1 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Rule 4: get fucked by better and cheaper products (Unreal/Godot)
Rule 5: make an obituary presentation on what went wrong (hint: it's always management)

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Lol wouldn't that be epic. IRC becoming a big thing again because discord, whatsapp, and all thr other business social media go to shit.

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I replaced RIF with Jerboa. So far it seems to work great. Even the layout in the comments looks nice.

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Gopher is like very simple and cool. Something similar to Telnet but it's own thing. It's free nowadays btw but ofc nobody uses it.

Ironic that Tate is a millenial. Also generations aren't like monolithic blocks of culture. The reason Tate is popular is because literally everyone is failing young disenfranchised men. Sure we get women as heroes now (good ones and very prominent bad ones ... ahem WW84)
The reason we get a backsliding is because (imo) we focus on elevating women too much. It is so so devastating for young men that just get nothing. No recognition, no support and no opportunities. Couple that with the fact that until men hit their mid to late 20s the dating power dynamic is asymmetricly shifted towards women. And you get hammered by the media "women support here, women support there" and if any young teen dares to ask "well what about us boys?" They just get shushed, that it's not their place, male privilege etc. They don't see that "privilege" everyone else speaks of. So you just get mounting aggression because no one is confirming their struggles. And eventually it ferments and turns to hate and then you can serve them whatever lies you want, if you give them the prospect of control over their life they will eat it up. And that's what Tate did. He promised them power and success.

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Which is honestly freaking dumb. Sure you can do it with a big community but it will speed up the hivemind and alienate new users and frankly did nothing to curb bots because bots just farmed karma elsewhere on a sub where it was open by spamming posts and comments. And then went right back on the "threshold" subs.

Yeah well it's called web 2.0 so naturally we need a bubble 2.0, only it's just the data bubble and failure to monetize it or rather you can't just monetize social media data. Turns out that data is still not much use to advertisers no matter how manipulative and optimized their method is. Data is still data and not money. The only institutions really actually getting use out of that would be governments (look at China). VC are pulling out and advertisers are pulling out.

From time to time reddit does a community project, where you have a canvas of 1000x1000 px and every user can set the color of a single pixel with a cooldown period of 5 minutes.
I believe it had the origin in a legend that some guy in the old web sold ad space on a 1000x1000 px canvas for 1$ per pixel and got rich with it.

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That sounds awfully hair splitting to me but sure if the issue can resolved by adding "people" in the front...
It just makes me think in 2-3 years the expression "people of color" is derogatory and we evade to something else like "variety ethnic" or some such. It's dumbing a complicated issue that should be talked about down to senseless nitpicking and in-groups, which just makes the problems worse for edge case racist population groups, which should be educated and not humiliated. And being arrogant and saying "but they can educate themselves" is just as much part of the problem than the ones closing their eyes and ears and refusing to learn. But seriously we had like 5 different expressions within the past 10 years and keeping up with whatever the newest fad expression is is slowly becoming cumbersome. To me it's just like I stopped caring about the + in LGBT+. It too much hassle and really not worth it for me. If someone really cares about it then I'm open for a discussion but frankly there's enough else going on in my life than having to spend time on the problems of 0.1% of the population. Hell. some medical conditions have a higher incidence rate.

Wether it is the end for brave or not we don't know (judging by the core users of Brave and FF I highly doubt that it will just be the end of Brave or Firefox)

I'm fairly certain that it will split the web apart even more. Then we have the "totally safe and totally not monitored" adinfested buzzweb. We have the chinese walled garden web. And ofc the darkweb (e.g. tor and onion-sites). And the new addition will be the gray-web or something because "ya JusT cAn'T be SuRe" (completely disregarding that the current APIs are really just about all that's needed. Imo someone running a website has in their own interest and in their own responsibility to secure their site and servers. WEI is a cheap stupid cop out at best for security concerns and "you WILL be looking at our fucking ads, you fucking data slave" at worst.

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It sucks in the way you understand and know because nothing else even exists. No one is interested in having to cater to their walled garden unless there's money to be made. Meanwhile both Linux and Windows have many open source projects and hobbyists working on things. So you might get a mac driver for something you buy but most of the time macos is an afterthought at best in many hobby projects. Also lol mac gaming is a joke. Even Linux is getting better support now than macos in that regard since the Steamdeck.

Karma is the total of upvotes and downvotes a user receives over time not just single posts and comments. It leads to discrimantory moderation and users tend to whore themselves out for upvotes to boast.
Ever heard of gallowboob?

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They could just rent it out. Or convert it and sell. But nooo that's too much hassle

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Lemmy as a whole will probably take it. might have issues because it might melt down and the private instances with an approval process like beehaw will just ignore it since their manual application queue can't handle it.

Lemmy was basically God in the metal scene.

I was a regular Teamspeak user and Discord is just more friendly than TS imo

Say you DO cut your carbon footprint by 90% or even 100%. I have bad news for you. 98-99% of the rest of people didn’t, because they want to go on with their lives instead of worrying about the future, so your changes are meaningless.

