3 Post – 40 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Passionate game collector, film enthusiast, developer & completionist. đź“ť Journals & Profiles:

snap instead of deb

Cannibal Holocaust (1980), Eraserhead (1977), Underground (1995), The Holy Mountain (1973), Salò or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975), Ichi the Killer (2001), Inside (2007)

Recently, I watched and really liked the japanese movie Ritual (2000).

I watched all of the above with awesome German dub.

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When I started my now mostly unused school laptop with dualboot (Windows/Debian) at 3 AM in the basement to solve a router issue. This pretty cheap laptop booted in mere seconds to a completely usable state, sparing my tired self from waiting in the cold for too long.

Right there, in the middle of the night, a flash of inspiration struck me!

How could it be that my way too expensive desktop gaming PC took longer to be ready for everything than this old piece of plastic? What if I completely switched my main machine to Linux, not only for testing, but for real? How awesome would it be to have customization freedom and full control over my own device, without a company spying on me, taking away options or using me as their guinea pig for the next untested updates?

And that's how it began. Linux Mint as a safe start, then Kubuntu for more customization with KDE Plasma. After that, EndeavourOS for the latest software, and finally Arch Linux ... for the lulz (btw).

Does it implement explicit sync for Wayland to fix flickering?

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Visual Studio is not available on Linux and not really working in Wine, sadly. You can use IntelliJ IDEA as a good alternative, it supports Linux officially and has a Flutter plugin.

For a beginner, Linux Mint is perfect. It is based on Ubuntu which is based on Debian, so you can follow most tutorials written for either distribution (like the installation instructions for IntelliJ IDEA or other software that is not available from the APT package manager).

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Windows licenses are cheap

Bullshit, keys are not the same as licenses. A license costs ~150 Euros.

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Just an update, I successfully switched my whole user data to EndeavourOS and installed almost everything I have used before. Works nice and smooth with KDE Plasma 6 in Wayland (although an NVIDIA downgrade to 535 is required for gaming until the latest driver is fixed).

(I disabled the Polonium tiling for the screenshot.)

Edit: Switched to Arch today :)

It always uses local lyrics when available, otherwise you have the option to right-click sidebar → search for lyrics (supports Genius and

These are the options for metadata:

For actual tag management, I've used puddletag only. But there is some batch rename functionality in this player:

Yeah, window managers like KWin have to implement it as well as NVIDIA in their driver. Currently, everyone is waiting for driver support before merging the (mostly finished) feature into master.

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Here is a comment I made in another thread:

For pirated games, I recommend Bottles installed as a flatpak. That's because it has a per-game toggle for sandboxing the app, not giving it access to your complete home folder and optionally no network access or audio output.

Even when using trusted sources, you can never be safe enough. Bottles with sandboxing will at least protect your files from crypto trojans and prevent you from becoming part of a botnet. It should not have any impact on performance.

Remember to put all installer files anywhere inside the prefix folder, otherwise sandboxing denies access to them. After creating an empty game entry in Bottles, check the 3 dots menu for the option to open it in your file explorer.

Whoa, that's a lot of comments. Thanks for your suggestions, guys. I will think about this.


Additionally, I had a 3 port FireWire card that I used for digitizing old MiniDV camcorder cassettes. But I had to remove it because someone fucked something up in kernel 6.5, crashing the whole boot process after a few milliseconds.

This app is a godsend.

A bit OT: I recommend this loudness equalization preset:

Thanks for the hints, great list! :) I'm a software developer and Ubuntu/Windows sysadmin, so reading wikis, writing shell script and tinkering with the OS is nothing new to me.

On my private Medion laptop, I even got vanilla Arch installed the hard way by following the guide on the wiki (without install script). I took a picture back then while I was creating partitions and the filesystem:

I did this as a challenge for myself and to try hyprland. Didn't have the time to fully customize the setup, so I chose EndeavouOS as it provides a good base.

How good is your performance (especially gaming) with btrfs compared to ext4?

Schöller Pirulo Jungly

Loved it, this was my favorite Schöller ice!

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Use NVIDIA driver 535 until 555 is released.

Thanks :)

Ok, thanks. I already found the tool nvidia-all, which allows me to use old driver 535 until the big wayland regression is fixed (hopefully soon). With that out the way, switching the rest of my software to Arch should be easy.

Is a PPA planned for Kubuntu 23.10?

Me too, I found it on the bottom of a audio player list in the Arch Linux wiki. Oh, I use Arch btw. xD

Have fun!

My music library is local. I use Jellyfin only for movies and series currently.

Great to hear.

Yes, you can even generate new playlist with right-click from an existing one (most played etc.). You can also combine multiple playlists/libraries to another playlist like this: s"My First Playlist" s"My Second Playlist" a

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Oh no, I also remember the giant water tortoise. Specifically how disgusting the shell opening was with all the guts and slimy white body fat. Nothing I've seen in any other "hardcore" horror movie has come close to this scene.

I've seen the movie in German, it's called "Nackt und zerfleischt" (Naked and mangled/mauled) here.

NVIDIA broke something on every version after 535.

I ... bought an official digital Windows license back then before I even thought about Desktop Linux. Now I feel dirty ...

Just to piss Microsoft off, I used the activation script for my GPU passthrough Tiny11 VM instead of simply signing into my account. ;)

Will probably be fixed with driver 555 next month (explicit sync support).

Spot on analysis.

You can use either y> or y< in the generator settings of a playlist to sort by year. You can use ypa to sort by year per artist.

I hope that too, this is by far the best player I have tried on Linux.

Glad you like my recommendation! :)

That's true only for AMD or Intel users.

Yeah, also waiting for it. Until the protocol is implemented, I have to use driver 535 without HDR support. :(

For pirated games, I recommend Bottles installed as a flatpak. That's because it has a per-game toggle for sandboxing the app, not giving it access to your complete home folder and optionally no network access or audio output.

Even when using trusted sources, you can never be safe enough. Bottles with sandboxing will at least protect your files from crypto trojans and prevent you from becoming part of a botnet. It should not have any impact on performance.

Using Wayland with KDE Plasma 6 on Arch btw. But I installed the old NVIDIA driver 535, waiting for explicit sync in 555 to fix flickering in games.

Windows XP on a laptop. Then Windows 7 on a new laptop. After that, Windows 10 and Windows 11 on desktop and another new laptop.

Tried Debian on my laptop. Later, switched completely to Linux Mint on desktop. Distro-hopped to Kubuntu (KDE Plasma). Wanted to get Plasma 6 immediately after release, so I installed EndeavourOS on my desktop and laptop.

Now switched to pure Arch Linux on my desktop PC, didn't boot Windows on any of my private PCs for months (no dual boot, only GPU passthrough VM).

I did install it via package manager back when I used this distro and it worked well, but some weeks after, I switched distros to Kubuntu. Now I'm using Arch btw. with latest KDE Plasma (I recommend this).