1 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 12 months ago


Well it's likely short for "authorities on the subject", i.e. experts.

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That is not how percentages work my friend, unless they count in very strange ways.

if by "fame-obsessed ideals" you mean earning a living wage and being able to buy school supplies for your students, then yes.

Perfect name for this comment, really living up to it

Sorry bud, it's a word exactly because "everyone got it wrong and it had to be shoved into dictionaries". Languages and the words they contain aren't static, they evolve over time based on how people use them.

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I mean yea, they will if the asshats continue. But it has to happen completely by the letter of the law, or they can protest and at the very least draw it out, if not just get out of it completely.

Except that you don't just use it for whole hours. 12.01 is clearly post meridian, so it has to be PM if you wanna keep the meaning. With your example 12 am and 12.01 pm would either be one minute apart or you'd have to drop the whole meaning of am and pm, which would just make it an entirely arbitrary construct that's even more difficult to understand.

On the other hand, as a European I'm quite happy with 24h time keeping. This whole am-pm system is quite unnecessary.



Can you read?

The best time for this was 16 years ago. The second best time was right when you posted this.

You vote in churches?

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As his supporters laughed, Trump then went on to say that reporters attending the rally would take his words out of context and tell viewers that the ex-president had said a “horrible” thing onstage.

Title is literally that

I can not recommend duckduckgo enough. Been using it for a while now and it's so nice to not have the top 5 or so results just be ads, and the rest irrelevant.

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Huh? This is about youtube wanting to make sure you see ads, and people complaining to the EU to make them censure youtube for it. Not sure where you got that EU wants to make sure you see ads.

I mean the TV won't know they've released a new update if you never connect it to the net.

I like being pretty, and men in games usually aren't (at least to the same degree). Why choose to look worse than i could?

And after this fiasco I'd wager their feelings have changed.

[an attack] on the forces, vessels, or aircraft of any of the Parties, when in or over these territories or any other area in Europe in which occupation forces of any of the Parties were stationed on the date when the Treaty entered into force

The forces in question need to be attacked somewhere that the treaty protects, which Ukraine is not.

On the other hand, "perfect is the enemy of progress". While this certainly doesn't solve the issue, it is an (admittedly minor) improvement.

This was essentially me once, but for real. I was running as exercise and discovered that if i slowed down i didn't get nearly as tired and could run much further! I thought i had just had an absolutely genius thought and was really proud of myself. It wasn't until later that i realised that no, i was just being really fucking dumb, as usual.

"gift" means both "poison" and "married" in swedish. languages are fun :)

Is this a real question?

And i think you're a bit behind the times

You give your used toys to your friend? Must be a close relationship

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Not who you're responding to, but yes, milk is both very tasty and fairly healthy. I essentially drink exclusively milk or water, unless i'm at a party or something.

Yea that is just wild to me, but i guess it fits if they don't want non-christians to vote

? There are no "means". all you can do is vote, and then something is going to happen depending on who wins. It's not "do bad thing to get good result", it's "do neutral thing to get less bad result" or "do nothing to get shite result".

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Imagine naming a bot "android" lmao

Kinda gotta respect that at least, even if she's fighting for the wrong team.

"Enough money" is not a concept they understand unfortunately

I mean, Trump would probably be worse. Biden is real bad, he's mostly supported Israel through the genocide. On the other hand, Trump has literally said "you've got to finish the problem" (palestinians being the problem), not to mention a slew of pro-israel and anti-palestinian decisions when he was president (read about them here if you wish).

So yes, I agree with the first part of your comment, the last - not so much.

most of the supergiant games tbh, hades and transistor both have some beautiful scenes as well.

Hey that's valid

Unfortunate username for the situation

Thank you for the write up, very interesting!

I've found "they" and "their" to be useful words

That is a hilarious thumbnail

Not entirely sure about speeding tickets specifically, but many fines in Sweden also scale with income.

Kantai collection perhaps? Don't actually know what it is, but I'm pretty sure it has humanised warships