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Joined 1 months ago

Mozilla doesn't use their donations for Firefox, though that might change if they lose the Google money.

The IA is about to be nuked by their lost lawsuit. If Google will keep them afloat just about anything would be better than them vanishing entirely.

Not a Russian political expert, but the fact Putin keeps calling it "denazification" and a "special military operation" leads me to believe there's a lot of people who don't support a full blown war.

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YaCy is probably what you're looking for

The only thing worse than a monopoly is a government owned monopoly

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Was curious so searched it, looks like the two big AI features are AI image editing and Google Gemini, both of which are apps look available on other devices. They can always be disabled, but Pixels are great for GeapheneOS anyways.

An AI asics chip for more efficient local software might have been cool but doesn't looks like it comes with one.

One has the power of corporate lawyers to enforce it's will, one has an army and a prison system to enforce it's will.

Because if their government won't give them the full story it implies they might not like it.

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Best case it's gonna get bloated and beurocratic (any monopoly, but especially state run ones) and if it's government owned they'll use the power of the government to prevent competition (more than a private monopoly which will still try but won't have as much power to do so).

Worst case it goes off the rails and the service is unavailable/unusable. If it's anything important - say the Soviet's food production - anybody who needs that service doesn't get it.

I'm not saying they believe that, I'm just commenting on what their government is saying.

I have very little knowledge on what the average Russian citizen thinks.

Depending on if you have DMCA safe harbor protection

What barbarity we once had.

Anyway, time to prescribe an 8 year old an amphetamine because he fidgets to much when told to sit at a desk for 8 hours.