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Joined 10 months ago
  1. fuck hamas
  2. fuck khamenei
  3. fuck netanyahu

also fuck assad, for good measure.

with that out of the way, ynet and jpost consistently drop these alarmist takes and rarely back up their claims with sources. now, i don’t doubt the shipment itself, nor israel’s awareness of it. but i can’t find a single other source reporting on this specific alleged escalation into a wider conflict, just ynet. if i had to wager a guess? because iran is continuously investing in their satellite groups. primarily hezbollah, hamas and the houthies, but certainly others, too. arms, funding, training, likely logistics support as well. especially now.

idk, the whole article just reads like padding to diminish that small part about bombing the fuck out of a neighboring country, on one of the last functional airports in the country, causing more devastation to lives and spreading their vengeance-fueled rampage out as far as they possibly can.

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in addition to a play on selective/strategic nudity, i find flipping the script/fucking the patriarchic hierarchy to be both arousing and fulfilling as well.

“who dies of hunger? eat something you idiot”

that hair is weirding me out. thin, receding hairline in the front yet solid black on the side? must be using the same stylist as giuliani.

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from what i understand, dopamine plays a massive factor in contributing to motivation in most people.

made a todo list? here’s some dopamine. finish a task? have another drop of dopamine.

meanwhile, the dispensing system in an ADHD brain is faulty and thus does not deliver the same sense of accomplishment that would generally fuel an NT to continue their productivity.

warm take: while i agree finding strategies for “manual mode” are import, so is, imo, learning how to sit comfortably in that unproductive space. counter productive as it may seem, sometimes it’s the weight of that pressure to feel motivated that’s the stressor, not the lack of motivation in and of itself.

Did you misread end a political career for murder? AIPAC absolutely holds political sway in this country. It is no theory or secret.

might be more fair to say “women in the US are becoming less inclined to support a dumpster fire like the self-identified modern Conservative Party”.

“passable level of technique, entirely uninspired work without any semblance of originality”

they saw right through him.

armchair speculations: have you watched any videos of botflies? they are responsive to stimulation and will retreat inside when touched. if your puppers fleshy bit is inactive, i’d wager some kind of sebum growth.

i wonder about other behaviors as well. like, are tigers also into making biscuits before a nap? would lions also bow for a bongo solo on the base of their tail? how excited would a leopard be to stumble onto a giant heated blanket?

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yeah, single women with no kids are childless cat ladies, but single men with no kids are just victims of the uncompromising selfishness of childless cat ladies. sounds about right.

“start an exciting, fulfilling career with sears”…

oh, there is definitely a tape.

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i tend to be attracted to people who are not driven by the compulsion to prove themselves. to people who know their worth is not defined by what they produce. and especially to people who are happy and content with what they already have. balance is key.


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gross. go back to reddit.

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six months ago i was worried. now he’s just the punchline.

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1. FROM (got hooked during the second season. third season is being filmed now. feels reminiscent of LOST but with darker undertones. so far, a frustratingly few answers have been provided, but i’m really rooting for this mystery series. rich characters, great performances and a plot that leaves you trying to figure it all out for days after.)

2. The Killing (surprisingly intelligent cop drama with excellent character dev and great tension)

3. The Terror (first season - based off the 1845 arctic voyage in search of a viable northern passage shipping route and the ship’s subsequent abandonment after getting by stuck in the ice. the end jumps the shark a bit but the acting is excellent. the concept, environment and mood throughout is captivating.)

4. Nathan For You (loved The Rehearsal and The Curse too, but i don’t think he will ever top NFY. plus, he graduated with really good grades)

5. Mrs. Davis (a lucid acid trip down modernized mythology)

6. On Becoming a God in Central Florida (brilliant satire)

7. 12 Monkeys (2015 series. vibrant, gritty sci-fi)

8. The Bridge (original Danish version)

9. River (cerebral detective drama starring Stellan Skarsgard)

10. Waco / The Aftermath (absolutely love Michael Shannon in this respectful retelling of a highly controversial series of events that had a profound impact on american society)

11. The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart (hard to watch but such an important story. feels like a love letter from past to future generations)

forgot to include:

  • The Chosen One (2023. subpar reviews but unique, cinematic and worth the watch imo)
  • Midnight Mass
  • Midnight Gospel
  • The Jinx (an unexpected season 2 is now in production)
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is this like a spanking thing?

