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Joined 1 years ago

Your (mostly) friendly admin.
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On my instance I am the owner and moderator of every remote magazine, so basically all of them. I already created an Issue on Coderberg about this: #243 and ernest has an additional issue open #12

The rest of the post sounds a lot better trust me. I at first rhought he is only insulting kbin amd lemmy ๐Ÿ˜…

The main problems are the headaches you get while setting it up. Kbin is not in a state where you can just run a script and it works.

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I've spun up a new kbin instance and have no problem pulling magazines from <> or <>

I am using it too and I love it. I only know source tree as a competitor and in comparision it sucks....

You dont have to pay for it, even when using it comercially (unpess they changed that)

I am just happy that I am not there so my popcorn doesn't burn, but pop as it burns away like twitter is๐Ÿฟ

I mean just look at mastodon and how omnipresent the mascot is. It would be relly great if Kbin had one, too. Sadly I am neigher an artist nor super creative when it comes to this stuff

I wouldnt say that. however setting uo your own mail server is a lot of work, as you have to abide a lot of "security" rules (SPF, DKIM, DMARC, rDNS). Additionally some hosters reuire you to apply for port 25 to be unblocked (e.g. hetzner)

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The main problem is that you have to do a lot learning by doing, because there are not clear instructions...
Other than the setup I'd say there is no clear drawback to hosting it yourself. I guess its even better than hosting something like mastodon yourself, because the content you want to get is already grouped in communities and you don't have the annoyingly long discovery phase one has when starting a mastodon server

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Content will only be forwarded after the first person on an instance subscribes to something.
So you will only see posts in a remote magazine that were made after the first person on your instance subscribed to the magazine.

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After alternative S3 hosters are implemented I would be very open to something like this on my instance. But I don't know when that will happen. Right now I am paying for far too fast SSD storage that is just too expensive for this.

just FYI there is steamdeck magazine on kbin: @Steamdeck

If you have issues, feel free to @ me. I don't have a answer for everything, but I know of a couple of common mistakes.
And the matrix chat is relatively active

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yeah I got matrix only for that.
Yeah I am :-)

I am not sure, but I think they are basically hashtags. Not sure though

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Well I did set one up today and the mails land in the spam folder for GMX, GMail and Microsoft (, although I set up SPF, rDNS, and DKIM. I have to take a look at how to setup DMARC, beacause my domain hoster doesn't allow free configuration of the TXT entries, you have to use templates and there isn't one for DMARC