33 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I think this is absurd. Libraries are places of knowledge and curiosity. If people aren't thinking critically about what they read, the government shouldn't put the blame on libraries and librarians. They need to be more worried about educating the public by funding schools to teach students through critical thinking instead of memorization. Yes, that'll be harder to achieve, but the change will be transformative.

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This was a hilarious read. Thanks for posting.

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This is disgusting, preying as a health and fitness group and slowly grooming their minds to align with their ideals, if they aren't already.

Yes, this is a beautiful photo. I know nothing about photography, but I appreciate your effort in capturing and sharing that moment.

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I agree. A fine for damage could've been used instead.

I didn't know pushing dogs over was a thing. Seems kind of mean to me

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I just purchased my first car today. I've never needed a car before because paying for Uber was cheaper, but now with my new job, transportation costs will be lower with a car.

I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I've heard about the stress that comes with driving, but never experienced it with a brand new car that I just purchased.

I'm also trying to find a good name for the car, but it should come to me in due time. Overall, I think it's worth it and that I'll hopefully feel less stressed the more I drive.

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My week is starting off pretty good. I feel like a different person. I've got new plans for my life and have accepted the world that I live in. After all the hardship I've been through, I think that time has finally passed. I just need to flow with the river of life and see where it takes me.

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My week has had it's ups and downs. The down is that I'm still sick and can barely sleep due to coughing every fifteen minutes. The major up though is that the company I interviewed for two weeks ago called and told me they'd like me to come on board with them, which I'm excited for.

If that's the government's goal and people are are willing to let that happen without a fight, then we may as well give up our free will and just obey as we're told. This is a disgrace imo.

Mine has been alright. A few minor inconveniences, but they're over now. That is all.

My week has been alright. I'm still looking for another job where I can progress rather than being stuck in the same position, but it could be worse. I decided stop trying to reconnect with my dad since he has another family which is a whole other story.

I've also set my vacation plans for NYC for the holidays which I'll be looking forward to. Other than that, though, it's been fine. No major complaints.

Yes. IMO if you want a smart tv just connect your laptop or computer to it. I'll never buy a "smart" tv

Because my mom wants me to.

Holidays are going well. Visited NYC but spent more money than I expected, though. Also spent some time with my relatives, which was nice. Will be heading back to work for new year's Eve, but that's fine. Overall, it was a nice and fun trip.

Also visited a coin shop to add to my collection.

Work has been stressful due to the social politics

Yes. Their YouTube channel popped up when scrolling and now I'm hooked.

On their history page, the first paragraph starts with, "Beginning as a student and volunteer-run 10-watt radio station in 1972...".

Thanks. It was a present for myself for my 10th anniversary of being cancer free.

Mine has been going alright. I learned that I need to work on my conversational skills. I just don't know how because when discussing topics in my head it flows easily, but when trying to say my thoughts out loud, I just blank out.

I know I wasn't all like this when I was younger, but now I need to pause after each word to come up with this sentence.

So, I'll try being more active in commenting instead of lurking to help my words flow.

Well, keep at it. I'll be looking forward to seeing the progression in your photos.

My week has been going alright. I pitched an idea to my boss earlier this week and it's been okay'd, but I kinda regret it, due to the extra work with no increase in pay. I don't know if I want to do this, but it's already too late.

On the plus side, the hot water is finally working in my shower, which is nice.

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My week couldn't be better. Thank you for asking.

You bring up a good point. Thank you for that. I also didn't know that a simple comment could have such an effect. Nonetheless, I still feel like having something tangible would still be nice, so I'll be sure to use biodegradable business cards. Thank you.

Thanks for the support. I know it isn't going to be easy for me and that I'll have to work my butt off for I don't know how long, but if I can pull it off, I'll be so happy with myself. I'll see what happens in due time. If all else fails after everything I've done, I'll cry, laugh and say that I at least tried my best.

Just started playing Space Engineers on Steam. That feeling of finally making a ship that can get into space with enough fuel to get to the next planet couldn't be better.

It's a Nissan Kicks SV, compact crossover, 122hp/FWD. I also chose it for storing my luggage when moving or traveling.

I do like the noise it makes when accelerating and it reminds me of a small dog barking at something 5x it's size. The car feels light and smooth when driving, as well. I'm heading in that direction so, if you have any suggestions, let me know.


Thank you for sharing. I really appreciate you for taking the effort in your response. The playlist was a new experience for me and I wish you the best.

A classic from IT Crowd

This week has been a rollercoaster for me due to work, but everything should be easing down now. Nothing else has been going on, but I'll try to do something this weekend.

Oh. This is the first time I'm hearing that. Maybe I'll try it when I get the chance. Thanks

My childhood Christmas memories paid me a visit. Watching this was one of those.

Thank you for sharing. I can't say, I know what you've been through, but I felt it. Thank you again for sharing the experience. I greatly appreciate it.