew sugar free gum to increase saliva production to help fight the sugary-ness of it, as well as help balance the pH levels a little.
  • Use alcohol free anti-cavity mouth wash. It's basically just water and fluoride, so if fluoride toothpaste doesn't hurt your mouth, you should be okay with this mouthwash.
  • Make sure you're using fluoride toothpaste. It doesn't need to be fancy, I just use the cheapest fluoride toothpaste.
  • Do not rinse out the toothpaste in your mouth after brushing. You want the fluoride to stay on your teeth for as long as possible. And if you do end up using flouride mouthwash, do not drink anything for at least half an hour after using it to make sure the flouride has time to work. The longer it's on your teeth, the better.
  • Brush AT LEAST every night. Of course they always recommend twice a day, but if you picked one, do it before bed and not in the morning. If you don't brush before bed, the bacteria from the day will sit on your teeth all night going to work on you. I only brush at night, but the hygienists I have always say they wouldn't have known if I hadn't told them. And that's even with habitual soda drinking habits.
  • Accept the fact you will get tartar build up. It's going to happen, despite your best efforts. That's why you should go to the dentist every 6 months. They will remove the tartar build up with a metal pick, but if you do everything above, it should be an easy job for them.
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You asked for feedback, so here is my feedback:

The article is okay. I read most of it, but not all of it, because it seemed overly worded for the sentiment. It could have been condensed quite a bit. I would argue the focus should be more on the fact that there should be a standard in technical documentation, OS's, specification sheets, etc. That's the part that impacts most people, and the reason they should care. But that kind of gets lost in all the text.

Your replies here come off as pretty condescending. You should anticipate most people not reading the article before commenting. Just pay them no attention, or reiterate what you already stated in the article. You shouldn't just say "did you read the article" and then "it's in this section of the article". Just like how people comment on youtube before watching the video, people will comment on the topic without reading the article.

Maybe they didn't realize it was an article, maybe they knew it was an article and chose not to read it, or maybe they read it and disagree with some of the things you said. It's okay for people to disagree with something you said, even if you sincerely believe something you said isn't a matter of opinion (even though it probably is). You can agree to disagree and move on with your life.

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Based on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, they cannot discriminate for any reason that is a protected status. However, they can makeup any reason for not serving them. That means some racist asshole could say they aren't serving the black customer because they were rude or some other made up shit. Thankfully, your political stance is not a protected status.

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Yep. They went from 1.7B visits to 1.7B visits

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lol, I have no idea why someone down voted you.

But yea, the plural of code in the context of programming scripts is just code, but if you were to talk about codes like a code to get into a door pin-pad, it has an "s" at the end for plural. To be honest, I'm sure there's plenty of native English speakers not in the tech world that would likely also call it "codes" when talking about programming.


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The problem isn't getting your new from YouTube. But rather random YouTube channels. It's like saying "Do people really get their news from random news sites"

Instead of projectivy I use ATV Launcher Pro. It's pretty good. It allows for widgets, though I find many I want to display don't work correct, which is unfortunate. I did spend $3 on it, but I don't mind paying for an app. It just means the developer can make money without displaying ads

Which part are you trying to be careful with believing? The dead bodies are on camera.

If the part in question is who killed them, there are multiple witnesses saying it was Israeli forces. But let's assume they are all lying, or were deceived by Hamas: why would Hamas interrogate and kill Palestinian women and children? If anything, they would use them as body shields, no? They can hide out in schools and hospitals so that in order for Israel to attack them, they'd have to kill innocent people too. And to think Hamas would do it to make Israel "look bad" seems interesting. It's not like any war crime charges are going to be brought to Israel. Maybe they want more citizens of other countries to get riled up to get their governments to stop funding Israel, but that seems like a lot of forethought for Hamas, no? And to also guarantee all the witnesses would claim it was Israeli forces?

Does it not make more sense for it to have just been Israeli forces? Do you sincerely believe some Israeli troops would never do such a thing?

