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That's pretty much what Lincoln tried to do with his inaugural speech after several states had seceded already. He tried to talk them down and promised that the North would not interfere with their life heavy-handedly but that insurrection was too serious for him to ignore. And then they stormed Fort Sumter and forced his hand. He didn't even commit to the cause of abolishing slavery until the third year of the war.

Judge: "We'll deal with it after the election" - wink, wink.

And so people say we gotta tighten our belts and work just a little harder. Like in the good old days. We don't want any handouts, do we? Do it for our country.

I literally saw someone quote JFKs "ask not what your country can do for you" yesterday, opposing a raise of social security payouts here in Germany. A raise that was necessitated by the galloping inflation which is hitting poor families the hardest. Coupled with an unwillingness of corporate management to adequately pay their workers, i.e. pay the very people who are making stock indices rise to record heights.

People are stupid. Mark my words, we will have a fascist government again soon. Because it's all the brown people's fault, so they say. And the queers and the trannies and the intellectuals, so they must all be purged.

Never again, we used to say here. Well, we're almost there.

*fewer holidays

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Abraham Lincoln thought they could not. In his inaugural address, he opined that the union was formed for perpetuity and that if the accession of a state to the union required the consent of all other states, so would its secession. He was, among other things, a lawyer so he usually knew what he was talking about.

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Unlike them, he is at least working on giving his money away. And he has said in the past that the government should tax people like him more. There is a difference, even though I agree he shouldn't be a billionaire, either.

$750m? That company worth about three fiddy.

I'm doing it. I'M DOING IT!


Maybe CO should just straight up hire Mr. Huhtala if they lack the in-house acumen to produce the insights he provides in this outstanding article. That said, they might already know everything he describes in his blog post and might simply have run out of time to implement the improvements. In that case, the likely culprit would be pressures from management and/or the publisher to release now, ahead of the important Christmas season. Whatever the case may be, delaying the game would have been the right call. I remain cautiously optimistic but will keep waiting to purchase the game.

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He won't be prosecuted in court anyway. It's probably going to be a trial of the ratatatat-tat style like Ceaucescu's. All this does is show how pathetic Lukashenko really is.

How has nobody mentioned Girls Just Wanna Have Fun yet? That bubbly energy is a great pick-me-up whenever you need it most.

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Yeah. I'm the neurodivergent person who usually turns on the light when they come into work. All my coworkers seem to enjoy dwelling in darkness (and cONsErVe eNErGy) but I apologize in case I'm waking anyone up and flip that switch anyway. We get a lot of visitors and the place shouldn't look like a frigging bat cave. Plus, I need the energy that the light gives me, like you said.

It's good to see that this problem can affect the right as much as the left for a change. Let them pick each other apart.

Return of the Obra Dinn. City Game Studio. Until the Last Plane and Full Metal Sergeant (by the same dev).

I learned a few years ago that the Duke is, in fact, not frozen waiting to be resuscitated. Of course I only learned this after arguing with my prof in film class about it. Classic urban legend. Now I'm worried about any other hoaxes I might have absorbed in the pre-Internet years. At least I know that the Glomar Explorer was not looking for manganese nodules.

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Pooping in the shower. What else is new?

My lockscreen is a photo I snapped at Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts a few years ago. On the one hand it represents a very personal memory. On the other I just find it aesthetically pleasing, so maybe someone else might as well? Thanks for posting your favorites, by the way! Walden

edit: this version isn't cropped right, sorry, but if you take the middle part it should fit nicely on a phone.

You know you're living in the craziest timeline when the party of Lincoln is more evil than the actual Church of Satan.

Thank you all for the great suggestions. I've been using NewPipe on my phone for a while now. Do any of these YT alternatives come with support for 1440p resolution? I noticed Invidious is capped at 1080p and sometimes struggles to maintain a stable nitrate at high resolution.

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Not enough Comic Sans.


Ah yes, that probably showed my age right there. The Duke was the nickname of John Wayne, who died of cancer in 1979.


Same here. Never could be bothered to make an account on Reddit in all my years of lurking there, but here I am.

Fair enough. But the Ukrainians love to use irony when reporting Russian blunders.

That's right, a true naval gaze is always out to sea. 😁

A coworker of mine is experiencing issues in Germany as well (error messages that I've never seen). Wonder if they're related to this.

This is an odd one. I know I used to have trouble sleeping as a kid but have completely grown out of that. Nowadays I harness the power of my brain being half shut down already to fall asleep quite easily. Considering that it's 4:23 a.m. here, the same is obviously not true for me staying asleep. But that's okay. I will just go for another round in a minute. Good night everyone!

Yes. It's called "irony."

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I have a lanyard with a carabiner hooked up to my keys and tie it into a belt loop on my pants whenever available. So for most locks I don't even need to unhook the carabiner. I find that carrying things on my body is the best way to prevent misplacing them. Which, on a side note, is why I hate to carry things like pocket umbrellas. Despite the name, they don't fit into my pockets and therefore get put down anywhere when I need my hands free....aaand they're gone. But I have a snazzy messenger bag that has all my kit for everyday use in it, including a small umbrella.

There's a growing amount of people (sic) who are unaware of the difference between countable and uncountable nouns. Just watch any YouTube video that happens to involve quantities of any kind. "Amount" has become the standard term. And it's similar with "less".

Thank you for the words of caution. Having been through burnout and recovery (+therapy, etc.) myself I can 100% second this. Burnout never fully leaves; I always compare it to permanent brain injury. NO JOB IS WORTH BURNING YOURSELF OUT OVER. I ended up selling my company and never regretted it. I'm in a much better place now, doing a job that is meaningful even if underpaid. And I've decided against working 100% again, despite the financial downside.

*of boring work.

Me, too. The thumbnail in conjunction with my tired eyes didn't help. 😅

Too tired to go to bed. Been there.

Good thing I upgraded my setup not too long ago. But I'm gonna hold off on the purchase, for a few months anyway. Wait out the first few patches and mods that will truly push the game to the next level. I like the things I've seen and trust in their long term commitment to the game but experience tells me it's not going to be all it could be straight away.

Yes. I use Google Keep for this and it does exactly what I want.

I was actually just thinking they should do this as an interim solution and then make optimized LODs to replace the automatic ones with. In fact, perhaps that would have been the thing to do instead of making advance apologies. Slightly suboptimal image quality at release would probably have been more tolerable than heinously bad performance.

Thank you for your response, but I was thinking more about the desktop implementations. Resolution is fine on my phone but I would like to max out my 37" WQHD screen.