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“is it true you guys implemented a cart-return system utilizing a quarter as collateral? i just want to say, big fan. brilliant.

this brought so much joy, lol. thanks for sharing.

it would be an incredibly poor decision for US to invade israel. our heavy hand in this situation has already done enough damage. tbh no matter what happens from here, the seeds of violence, resentment and revenge planted deep within the remaining youthful population will ensure the cycle persists. just as we are seeing now, the oppressed, when given the opportunity to become the oppressor, will often feel justified in doing so. i don’t have answers but it’s pretty obvious that Netanyahu’s long established iron-fist policy in regards to the treatment of palestinians is and has always amounted to a powder keg. i am ashamed at my country (also US) for many things, but our mixed messaging, ignorant elevation of the zionist ideology and luke warm action (at best) on preventing the mass slaughter of innocent human beings has elevated that shame to disgust.

It is both wild and horrifying to watch the scale and expediency at which the narrative is shaped and so quickly agreed upon as fact.

well, and palestinians.

and plenty of others. like west yemen civilians who were in the wrong place at the wrong time the other week.

and the two workers at the damascus airport last month, plus others at the aleppo airport in december, thanks to both exponential aid and the ongoing normalization of this unacceptable response.

and whatever is sure to follow the in the wake of the next escalation.


you are right. this is predictable shitty trump stuff. outlets keep pumping out trumpian headlines because the articles constantly get clicked on. ultimately, posts like these are only serving his interests by promoting him.

an agreement between Germany and Israel to allow… use of an air force base within reach of The Hague.

absolutely wild timeline.

thank you. i really should have picked that up by the “send flowers” upsell. can you imagine? in a unlikely set of circumstances, the additional option to have said flowers delivered could trigger a rather unfortunate infinite loop.


“…but they’re God’s chosen people! surely they would never…”

“with this handy rent-a-cart system, the dirty homeless wont be able to get their grubby hands on them!”

further, the “iron dome” of israel wouldn’t cover the state of florida. can you even imagine the logistics of trying to install one to cover the continental united states?

it’s so… glossy. genuinely beautiful shading and highlights. but can you imagine spending time zoomed in on that crotch to get the knuckle sheen just right?


such wisdom in these words. i’ve long speculated that our lived experience growing up in a capitalist system (at least the one we’re in) severely warps our concept of admiration in peripheral but profound ways. we don’t have heros, we have brands. tate is a brand, musk is a brand, theil is a brand, as is cena and rogan and so many other influencers. because being a brand makes the vibe/essence/aesthetic being projected feel both real and posessable. it has effectively replaced our social framework for developing an identity with algorithmically profitable assimilation. values? an eye for opportunity is all you really need to be successful.

the reality is we are all beautifully flawed, with gifts and deficits that all deserve to be acknowledged in equal measure.

No one is safe from the gods we create, they all turn on us.

spot on. doesn’t help that he’s a household name with lots of fanboys. actual notoriety of a malignant narcissist partner can easily amplify the self doubt that gets spurred on by gaslighting and other manipulative methods. not to mention she has children with him so she can’t just cut him off completely. can’t say i feel for her, but i sure would want to be in her place.

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sounds like a potentially effective piece of performance art if we can find a skilled impersonator.

I might reframe this pursuit (finding stuff to do merely because you find pleasure in the activity) as self care-in a very practical sense. I’ve tried before, especially during stretches of time without medication, to pick a specific time within a given week, say Tuesdays and Thursdays after dinner, to meaningfully allocate my focus towards an unspecified non-productive activity. Sketching, jigsaw puzzles, taking a walk, reading a book, etc. By keeping it unspecified I can easily swap out one activity for another when the time comes and by viewing it as block of recurring scheduled time that is tied to my existing schedule, it’s much easier to remember to incorporate it into my day. As contrast, if I planned “to take a walk next Thursday after dinner”, chances are I’ll end up forgetting beforehand or get caught up in something else.

I suppose if I squint I could say adhering to this schedule change could be considered exercising discipline, but to me it feels like an ambiguous and pressured oversimplification.

i’m not positive that would do it. i know nothing about the physics of an explosive detonating on the sea floor, but the very term “cable” is a bit misleading. these things are seriously thick and intended to last for over 25 years in the corrosive undersea environment.