This mindset of defeatism is EXACTLY what is holding us back. "Either we get an instant 100% perfect governmental solution or everything is meaningless anyway". You're letting perfect be the enemy of good. Cutting back your consumerism of oil and meat or atleast being mindful is not useless. It is creating new markets. The meat substitute market saw a growth of 8-10% annually worldwide for the past 6 years. Are you telling me a market that grows at 4-5 times the average typical inflation rate is "just useless"?
If you buy a soymilk pack instead of a pack of milk, you're helping. That's less income for the dairy industry. Sure it's not as efficient as it could be if if soymilk and -use would be perfected but it's still better than subsidizing the dairy industry. And you are not alone. Sure maybe you're not in majority but there are a few millions Americans that that are also doing this. That is atleast a few millions a year that are going to different markets than the dairy industry. Where I currently live in Switzerland among my friend group we have all drastically cut down on our meat consumption. Sure it's not 100% but I consume on average about 100g meat per week and get my "easy" protein from substitute products, which are cheaper and more environmentally friendly. Am I privileged? Sure. But just throwing in the towel and going on eating meat and driving cars because "it is meaningless anyway", will doom us all much more than atleast trying.

I think we also underestimate just the sheer mass that India has. The chances that you talk to an Indian on an English website is pretty high.

This is frankly fantastic news. You just need to classify gacha as gambling and you're done. This is probably way easier than to legally define what a gacha game is.

This only works for that particular law (insults) and I agree. However it breaks down at misinformation and allowing more of it enables attacks on the very foundation of those freedoms. And very often insults and misinformation go hand in hand in people with extremist stances.

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That will get you banned from just about every instance. People are really looking out for each other right now.

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You need to track the user for a poll. Sessions don't work since private browsing enables duplicate votes. Tracking the IP can block users from the same network/wifi. Cookies get auto-sent and browser storage is only clientside. Really not many more options aside from making an account on a site and logging in. I find it a pretty reasonable solution actually.

Why would you write this to disk? RAM can easily hold a 1megapixel bmp

I believe working 2-3 days a week would actually be enough and with the right organization method would allow even crucial 24/7 positions to be manned (like nursing and care staff). Plus you'd basically never be understaffed because you'd have lots of backups.

8 hours a month sounds a bit too utopian to me.

Originally but afaik they rewrote basically the whole OS over the years and nothing of the original BSD remains. That's what I heard but I never verified.

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I'm pretty sure if they actually do that it has far reaching consequences and will get killed within a year by financial institutions. That is a massive security issue. Also AMD would rub their hands because it will flush a lot of money into their pockets to develop alternatives. They are already winning with CPUs.

Why not? I honestly loved Reddit as a community. Sure it's toxic like just about every online space but people actually weighed in with their own actual opinions. Also it was just about the fastest and easiest place to get other peoples experience and opinion on something you're not sure about yourself.
I can't even list the times I googled "<new gadget> worth it reddit" and almost without fail I got a good discussion about pros and and cons, what to watch out for and alternatives. No place on the internet comes even close to that. Youtube, Insta and FB are pushing ads and sponsored content like mofos. Tumbler shot themselves in the foot with the no porn stuff (atleast it seemsto recover a bit). Twitter is just a cesspool of noise and I never joined it. The only places close to Reddit in actual useful and fast human conversation is Stackoverflow and the stackexchange communities.


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Boom boom boom! I like it with my doom!
Beans saved my life in the past yaer

I'm using the webpage and it is just as good as an app if not better since you have the full functionality.

Because it's old and easy to handle. Yes it's wasteful if you convert whole videos, but really anything under 10s with low rez is easily handleable by pretty much anything. Gif was the first animated format and that's why it's big. Also early internet forum days were absolutely plastered with pixelart gifs that ran for minutes and barely swalloed 100kb. You can get a lot of bang for your buck if you save on pixels and framerate. But ofc a 60fps render of some 4k bluray clip will eat your memory. Contrast that with 16×32 px gif that runs at 8fps.

Same brother. Same. I'm actually surprised how good the Jerboa app works. I thought it be way crappy since everything now is scrambling to get away from reddit and catching mass exoduses is a hard thing to do. But it's smooth as soft serve ice cream. I think that's why Lemmy might work. It's not a single break, it's more like an ABS and it's kinda magical (to me) how you can go and discover new communities. If one instance breaks you can always go to another one and it works almost the same atleast on a technical level.

I mean "either use a Chromium browser or you can't display or use the site" sounds pretty similar to me.

It's actually not bad as a currency. It's just bad because everyone and their mother rely on mining and pyramid get-rich-quick schemes and about 99.9% of finance bros don't have a single fucking idea how a blockchain actually works.

The problem is that it is basically impossible to clearly differentiate from reviews which are a good and necessary thing. Pay someone to review your product and what now?

You can use the website for the meantime. It's fairly responsively designed.


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I think Godot will not win simply because Unreal is so much better for 3D games what most comercial games use. I think Godot will become the indie favourite for 2D. Where it goes from there I'm not sure. Is the revenue sharing not enough to carry the game engine? Unreal/Epic is a special case. But is Unity mismanaged so hard? It still has huge market share.

So you're not voting at all?
Yeah, then you're part of the problem.

Oh Nice! Well then I'm lucky too. Got a Ryzen 9