9 Post – 88 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Reminds me of the time we first visited Venice. Wife and I were admiring the splendour of St Marks Square (Piazza San Marco) and were stood next to some American tourists and overheard one say, "Oh my god this place is amazing; can you imagine how great its going to be in a few years when they finish it." There was zero construction work going on......

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A cheap usb microscope. I wanted to get into macro photography but my eyesight is pretty terrible even with glasses and struggle to see fine details so struggled to set the mounts up. (Small insects, grains, etc)

Saw a usb microscope for 20€ on Amazon and thought for 20 euro it’s going to be terrible but worth a punt. It’s bloody brilliant. Have used it for a whole variety of things from threading needles to soldering work, repairing stuff with glue and tightening up glasses as well as the macro stuff. Coupled with some ‘helping hands’ it’s a permanent fixture on the pc desk.

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Many many thanks! First time I have won a photo competition. Lovely to be a member of such talented people and love this little corner of the internet.

As expected. Many thanks for the update...

I hope it better than the new outlook which is in test. I tried it for 2 days before switching it off. It’s truly awful.

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Unethical Life Tip: Find a nice expensive steak in the supermarket and go to the fruit section and weigh it as the cheap apples; pop the ticket barcode over the steaks barcode. When you go to the self service checkout scan the steak and pop it on the scale. The steak weight will match the barcode scan weight and it will look like you scanned the item to the security camera.

Consider the saving as your payment for doing the supermarkets job for them...

Alternatively do the first steps and pop the steak back in the fridge to pass on the saving to another customer.

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Fuck Pence, fuck Trump and fuck republicans. They are all cunts. (As are tories in the UK). Nuff said.

What have google brought new to the market before killing it before it gains momentum? My prediction is for them to fall first out of the big tech companies.

In A.I they have lost the race already and the competitors are going to eat their web search in the not to distance future. The biggest thing they have right now imo is android and that only on mobile phones as the tablet is dominated by Apple.

They have lost trust with the tech savvy as we all know their products have such a short shelf life and we have been burnt before. They have very few chances left.

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Then why not say every rouble made in Russia will go to humanitarian aid? I’ll tell you why; it’s because they are still making money by being in Russia. It’s corporate greed through and through. These fuckers make no sacrifice until it hurts their bottom line.

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I understand completely but unfortunately the title “Philips eco glow e65 lit by laying on an iPad Pro 128gb taken with Godox lighting on a Sony A7 iiii with Sony G-Master 90mm and Sandisk extreme Pro sd card” seemed a bit overkill.

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WOW.. My first ever photo award. Am honoured! Thank you!

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Let’s sing all together:

Well Spez is a cunt, he's a big fat cunt, He's the biggest cunt in the whole wide world. He’s a stupid cunt, if there ever was a cunt, He's a cunt to all the boys and girls.

On Monday, he's a cunt, On Tuesday, he's a cunt, On Wednesday though Saturday, he's a cunt, Then on Sunday, just to be different, He's a super King Kamehameha Cunt.

Have you ever met Reddits Spez? He's the biggest cunt in the whole wide world, (La-la-la-la-la-la-la) He's a mean ol' cunt and he has wangy eyes, He's a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt.

Cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, He's a stupid cunt! (Woah!)! Reddits Spez is a cunt, And he's such a dirty cunt! (Cunt!)!

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Deleted all my comment and post history from there when I was directed to Lemmy. Zero regrets. Have not looked back. Find the engagement here far better; proper discussions without the trolls. Loving it.. Also tried Mastodon and enjoying that too even though I never used twitter.

Used to spend hours each day on Reddit and was active contributor on the subreddits I subscribed to. Hoping we get some of the less popular and specialised communities here so we all got to make an effort to support the smaller ones by posting and commenting.

Because it’s cheaper for them. Building all the cars the same simplifies production and inventory management. They don’t have to configure each car for the end users requirements; they just use software to turn these features on.

The question that should be asked is if they can put these features into the car and still make a profit why are these added features so expensive as all the fees are 100% profit!

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Why does it look like he is in some shady strip club from the 80's?

They are pushing he has ‘mental health issues’ which doesn’t sit right. Looks like they are trying to say his behaviour was due to these issues. It’s not fair to others suffering with their mental health….

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Not a time loop game but has one of the best time loop levels of any game I have played - Titanfall 2.

Fully agree with you! My point was that it isn’t just the likes of Amazon that do this. If we look to piracy it’s growing in areas where a paid for service is either split across several providers or isn’t convenient.

I no longer pirate games or music as the paid for services are way easier to use and value for money.

The movie and tv companies started to have this when Netflix started but now there’s too many services and even on the same service the catalogues are different depending upon location. So instead of getting a share of revenue they get nothing.