To be fair, they did say you can buy it discounted if you wait. To me, as far as the original question goes, pre-ordering the game or buying a marked up "deluxe" version isn't worth it when you can get it a year later for 50% or more off. If you're willing to wait a few years, you can easily get them often 80% off or more, and they're often less buggy because they've been patched already. Dark Souls 3 has already gone on sale for 50% off a few times, as has Return of the Obra Dinn(never heard of this, btw), and Baldur's Gate 3 has already gone on sale for 10% off despite having been released August 3rd.

The creator did an AMA on [redacted] and said that the site was initially just a side project, so the name didn't matter. However, it started to get some traction. Then people knew it by that name, so it felt too late to change it. Now it's way too late, so that's the name

Of course you have to have the proper gas to clutch ratio, Unless you mean just never using the brake. If it's steep enough, your foot still has to move from the brake to the gas. If the hill is steep, and the person behind you is riding your ass, you may very well roll back enough to hit them in the time it takes to move your foot from brake to gas. Which is why you'd need to use the hand brake to give yourself the time to move your foot to gas, then get the right ratio, and release the hand brake.

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Okay, but 52% of traffic on reddit is coming from Youtube??? Those channels that just compile reddit posts must really be helping Reddit. Lets make some Lemmy reading channels

Governments need to punish carbon emitting fuel sources more. People are going to use the cheaper option, not the one that will benefit the planet. It needs to be cheaper to use renewable energy, or at the very least energy efficient options need incentives.

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You don't have to use the third party apps to know what reddit is doing is fucked up. I never used a third party app, nor did I use a moderation bot. Not to mention people could never have used Reddit before and still use lemmy

Hanlon's razor - "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

This is not only adequately explained by stupidity, but it makes the most logical sense to be explained by stupidity. They are actively fighting a war with AdBlockers. They are trying to block AdBlockers, and AdBlockers are working as quickly as possible to fight those changes. Then Google has to fire back as quickly as possible. This is resulting in rapid published changes to counteract AdBlockers and their retaliation. It makes all too much sense that their fight against AdBlockers did not work as intended. The people making these changes are Google software developers, and I really do not think any of them have an issue with Mozilla.

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To be fair, there is a line between greed and monetization. Monetization can be simply to fund servers costs and labor. Especially as the community grows, it's just going to get more and more expensive. I think a donation page or a toggle-able ads option (off by default) would be great ways for users to support the site to fund the costs without it being greedy. Both options could give some sort of donor badge as a thank you, because there's no features involved with it so people don't feel forced to donate/support.

You know you can be a liberal and still own a gun, right? And sure, most liberals don't want Joe from off the street to walk in and buy a gun with no further investigation, but most don't want to ban weapons outright. Guns should be in the right hands, in the right circumstances. You talk as if believing the the 2nd amendment immediately makes you conservative.

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Here in the US at least, Whatsapp is not nearly as prevalent as some other parts of the world. I got all my coworkers in my 6 person department to use it. I got my SO to use it. Somehow getting my family to start a group chat was one of the harder ones. I'll keep doing my part :)

Yea, I don't assume anything is on sale until I've looked at Even then, it doesn't get lightning deals, and some other random promotions, so it can be difficult to tell what an actual good price is.

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Yea, I'll correct anyone who says it. People may not love it, but there needs to be people calling out other people for shit. A little different direction, but still similar, is men calling out other men for sexist shit. Sexist men often don't listen to women, but the moment their buddy says something they start to think.

You may lose a few friends doing this, but the people you probably want to be hanging out with will respect you more for it. I find people appreciate being willing to call them out, it takes guts. It takes a real man to call out sexist little boys, and also those who still use the outdated term "retarded" to call someone stupid.

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I think you raise valid points. My counter argument to you would be this: how does the average strength/dexterity/whatever measurement of sports of cisgender woman compare to the average transsexual woman? While one transsexual woman can still be beat by many women, it could arguably be unfair that their transition put them in the top ranking of the women's league, even if they aren't number 1.

