2 Post – 149 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Especially annoying with syntax highlighting.

My man just went for as many books as possible.

Some people

Edit: To answer the question, maybe this was one of those libraries holding pornographic filth?

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simulates the way a multi-gear transmission operated


I like driving stick, but if I get an electric car, I think I'll pass this toy.

Hey don't say I didn't warn you, it says "pornographic filth" right there

The dog's food part is like one tenth compared to the cat? What kind of animals have you met?

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In which body part?

APILAS anti-tank launchers. It's an old picture from a Finnish training exercise.

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by a misguided fool

As part of a nationwide effort, about 60 common starlings were released in 1890 into New York's Central Park by Eugene Schieffelin, president of the American Acclimatization Society. It has been widely reported that he had tried to introduce every bird species mentioned in the works of William Shakespeare into North America, but this claim has been traced to an essay in 1948 by naturalist Edwin Way Teale, whose notes appear to indicate that it was speculation.

Yeah, that seems somewhat misguided.

Nice bonus :D

Looks like it's the same dock I was imagining the whole time. A couple years ago I randomly got a chance to play around with an old ipad (2?) and a midi keyboard. Didn't encounter this bug.

It's a legit fediverse software for sharing music. I don't know anything about specific instances though.

mention “butt and fart”

denounced by officials as ‘pornographic filth’

Some people

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I see pencil drawn traces are back on the menu

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These AI generated images for articles bother me a lot.

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I try to reserve downvotes for bad faith commenters, though I downvoted some of the ai generated jeans spammers too when that started to get real old.

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It does suck, but I think the only thing Tim Epic can do is to fix his own store.

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There are two interpretations.

It's either do the intended job, but nothing extra, which I think is just normal work, or don't even try to do the job properly, do as little as possible while staying unnoticed to avoid getting fired.

The name implies the latter, but that's not how all people use it.


Krita is more of a painting program.

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So it's an emoji-themed soundboard for phone calls. Why would anyone want this?

Oh this unlocked a memory of the hassle I went through trying to get rid of jpeg artifacts on my wallpaper on windows 7. It really pissed me off.

Is this some tesla thing or what?

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If the backups aren't the door handles themselves, where are they located, and how many owners and passengers know about them?

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You know it's serious when Steve faces them in a conference room.

But otherwise upgrade parts would be too affordable!

Say you you're maintaining a FOSS app on your own time. How interested would you be to pay Apple $100 annually for the privilege of giving their users free stuff?

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I had the bending iphone. Had it replaced twice under warranty. Never again.

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They had signage saying tesla only, and the car was parked across two spots, so I can believe the owner looked like a massive dick without additional context.

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Here's a video that shows some of the tower internals:

Illegally smol cars

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I'd rather let the fairphone go.

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Oh yea, I forgot about Metal Gear Solid Triangle. Hope it'll be good.

Oh, nice, I saw a video about this a long time ago but forgot. Looks like the game is almost finished now.

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Are lemmy and reddit mutually exclusive? Try whichever you prefer first, and then the other one, if it doesn't work.

I will not go back there, but I'm also not gonna get all judgemental on you if you do.

People can just choose not to buy

The same could be said of all consumer protection laws, but does this kind of thinking ever end up working in favour of the consumer?

I already have an authenticator app. If some service wants to force me to install their own app for their login, they are indeed welcome to fuck off.

Most interactions I've had here have been very nice and friendly. I see pointless fighting sometimes, but I mostly avoid such posts and communities anyway.

I guess what I was going for is that there's still tons of good stuff.

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Apparently I don't own minecraft anymore.

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I'd like to interject for a moment...

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