If you want the full res image let me know and iI'll pop it on a file share for ya. (Also RAW file if that is of any use)

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It’s the same with steam games and other online stores. You are granted a licence to use the software; not to own it.

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What if your seedbox is located in the Netherlands? (Mine is…)

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Has a mini hurricane in my old town in Southern Germany yesterday. Blew the roof off a supermarket. (Was a Netto so only 52€ of damage to stock was done)

I have huge nostalgia for the first CD-Rom games. When I first met my now wife we used to play the likes of the Return to Zork, 7th Guest, 11th Hour, Clandenstiny, Realms of the Haunting, etc. Still have the disks and all the boxes for them in the loft. Its a pity that kind of puzzle adventure has gone. There was nothing better than sitting down with pen and paper trying to work out the puzzles; some took days to solve but the rewards when solved were great.

Closest we have find to date are the professor Layton type games or probably our favorite one recently - The Witness.

Still gaming together after 30 years....

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WefWef on the desktop and Memmy for Lemmy on the phone...

As I understand it 16 is the legal age of consent. So a pensioner can have sex with a 16 year old and no legal laws are broken. (Unless the elder is a teacher, sports tutor, medical professional of the tenager). What is illegal though is to ask for or send explicit photographs of someone before the age of 18..

Also the Sun newspaper is a hypocritical shit rag. They were printing topless photos of Sam Fox on their daily page 3 ‘feature’ when she was 16…..

Here’s what I make of it… It’s bullshit..

Sure. I used a lightbox with a blackout curtain (sound flasher than it really is; it's a cheap foldable plastic lightbox that has a few coloured inserts and led lights around the side and top. (I paid about 15€ for it). I put in the black felt insert as not to get any external reflections. You could do the same with a carboard box with the inside painted black). Placed the tablet inside (Was an iPad mini thing) and put some images on full brightness and full screen.

I used a Sony A7 iii camera with a Sony 90mm Macro lens on a tripod. As I wanted the bulb to fill the frame I was quite close to the subject and wanted everything in focus so stopped right down to F20, ISO 100 and exposed for the blacks which gave me an exposure time of 6 seconds. (I am sure the same kind of results could be achieved with a more open aperture and less exposure but I didn't have a whole lot of time.)

I increased the luminosity and saturation in lightroom and lowered the shadows to make it "pop". Then spent twenty minutes removing all the dust spots.

Hope this helps!

Many thanks for sharing Kathie. Been looking for a music player that was actively supported and open source. (Am old school and used Winamp in the past for the mp3 collection)

Sure and I agree with you. He has been very open with his struggles with depression over decades. They are reporting he is receiving medical care and will be for the foreseeable future; and given how recent this is likely to have been triggered by him finding out it was going to be reported last Thursday.

Of course there is also the point that this has been blown out of all proportions. The police don’t seem to be pursuing a case and now some news outlets are saying he broke lockdown rules. Well frankly a huge number of people broke lockdown rules…

I do feel sorry for him and hope he gets the care that he needs as the press are going to be like a dog with a bone; especially the murdoch owned tabloids who want the bbc shut down.

lol, none taken..

I think more people do this type of management than you would imagine. There are plenty of mail apps that have options to allow you to bcc yourself for each mail sent.

There's a lot of cases I can think of where you would want to apply a rule or process for a sent mail; this has always been possible in previous versions of Outlook but there are no options to do this in this preview version.

Excuse the mess but was experimenting. :-) If you want to know more let me know.

Amen! Recently had a major project with Microsoft and an external partner and thought teams would be an ideal solution to share data, calendars, plans, etc. Nope! The switching of accounts made it totally unworkable; even with the support of the senior microsoft engineers a workable solution wasn't found.

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Strange you should mention that. One guy attempted a speed run from his 15th floor bathroom window but without a parachute 3 weeks ago. Was certainly faster but also louder and no longer has any concerns for safety.....

All four seats are heated for free if the battery explodes.. /s

This! Smart tube is fantastic. Can’t image watching YouTube without it.

Congratulations! Well deserved!

The pressure was just too much to bear… Cracks we’re starting to show. (Sorry for plumbing the depths)

The nail in the coffin for me was the rules engine. You can no longer apply rules to messages you sent. I have a rule that moves my sent messages into the inbox as to be able to file all mails into categories such as “requires attention”, “waiting on someone else”, “expenses”, etc.

Couldn’t find an option to bcc myself on each mails either which would have achieved the same.

This is the way I have worked for years and is my natural workflow so is critical for me.

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This applies to other electronic devices other than just phones right? Are things like tablets, earbuds, smart watches, etc also covered?