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Joined 1 years ago

Sunk cost is a motherfucker.

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We live in a world

Have you perhaps considered that we live in a society?

Man I'd kill for a hamburger right now.


and the stuff they outright lied about

That was the part that killed my trust in the company, they lied about so much! And they kept lying with the video embargo, they didn't let reviewers use their own footage if the review came out before the game did. That's such a huge breach of trust. And that's not even accounting for the fact that the game was literally unplayable on PS4.

The game was fine and playable on PC albeit with a ton of weird glitches and broken systems, but I don't think I can give them a single dollar of my money going forward. I can't justify giving people like that my hard earned money. is that a violation of section 230?

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I would take anything this chode says with a huge grain of salt, but it was pretty clear that he was buddies with admins and other "power"-mods because he was not only getting away with stuff that others were getting banned for left and right, but I personally have been perma-banned for "harassment" a couple times for even bringing up their toxic behavior and why I think it was a problem to different mod teams.

Anyway they're mentally unwell, their dick is small and they can go fuck themselves.

I was actually thinking about Jon Stewart earlier today. I'd probably vote for him: he's an intelligent, empathetic and charismatic guy, doesn't want to be in power and has done more good for Americans than a huge chunk of professional politicians in this country of ours.

Jon Stewart seems like a stand up guy.

Dumbest fucking thing I've read all week. Thank you for the lol.

That's more or less my take on it, the average Redditor just doesn't give a shit about any of this, they just wanna get their daily/hourly dose of Reddit and that's it. All of the outrage on the bigger subreddits was fine and all, but the people in the smaller, more niche and local subreddits just don't care all that much, the vast majority of them will keep using the site.

Which is just as well because the average Redditor is an insufferable mouthbreather.

Ham radio

There are dozens of us. DOZENS!

I don't think I agree with this "nobody has time" thing. Most people don't get that excuse, you can usually make time, most people just choose not to. Do you make time to shower and brush your teeth?

I understand that there are food deserts and some people legitimately work multiple jobs and have kids and that fast food or microwavable dinners and generally unhealthy foods are quick and convenient and affordable but cooking your food doesn't take that much time and not drinking soda frequently takes no time.

Also it's not like veggies and lean meats like chicken are expensive for most people in the US. You can genuinely fill up your basket with lots of leafy greens, veggies, mushrooms and some animal protein for significantly cheaper than with junk food and microwavable dinners, hot pockets, deli meats and cheeses and bread. Unless you live in Alaska maybe.

Not being dismissive of peoples' struggles, a ton of us are being overworked for less money than we're worth, but if you need to you'll make time, you figure it out. Yeah there's sugar in everything processed, cool, you have affordable options that admittedly take a bit of effort to prepare and don't taste as good, but we can eat those and we can eat less. Overeating, constant junk snacking and portion size is also a huge issue in our culture.

What's he hiding under that boot? WHY WON'T HE SHOW US WHAT'S UNDER THAT BOOT??

what kind of dog is that

Thing is they do it because it works most of the time. Most gamers have the memory of a goldfish and they'll read that statement and go "yeah I guess it wasn't that bad" and keep giving people that constantly lie to them money. That's unfortunately how it is.

Ice cream? Do you like ice cream?

Gamers are so goofy, I swear to god.

We arguably live in a golden age of gaming, there are so many goddamn games to play and people still swarm to the one made by companies that fucking killed people and are actively working to milk as much money out of you as possible and to make the hobby you enjoy worse in the long run in favor for short term profits. This is why people don't take you people seriously.

I just want my weather widget to not disappear randomly from the always on display and the home screen when I actually need to check the weather.

That's all I'm asking. How is this still a bug years later?

Honestly, I consider myself an above average internet user and I don't understand internet. I do my best, but it's all a series of tubes and magnets (how do they work?) as far as I'm concerned.

The internet is a complicated thing even decades after its widespread adoption and it's constantly changing. I try not to be dismissive of people that don't understand parts of it, because there's huge parts of it I don't get either and I grew up with it and I'm on it all the time.

This has no value to me and can fuck right off.

It's not even a standoff, an asshole working at Reddit (probably not even the CEO) fired an unpaid volunteer and they're ugly crying while drinking boxed wine and freaking out about how they're gonna regret letting them go online.

It's entirely one sided and nobody really gives a single shit about this dummy. I hope they get the help they desperately need.

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