4 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

We must go lower!

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I would argue we also don't want to be in a place where we rely on any one individual. Thankfully @ernest seems to understand that as well.

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I hate everything about this. I came here to escape the Corporations damnit!

Do we know if there have been any releases since the influx of users? Or are they just focusing on backend stuff still?

There's still a lot of long hanging fruit *COUGHcollapsingthreads that would be great to have addressed sooner rather than later.

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I barely know what this guy is up to these days. It's such a departure from the last guy. I love it.

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You have to make wayyyyy too many assumptions for this to be a useful comparison.

There's a lot of people who live in places with electricity generated mostly or entirely through renewables for instance.

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I think they would take on a new meaning if the money went to actually running the service and not to corporate profiteering though.
Like if or not unless we go full wikipedia model, as these sites grow they'll need some sort of income to pay the bills.

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Surely @ernest has some help at this point? Needs to start delegating or finding trusted maintainers if not.

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I don't even care what the vote was for. But the fact that over 94% of people agreed on anything is crazy to me.

A reflection of the state of the world then?

"Old Internet" - I like it!

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Yeah. I can't help but think Reddit is doing the internet a favour in the long term. The more decentralized and less corporate control the better.
Feels like we're coming full circle at this point

Given the progress in just the last year... that's terrifying.

I didn't think Musk could be this stupid either though. I keep trying to find ways that he's playing 4D chess, but come up empty handed each time.

Great. Now do residential real estate!

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It's crazy (sad) how much we are all starting to have to rely on the EU to save us from the BS.

Great to hear!

Freezies. I'll take a blue!

"Android 12 added an easy-access feature for emergency services: just press the power button five times, and your phone will dial emergency services for you"

Man, who could have seen this one coming?!

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Honestly surprised there isn't more. There's a lot of money that would be lost if the fediverse became more mainstream.

The fluff usually makes it a bit more approachable to the layperson though. Maybe require a link to the actual abstract as well?

I've been seeing Michigan in the news for a lot of good reasons lately. Keep it up!

Spare some knowledge stranger? That's a dark path I don't wish to travel.

Also you can alter the vision input by moving your head, blocking the sun with your hand etc.

This seems like a classic case of ego from Musk.

Waking up early with my brother to play Goldeneye on the N64 was peak gaming for me.

It's so sad when apps stray from their lane and just become bloated messes. I'm looking at you too Postman...

I'm not entirely sure of the long term implications of all of this - but they don't seem good.

The whole abortion position seems to really be harming the GOP thankfully.

Seems to me that as soon as you sub to at least one magazine you should default to subscribed and not all. I found it confusing for a few days myself.

Also one of the few things holding back terrifying killer drone tech!

I would be very curious to see the cost of running an instance, especially as the user base grows

Is it really a big problem right now?
Like we have Bluetooth for medium range, wifi for long range, and NFC for short range.
I would argue it's a feature.

Huh. That's really one of those features I just assumed already existed.

I assume this will just burn up on re-entry?

I know NASA ships their garbage back though, so I can only assume there's a good reason for that...

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I can't believe anyone does it any other way.

The sooner we realize corporate control of social media was a massive mistake, the better the world will be. Imagine if corporate social media algos that drive engagement through ragebaiting hadn't existed for the last 10 years...

And equal parts terrifying.

The idea of adding a filter between human connection that will distort the message for profit is crazy for a few reasons. Most of all because it simply doesn't need to happen.

I mean how many of the current worldwide ills are a direct result of algorithms designed to increase engagement through ragebaiting? Disinformation is effective in no small part due to these algorithms making sure you're made enough to engage and doom scroll. As long as you have a profit motive in these discussions this will be inevitable as far as I can see.

When you imagine a world without Fox/Twitter/Meta/Reddit/Google (not all as culpable of course) force feeding things intent on making you engage (most easily though anger/rage - thanks evolution) it's hard not to picture a better world. The internet pre-corporate control was a very different place due to a number of factors. I would argue mostly due to a lack of profit motive on social connection.

I'm so sick of corporate control over social media. The more I think about it the more absolutely insane it seems to me.

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PWA installs - nice!