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The AI is just being used to create the content itself. The upload process is still just a script. The AI can only adjust parameters set by the person, and the person creating the setup likely isn't adding in any of the other factors

It is not well documented that our phones are sending keywords to advertisers from audio. Are phones always listening? Yes. How else would they be activated. And anything you tell it after activating it is going to be stored. But outside that, there is no reason for phones to save what you say. Most of that audio is entirely useless to them. If you have the documentation of them sending audio recordings to advertisers, I'd love to see it.

Listen, you can just tell people you're doing your part in preserving history

I mean, it's unlikely you'll get a legitimate private option for free. The people hosting private email servers with encryption as the selling point can't very well serve ads, and certainly aren't tracking your emails. They would be operating at a constant loss. Would the money be coming strictly from donations? A subscription is the only feasible way a service like that could operate.

You're going to have to pay one way or another. Either with money, or with your data. It's up to you what you decide

Politics is nearly impossible to discuss with anyone, anywhere... The problem lies in the fact that nobody has the same foundation for discussing such topics. Probably the biggest issue is what people consider a reliable source of information. If you cannot agree that site xyz is stating things that actually happened, then how can you discuss anything political?

Honestly, I think the pain in discussing politics has more to do with today's culture than anything with Lemmy specifically. It just so happens that Lemmy got popular around the time that "fake news" and misinformation became so extremely prevalent.

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"Not to be nit picky" proceeds to nit pick and be wrong about the subject you're nit picking...

  • Merrium Webster: a: marked by no appreciable drop below initial horizontal line of flight; b: so close to a target that a missile fired will travel in a straight line to the mark

  • Cambridge: aimed or fired directly at from a close position

  • aimed or fired straight at the mark especially from close range; direct.

Imagine a journalist using a dictionary.

VSCodium takes the binaries for VS code and assembles it without Microsofts telemetry

I think you mean "nitpicky"; the hyphen wasn't necessary.

This isn't the second price jack. There was one price increase, and then there is now the phasing out of grandfathered users. All users will have to pay the new price (which hasn't gone up again). Not defending YouTube, but just pointing out there isn't another price increase

It's fun to think of them as the same people. But the reality is that they're two different people, and it's just changed who is considered right.

What fucking idiot wrote this? Looking at your own code from 6 months ago

Idk what it is, but I might look into it. My pigeon is getting pretty old

Good catch. The way I think about the pH scale in my head always feels like acidity should be high on the pH, but that's just wrong XD

I can’t work anymore because of covid

Why can't you work anymore because of covid? Do you have a weakened immune system so you can't risk being exposed to covid, or did you get covid and now have long covid symptoms? If it's the second one, what long covid symptoms are preventing you from working? I believe you, but it's just so vague that I'm not sure what you're referencing

Nobody can afford to be a YouTube alternative. Upload whatever you want, as large of a video file as you want, entirely free for everyone (costs no money, not freedom free)? Nobody can afford to do that. If someone wanted to make something similar to YouTube without the resources of Google, they'd need to at least limit uploads. Potentially even charge for uploads. But this would be punishing for new creators, especially if their broke. Except new people are exactly who need the strictest limitations, because random people could use it as personal video storage, like many do with YouTube.

Then there's the matter of making money. Trying to get enough advertisers would be a pain in the ass, content moderation would be a nightmare and very costly however you decided to do it. If you tried to just make the platform a paid platform, then you're highly restricting viewership. To try and make a YouTube without Google's resources is nearly impossible. I'd love for it to be done, but not enough people care either. Most people who just say "why not just use YouTube" just like that insane masses sticking with Reddit.

Realistically, google has no reason not to comply with a removal request. They get so much data, the people that decide to remove theirs is just a drop in a bucket. It's easier for them to simply automate the deletion process anyway. Not to say they'll stop tracking you, your name just won't be tied to it

I worked in a hospital, and patient names should never be paged. Room numbers and alert codes are not PHI, and generally they would say "Adult Male blah blah blah...". Unfortunately, in concrete mazes, paging is still the most reliable (as seen by how easy it is for others to see). And when you're as important as a doctor, you need reliability.

It will die down. Personally, I'm interested in seeing how this platform develops over time as Reddit users migrate, including discussions about Reddit.